
Posted 2/16/22

A LOOK Back FROM THE FILES OF THE STANLEY REPUBLICAN COMPILED BY JOSEPH BACK 10 years ago February 9, 2012 Municipal court reports rundown: seven speeding tickets ranging from $88.80 to $114 a piece, …

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10 years ago February 9, 2012

Municipal court reports rundown: seven speeding tickets ranging from $88.80 to $114 a piece, four vehicle operated with no proof of insurance for $10 a piece, two underage possession and consumption of intoxicants plus an open container violation costing their recipients $177 per count., OWI charge with recipient forfeiting $844 total for same Wisconsin traffic crashes killed 42 people last month In January, 42 people died in 38 traffic crashes in Wisconsin, according to preliminary statistics from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (Wis DOT).

Traffic deaths last month were three more than last January and three more than the five-year average for the month of January. As of the end of January., 33 drivers, seven passenger and two pedestrians have died from traffic crashes. Mayor’s Report by Stanley Mayor David Jankoski 1. On January 18, I attended the Clark County Tourism meeting in Loyal. It was announced that on January 24, there would be a bus leaving Loyal for a day trip to Cashton, Westby, and Lancaster. The Clark County Economic Development and Tourism Committee is cosponsoring this educational tour on the value of agriculture and its impact on tourism with the City of Thorp.

20 years ago February 7, 2002 Council approves numerous budget cuts to find $3.5 million Municipal Building, 2002 Street Projects, Swimming Beach Axed The Stanley City Council met on February 4 for its regular meeting. All members were in attendance.

The council was asked to cut $3,538,000 from the 2002 city budget, and much progress was made with the cuts the council approved.

Historical Society Seeking Eidsvold Information and Photos The Stanley Area Historical Society is seeking information and photos from the Eidsvold area for the 2002 display, Eidsvold, located between Stanley and thorp (on present Hart Avenue), will be the community of historic interest at the Stanley Historical Society this year.

Anyone that may bave any information of interest dating back to early days or more recent years is asked to contact the Historical Society or Walter Wartolec.

Also covered: Brick Work, Interior Painting completed at New S & C Bank. Work began on project in October 2001. Next in sequence was transport of the vault door.

30 years ago February 6, 1992 Christian Singles To Meet Friday, February 7 The Christian Singles Organization of Stanley will be meeting Friday evening at 7:30, February 7 at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Stanley. A brief program “1-2-3 Connection” will be presented followed by refreshments and social hour. Music will be provided by Jim Dettlaff, pianist, guitarist, and vocal artist.

Christian Singles is an ecumenical group, for widowed, divorced, or those never married. The objective of the organization is to connect singles with other singles. Social activities, programs and meetings are held regularly. Singles need not be a member of the organization to attend the programs and social activities.

A calendar of event may be obtained by called Susan, 644-**** evenings.

Vincent Cassiani Takes Over As New Administrator At VMH& NH Monday morning, February 3, 1992, Vincent Cassiani, 51, took over the reins, as administrator at Victory Memorial Hospital & Nursing Home.

The selection of Cassiani signifies the end of a search conducted by Brim Health Care, the firm hired by the hospital to secure a replacement for Richard Rau, who resigned last year.

Cassiani received his BS in Business Administration at UW-Madison and independently studied Health Care Administration at the University of Minnesota.

He has four children…. Mr. Cassiani, besides taking over as administrator at VMH& NH, will make another big change in his life on February 14, 1992. As on that date, he will marry Marcia Anderson in Appleton. The couple plans to make their home in the Stanley area.

40 years ago February 4, 1982 Oriole Boy Cagers Fall Saturday To Thorp Cardinals 42 – 26 At Home Home Game Tuesday Against Marshfield Col.

The Oriole boy cagers got behind early Saturday night, and although they managed to keep even with Thorp the last three quarters, thought could not recover from the initial damage, losing to the Cardinals 42 – 26 at home.

“We knew both games were going to be tough,” said Coach Andrist of the weekend’s games. “Both teams were good. However, the kids hung in there,” he said.

Dave Okerglicki tossed two charity shots in for the Orioles first points, and Scott Theirl hit on two from the line, to make the score 6 – 4. Thorp then scored 10 unanswered points, and used their three-quarter court press to keep the Orioles away from the shooting lane. Mike Kolpien connected on a 10-foot shot, but the Cardinals managed a set of charity shots before the first quarter buzzer, giving them an 18-6 lead.

That lead was extedned to 20-6 before Theirl broke the ice with a free throw. The Orioels kept even with Thorp, with each team picking up eight points the second quarter. Stnaley-Boyd gained their other points on a free throw and lay up by Theirl, an offensive rebound by Kolpien, and two charity shots by Russ Birch.

50 years ago February 3, 1972 Scooting Around Stanley with Joe Fazendin Well, believe it or not, for better or worse, (Better, it is hoped) the Rod and Gun club will try it again. This Sunday from 1:30 to 3:30 they will hold their postponed ice fishing contest. The weather forecast is in their favor, so let’s see what happens.

Even though this is late for the week I feel we should compliment our city crew for the fine job of snow removal they are doing. With all the snow we received last Monday, and the blowing late Monday night, I don’t believe anyone expected to be able to drive downtown, let alone find the main street nearly cleared of snow. But that’s how I found it when I drove to work at 7:30 Tuesday morning. Needless to say, just one of their snow removal jobs well done.

With regards to snow removal, Boyd will not take the back seat in that department either. After coming to the office Tuesday, I drove to Boyd to pick up the Boyd news and found nearly all streets there opened and the snow piled and ready for hauling on main Street.

It’s not too often that I say anything good about the U.S. Postal Service, but after receiving a quite sarcastic note from one of our subscribers about not receiving the paper, I must say that their mail man did work above and beyond the call of his duty. This person lives in a large city, moved four months ago but somewhat in the same area, and up until a few weeks ago has been receiving the paper regularly. We did not receive a change of address from them, but after three months of their mail man’s inconvenience for them because of their not filling out a change of address card he got tired of doing them a favor. Hats off to their mailman and to the patron, if you want your mail, fill out a change of address cards and mail them to your friends and newspaper and magazine publishers. That small card can save time and trouble for everyone along the way.

January 27, 1972

Telecast to Show Effects of Drugs on Babies of Users On Tuesday, February 1, from 8:30 until 9:30 p.m., WEAU-TV, Channel 13, Eau Claire, in cooperation with the Eau Claire County Chapter of the National Foundation – March of Dimes, will present a one-hour special entitled The Bummer Babies. Host for this outstanding March of Dimes educational program will be Dr. Frank Walker of the Milwaukee County Childrens Hospital and a National Foundation grant recipient. Dr. Walker will discuss the effects on babies born to parents who are users of drugs. All residents of our community are urged to view this program as it will be of great benefit to people of all ages, in promoting understanding of the drug culture and its many ramifications in our society today.

60 years ago February 8, 1962 Food Buys Famous Brands at your thrifty Farmers’ Store American Beauty Klusky and Krinkely Noodles, 10 ounce for 19 cents Lipton Wishbone Dressing (with) free recipe, two 8-ounce for 69 cents Green Giant peas, five 16-ounce for $1 Jiffy cake mix and frosting mis, four 9-ounce for 49 cents ($100 dollars in 1962 is equivalent to $930.95 today, per City’s First Librarian Dies In Connecticut Word has been received here of the death of Miss Hannah Carver Ellis, at New Canaan, Connecticut, January 30.

Miss Ellis, who was 90 years old, was the first librarian in Stanley when the Moon Memorial Library was opened. She served here about 1901-02.

After leaving the Stanley library, which was her first such position, she went on in later years to become librarian in charge of the Hamilton Fish Park branch of the New York Public Library (after training for Stanley at Eau Claire and then leaving Stanley for work at Madison).

Miss Ellis was noted as a pioneer in the development of children’s libraries.

70 years ago January 31, 1952 Orange and Black A weekly column written by high school students for high school students, parents, and interested citizens.

Editor-in-Chief Donna Mae Etten Assistant Edtor – Betty Miland Sports Editor – Marlene Eslinger Features – Bettie Fagan Features – Marjorie Broeren Features – Jeri Seidling School Delayed By Bettie Fagan Last Tuesday and Wednesday the halls of the busy Stanley high were quiet (I think). All the teachers had to do was to sit in their respective rooms and write out assignments for us hard-working kids.

The kids of the city were sleeping until noon, to get up and go down to Nellie’s, and the kids of the country got up with the sun to shovel snow. Snow, that light fluffy stuff that floats down ever so lightly to be shoveled away every so heavily.

But all in all I think the majority of the kids were glad to get back to the old grind, and work on those assignments the teachers had so thoughtfully written up during the short vacation.

Notice to taxpayers: Since the Farmers and Merchants State Bank will be closed on Tuesday, February 12 (Lincoln’s Birthday) and on Friday, February 22 (Washington’s Birthday), taxpayers of the City of Stanley are hereby advised that I will collect taxes at the bank on Monday, February 11, and on Thursday, February 21, instead of the usual days.

With these exceptions, I will be at the bank every Tuesday and Friday to collect real estate, property, and dog taxes.

Dated: January 26, 1952 Mrs. Lottie Page, City Treasurer Letter to the Editor Dear Editor: I wonder if our city isn’t large enough to have an animal shelter, or do we have one?

What we need here is such a place, where stray dogs and cats, etc. could be taken and cared for until the owner called for them or a home was found.

We had an experience with a very small dog a few years ago. He came to our house, and we knew where he belong to, but he would not go home. We decided to take him, but he would just go to a certain house where lived a large dog and then turn and run back to our house. We finally carried him past this place and how he did run for home.

So I think it is not right to kill a dog or cat until every effort has been made to find the owner.

We would be willing to help in this matter all we could.

Yours for the humane treatment of all animals, Mrs. Mabel Cummins

80 years ago February 5, 1942

C. of C. Men to dine the ladies Wednesday Night Date Advanced on Account of Ash Wednesday. Dinner and Fine Program on Way.

Due to a conflict with Ash Wednesday the previously announced date for Ladies’ Night at the Chamber of Commerce has been changed. Originally scheduled for February 18, the party has now been advanced one full week, to February 11.

Helen Keller, born deaf and blind but who acquired a college degree, called on the President on Monday of last week and was permitted to touch his face which she said was the greatest moment of her life.

90 years ago January 29, 1932 BASKETBALL!

GREEN BAY PACKERS the biggest attraction on the road today!! Vs. Stanley Tydol Five Sunday nite January 31 at 8:00 o’clock Stanley Auditorium The Green Bay Packers Football team, winners of three straight professional football championships, is the best attraction in sporting circles today. The Packer Basketball team is composed of members of the football team who are so well-known that they need no introduction. The Green Bay Line Up: Mike Michalske—Wert Engelmann—Dave Zuidmuelder— Ed. Herber—Hank Bruder Admission 50 cents – 25 cents. Sunday, 8 p.m.

100 years ago February 10, 1922 At Home: Parent-Teachers Meeting Monday Stanley Band Under new Leadership Will be a Feature. Grade Children will Participate.

The meeting of the Parent- Teacher’s Association next Monday evening in regular session will be made attractive by the appearance of The Stanley Band under the leadership of L. V. Metcalf, with Sig Sneen as soloist.

Abroad: Cardinal Achille Ratti, Archbishop of Milan, elected Pope at 11:33 a.m. Tuesday on the seventh ballot. The newly elected Pope chooses to be known as Pius XI.* *Modern papal elections date from the Middle Ages and the aftermath of the “Great Western Schism,” in which competing claimants to the chair of Peter divided Western Christians.

Back at home: Income Tax Facts The new requirement of the income tax law that returns shall be made of gross incomes of $5,000 or more regardless of the amount of net income upon which the tax is assessed, necessitates careful computations on the part of the taxpayer. “Gross Income includes practically every dollar received by the taxpayer during the year 1921 in salaries, wages, commissions, rents, royalties, interest on bank deposits, cash dividends on stock, or “income from any source whatsoever.” “Net Income” is gross income less certain deductions provided for by the act, including all business expenses incurred in the conduct of a business, trade, profession, or vocation.

110 years ago January 27, 1912 INCOME TAX NOW New System of Taxation For Wisconsin Goes Into Effect. Not Understood by People.

SUPPLANTS PERSONAL TAX A. R. Emerson Appointed Assessor of Incomes for District Comprising Eau Claire and Chippewa Counties It is just possible that some people will be paying taxes a year hence who never paid any taxes before. The new Income Tax Law of Wisconsin will be in effect then. And people are to be assessed on their incomes regardless of their property holdings.

Boyd 21 Badgers 19 The Boyd City Basketball team defeated the Stanley Badgers Wednesday night on the Boyd floor, by a score of 21 to `19. The game was close from start to finish and was anyone's game until time was called. Most of Boyd’s points were secured by free throws.

Parker of Boyd was the star of the game, scoring 17 points. Out of thirteen free trials he threw eleven baskets.

A return game will be played in Stanley in the near future.

The lineup of the Badgers was: Long c., I. Johnson r. f., H. Brochtrup capt., l. f., Gafffney r. g., H. Johnson l. g., Erickson sub.

GOING OUT OF BUSINESS The Fair store, owned by Cohen Bros. of Wausau and Grand Rapids, will be discontinued. This was decided at a meeting of the proprietors here last week.

120 years ago January 25, 1902

Two Counties at War Officers of Gates and Chippewa claim right to Transcribe the Records Chippewa Falls, Wis., Jan. 22 –—The Gates county board and the officers of Chippewa county doubtless have a question to settle in court, unless a settlement is reached shortly. W. F. O’Connor, register of deeds for Gates county, arrived in the city yesterday and announced he was ready to transcribe the records of the counties. The announcement caused universal dissatisfaction among the Chippewa County officers, who were certain that the work of going over the old records and making copies for the new counties belonged to them, and as it amounts to considerable financially, to do the work . The Gates county board it seems, authorized the work done, while, it is claimed, the Chippewa county were waiting until the settlement commissioners had adjusted affairs. No action has been taken by either party thus far.

Elsewhere: revolt is predicted if the U.S. government insists on going through with an order that Indians cut their long hair, cease face paint in what the aggrieved party considered “sacred rights.”