Dog park sought by Boyd residents


Boyd Wisconsin could soon be getting a new dog park, pending a few details.
Presented to the board by Steve Pilgrim on behalf of interested residents, the dog park would aim to have a fenced in area somewhere in the village of Boyd for dog owners to take their best friend. With 98 percent of potential dog park sites being village owned, locations floated at the March board meeting as potentially fitting the bill for a dog park included:
• A block of woods by Nick Brenner’s property
• Platted streets left vacant and not being used, and
• Down behind the wastewater plant where the Eagle Scout trail used to go
Out of the running was the area of the village water tower, due to security. The majority of platted streets not being used are located in the northwest corner of the village, near a present well site.
With nitrates being nitrates, one possible site suggested by streets and utilities head Bob LaMarche was a grassy area north of the wastewater treatment plant.
Looking into possible grants for the project, meanwhile, the Doris Day grant is no longer available, while one from Pets Mart was due by June 1st. No decision was made on the proposal at the March board meeting.