Miss Stanley visits Saint Paul Winter Carnival


Current Miss Stanley Arizona Bergeron represented the City of Stanley as she participated in the Saint Paul Winter Carnival for a fun filled weekend in Minnesota. The Saint Paul Winter Carnival is the oldest winter festival in the United States dating back to 1886. The 10-day event that began on January 25th featured ice carvings and snow sculptures, an outdoor sports carnival, a grand parade, and other family friendly events.
As Arizona, who was sponsored by the Stanley Area Chamber of Commerce, arrived on Friday, she met with royalty from many communities in the area and they painted together for a chance to get to know each other. From there, Arizona visited the Minnesota History Center and Rice Park where she saw spectacular ice sculptures. Finally, Arizona attended the Saint Paul Winter Carnival Coronation, a black-tie event that featured the crowning of the 2024 King Boreas and Aurora, Queen of the Snows along with the princes and princesses of the South Wind, East Wind and West Wind.
On Jan. 27 Arizona, along with the rest of the visiting Royalty, participated in the Grand Day Parade and attending a meet and greet with the “Royal family” at the hotel. Arizona also attended the Vulcan event, an event where the Vulcans, who are the rivals for the Royal Family, have a “showdown” where they compete to rule the Winter Carnival. Arizona shared her thoughts on the one-of-a-kind, memorable event. “Every new friend is a new adventure and the start to new memories. Attending the Saint Paul Winter Carnival was a very fun experience and I loved it,” she said.
The next Miss Stanley Royalty Kickoff meeting will be held at Martino’s on Wednesday, April 24 at 6 p.m.