18 results total, viewing 1 - 18
On October 22nd the Stanley Area Chamber of Commerce held its Fall Business Social at Debbie’s on Broadway, bringing together local business owners, entrepreneurs, and community leaders for an … more
Let it go. That was the takeaway from last week’s production of Frozen Jr. at Stanley-Boyd High School. With performances Wednesday, Oct. 26, Saturday, Oct. 19, and Sunday, Oct. 20, the Disney … more
Disney’s Frozen Jr. is coming to the Stanley-Boyd High School gymnasium, courtesy of the Stanley-Boyd High School Drama Club. A tale of two sisters who find their way after losing their … more
Kevin Hendrickson (left) of STPR Inc. presented three checks to City Council member Ben Wald, one check totaling $5,355 from last fall’s city parks raffle for the STPR City Parks Account, and … more
Bouncing back from light rain early Thursday, the Boyd Corn Feed saw crowds turn out to Murray Street for food, fun, and facepainting. more
The Boyd Area Chamber of Commerce is again sponsoring the annual Corn Feed and Street Dance in Boyd on Friday, August 9. Murray Street will be closed off beginning around 4 p.m., with festivities … more
The D.R. Moon Memorial Library hosted “Wesley Waffles” a children’s entertainer at the Library on July 23. The engaging character was created by singer-songwriter, Christian Strutz, … more
The 50th annual Stanley Lions Watermelon Fest went off without a hitch Sunday, event attendees treated to food, fun, and camaraderie. With changes and additions over the years, early Sunday saw the … more
Returning to Boyd this Thursday July 11, Family Fun Night will see food, fun, and sports play, courtesy of the Boyd Little League and the Boyd Area Chamber of Commerce. “The bouncy houses and … more
Mike Schneider, the polka musician and accordion player behind Pint Size Polkas delighted library patrons with his lively polka tunes at the D.R. Moon Memorial Library on July 8th. Children and … more
Now in its third year, an Independence Day Celebration is coming to Chapman Park on Saturday July 6. Started by Tom Larson of Reclaimed Tavern and done in conjunction with the STPR Inc., the annual … more
Two decades back, it started with a dream. Now celebrating 20 years as of this Father’s Day Weekend, the Stanley Rodeo is a dream no more. Starting Thursday June 13 at the Stanley Theater with … more
Coming to Stanley Father’s Day Weekend, the 20th annual Stanley PRCA Rodeo put on by STPR Inc. in connection with the PRCA Rodeo kicks off Thursday June 13 with the Miss Stanley Queen pageant … more
Coming to Chapman Park Friday, June 7, the Stanley Truck and Tractor Pull is a day earlier than in previous years. Started back in 2005 as a part of the Stanley Rodeo before securing its own weekend, … more
Winger Construction just hosted a ribbon cutting on its new building this past Saturday. Located at 1418 Pine Street in Stanley’s East Business Park, the new building and showroom represents … more
Miss Boyd 2024 is now official—and her name is Syleen Seichter. Crowned Friday, May 24 at 12:30 p.m. in the big pavilion at Lotz Park, Seichter succeeds Miss Boyd 2023 Delani Mercier in the … more
Ringelspiel is back again! Making its debut this weekend, the festivities start with the crowning of Miss Boyd at the Boyd American Legion Hall Thursday, followed by three days of food, fun, rides, … more
Shooters from across Wisconsin competed in the annual Wisconsin State B B Gun Championship held at the Bloomer Rod and Gun Club. The Chippewa County 4-H Shooting Sports B B Gun team again took home … more
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