Posted 9/13/22

 FROM THE FILES OF THE STANLEY REPUBLICAN COMPILED BY JOSEPH BACK 10 years ago September 6, 2012 Emerson and Mason Felmlee are pictured getting Packer trading cards from Stanley Police Chief Russ …

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10 years ago September 6, 2012

Emerson and Mason Felmlee are pictured getting Packer trading cards from Stanley Police Chief Russ Kollmansberger as part of a effort to build goodwill.

Bike Ride to honor Stan- ley-Boyd fifth grader Lakken Burzynski, traveling from Steven’s Point to the Burzyns- ki home. Lakken was fighting cancer at the time and had started radiation treatments.

Boyd Little League soft ball tournament carried in paper, as follows: First place: Giants Second Place: Yankees Third Place: Packers Also pictured on Badgerlink: Brewers, Pirates, Bucks, Braves, and Panthers. Many SB-HS graduates or current high schoolers included on teams.

20 years ago September 5, 2002 New youth pastor named Paul Peterson at Faith Evangelical Free Church on Madison Street.

Three New Teachers at Stanley-Boyd Schools Kimberly Grubba, 25, is the new physical education teacher at Stanley Elementary School. She is also the new head varsity volleyball coach.

Jeff Fahser, 33, is the new ninth grade U.S. History and 11th grade American Government teacher at Stanley-Boyd High School.

Regina Hitchcock, 25, is the new agriculture teacher and FFA Chapter advisor at Stanley-Boyd High School.

Stanley Fire Department Report Aug. 31 – Industrial Park Road, Illegal Burning-called by DNR.

Sept. 1 – City, Storm Watch.

Sept. 1 – Ladysmith, Transport Mass Casualty Trailer-Tornado 30 years ago September 3, 1992 New Face at S-BHS Richard Setter Richard Setter, 41, will teach English and Spanish at the Stanley-Boyd Middle and High Schools this fall.

Setter is a Florida native, calling Marathon, FL home. He graduated from The English School at Bogota, Colombia in 1967 and received his BA from St. Mary’s College in Winona, MN in 1975, majoring in modern languages with a minor in philosophy.

“I chose teaching as my career long ago, and came back to it because I believe someone who cares about (teaching) must do it.” Setter, who has spent the past 12 years living on a boat, had previous teaching experience as a substitute for three years.

Richard and his wife Carla, who is a substitute teacher, live in Thorp with their daughter Chri, 13. He enjoys writing, sailing (obviously), and storytelling.

40 years ago September 9, 1982 Oriole Spikers Fall, JVs Win In Season Opener AT Home Thursday Girls to take on Crickets at Fall Creek Tonight The Oriole varsity spik- ers took the first game of the season Thursday, but lost the final two and dropped the match to Cadott in their season opener at home. The JVs won their match with a victory in their third game.

Stanley-Boyd took the first game from the Hornets 1512, with Rinee Simon serving 10 of her hpoints in that game. “Her consistency was the key to that game,” said Coach Bonnie Hakkila.

In the second game, the Orioles “just kind of fell apart,” said Hakkila, and lost 5-15. “They were missing their serves,” she said. :We started to play Cadott’s game, and we weren’t setting up for our game,” she said.

The girls tried to come back in the third game, but lost 8-15. “We started to come back,” said Coach Hakkila, “but we were getting tired.”

50 years ago September 7, 1972 Boyd Area News Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Licht and sons of Eau Claire, Mr.

and Mrs. Larry Winters and family of Wisconsin Rapids, Lois Licht of Marshfield, and Chris Klay of Cadott spent the weekend at the Bud Licht home.

Former Resident Dies Monday In California A former resident of Boyd, Mrs. Helen (Willkom) Hennessy of Walnut, California, died Wednesday morning.

Funeral arrangements are pending and friends wishing for information are asked to contact the Plombon Funeral Home who are in charge.

Area Weekly T.V. Schedule WEAU-TV Channel 13 – Eau Claire Monday thru Friday 6:30 Public Service 7:00 Today Show 7:25 Affairs of Area 9:00 Dinah’s Place 9:30 Sesame Street 10:30 Hollywood Sq. 11:00 Jeopardy 11:30 Who, What, W. 11:55 Today at noon 12:30 Three – Match 1:00 Days of our Lives 1:30 The Doctors 2:00 Another World 2:30 Bright promise 3:00 Somerset 3:30 Concentration 4:00 Virginian 5:30 NBC News 6:00 N—W—S Monday Prime Time 6:30 p.m. Hogans Heroes 7:00 p.m. Laugh-In 8:00 Movie: The Anderson Tapes 10:00 p.m: N—S—W 10:30 Tonight Show 12:00 Movie “The Traitors” Tuesday Prime Time 6:30 p.m. – Let’s make Do 7:00 Bonanza 8:00 Bold Ones 9:00 NBC Reports 10:00 N—S—W 10:30 Tonight Show 12:00 Movie: Lover Come Back TV Schedule brought to you by Coast to Coast Store, Stanley Home of Motorola Radios, TV, Phonographs, and Tape Recorders Don Plummer, owner Sales 644-3332 60 years ago September 13, 1962 Thompson Gets P. h. D. degree Charles P. Thompson, 318 6th Avenue, Stanley, was among the 1107 students who received their undergraduate and graduate degrees this fall as a result of their final scho lastic work during the 1962 summer sessions of the University of Wisconsin.

Thompson received the doctor of philosophy degree.

Oral Polio Vaccine Clinics Slated Here Residents of the Stanley- Boyd community will be included in a county-wide, mass oral vaccine program to wipe out the threat of polio.

Ruth Manley to teach in Wausau School Ruth Manley, formerly of Stanley, has accepted the position of kindergarten teacher at the Hewitt-Texas school at Wausau.

She has been teaching at Park Falls for the past eight years.

Enter University of Pennsylvania William Miland, Boyd, entered the Wharton School of Business Administration at the University of Pennsylvania September 7.

The winner of a $1500 scholarship, Miland will concentrate his studies in the field of finance.

Bill graduated from Stanley High School in 1958 as valedictorian, and from St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota, in 1962 with a bachelor of arts degree, cum laude*, and departmental honors in economics.

He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Miland of rural Boyd.

*cum laude = “with praise” Obituary: Jack W. Grant dies at Portland Oregon, with the mention made that he once operated a paper at Boyd.

70 years ago June 4, 1953 Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor is crowned Queen of England June 2 after ascending to the throne in February 1952 following the death of her father George VI. Married to a Greek prince named Philip, Elizabeth will reign with Philip known as Prince Consort.

At home: Labor Shortage on the Farm Is Still Acute “The shortage of farm labor is still acute,” accoring to H. J. Youngberg, managers of the Eau Claire branch of the Wisconsin State Employment office. This statement was made in a recent discussion of the problem with county agents and other farmer representatives.

Youngberg pointed out, however, that a sizable number of high school boys are now avaiable for summer work on farms. These boys are 14 to 17 years of age, some with considerable farm experience, some with limited experience, but all are willing workers.

Farmers who still need summer help would do well to contact the Wisconsin State Employment Service at 110 1/2 E. Grand Avenue, Eau Claire. High School boys who would like farm work for the summer months are urged to register at the Employment office at once, Youngberg said. Church News listings St. Anne’s Church St. Mary’s Church Our Savior’s Lutheran Methodist First Presbyterian St. Mary’s Junction Church of God Jehovah’s Witnesses Church of the Brethren (Stanley and Worden) Maple Grove Church of the Brethren Apostolic Faith Assembly Psychiana Movement (Weekly Magazine on Request) South Side Motor Company.

Do you know what this car can do? It can surround you with luxury, comfort, and restful ease.

World’s only vertical valve V8 Typical prices on 1953 Buicks, delivered locally Special 2-door 6-passenger sedan Model 48D, $2,307.88 Super 4-door 6-passenger Riviera sedan Model 52 (Illustrated), $2,812.17 Roadmaster 4-door 6-passenger Riviera sedan Model 72R $3,373.36 “When better automobiles are built, Buick will build them” 80 years ago September 11, 1942 Greater Stanley Country: Two exhausted carrier pigeons were picked up near Jim Falls. The FBI at Milwaukee was immediately no- tified.

In Europe: Russian Wom- an kills 309 Nazi Officers American Flier Repairs Ship in Air Liudmila Paviluchenko, a Russian sniper and student at the University of Kiev, is crediting with shooting down 309 German officers and training 80 other snipers who killed 2500 Axis invaders at Sevastopol. She is attending the International Student Assembly in Washington.

Sgt. Billey Grible of the U.S. Army Air Corps, repaired the retractable landing gear of his airplane while thousands of feet in the air. He hung head downward through a hatch opening in the bottom of the plane while two companions held him by the feet and the plane was saved from crashing when it landed. He was cited for gallantry.

Back home: Two welfare workers, 25-year-old Miss Neil Pietrangeli and 32 year old Dorothy Baum, are found robbed and riddled with bullets near Tomah. Before dying, Baum tells rescuers that robbers took the car.

Find A Grave Memorial IDs Dorothy Agnes (Baun) 148040607 Neil Jon Pietrangeli 178406982 90 years ago September 2, 1932 FREIMUND’S COR- NERS Locals School started at the Busy Bee School (southwest corner of Koser and Eddy in Worden) with Miss Hazel Quammen of Stanley as teacher.

Joseph Huls Dies from Injuries in Auto Accident Head Was Crushed When Car Turns Over. Six Others Escape with Minor Injuries.

Joseph Huls, aged 25, died at Victory Hospital early Wednesday morning of injuries received when his car turned over on Highway 29, one mile west of Boyd at about nine o’clock Tuesday evening. Six other occupants of the car were more or less seriously injured and were taken to the hospital but all are reported to be recovering and out of danger. They are Dorothy Huls, sister of Joseph, Helen Matecki, and Henry Thoreson, Dorothy, Marie, and Catherine Knar. Hul’s death resulted from a fractured skull.

The party was bound for Lake Wissota to attend a dancing party, in Hul’s car. The accident is believed to have resulted from an attempt to pass another car and the sudden application of the emergency brake when the driver, Huls, found it was impossible or inadvisable to pass due to the approach of a car from the opposite direction.

The car, a Chevrolet sedan, turned over on its top, all the glass was broken out and the car was otherwise badly damaged.

Huls had been employed as office man by the L. I. Roe Company for several years, was of regular habits, steady and industrious and his untimely death is mourned by a large circle of friends. He was a son of Maurice Huls, well known pioneer citizen and was graduated from the high school with the class of 1924. He is survived by his father, one brother, and two sisters.

The funeral is to be conducted from St. Ann’s church this (Friday) morning at nine o’clock.

(Huls is buried in Holy Family Catholic Cemetery with Find A Grave Memorial ID 173162862).

100 years ago September 15, 1922 Change on R. F. D. Mail Route No Three On recommendation of the Postmaster, a change has been made on Rural Mail Route No. 3 from the Stanley Postoffice. On his return trip, the carrier will leave what is known as Highaway “H” at the south line of Section 13 or what is known as Solie’s corner, and go thence west one half mile, thence south one mile, thence east one-quarter mile, thence south to the Postoffice via North Broad way. This will accommodate several patrons who have not had delivery service and others who had to travel a mile, more or less, to Highway “H” to get their mail. Some other changes in the routes from the Stanley Postoffice Depart ment as well as the recommendations for city delivery.

110 years ago September 14, 1912 Chippewa Falls is about to be treated to another of its pe- riodical fur flying exhibitions. Another newspaper is to be started in that town.

Church Notes. Contributed by the pastors Presbyterian The visiting ministers all said they had a most progitable and enjoyable time. The thanks are due to the many Stanley people who so hospitably entertained them in their homes and also to those who showed them about our fair city and country by automobile and carriage.

The Missionary Aid Society meets with Mrs. Amy next week and she wants the biggest meeting yet. Come and help her.

Regular services next Sunday. The best seat is always for the visitor.

Wanted—To Borrow $1500 on first real estate mortgage. Vincent Ciolkosz. Rt. 2, Thorp.

120 years ago September 6, 1902 Catholic Notes.

S. B. Morrison places an ad to build what would become St. Anne’s, following a warning from the bishop that they weren’t promised a priest if they went ahead with the church plans. The schism would later be healed with diplomacy and time. St. Anne was the mother of St. Mary in church tradition.

About the City. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Grogan on Aug. 18th, a son.

L. G. Moon is shooting chicken on the Minnesota prairies.

Miss Hannah Ellis and L. G. Chapman attended the Hildebrand- Ellis wedding in Eau Cliare on Wednesday (librarian and village president).

A man without money for wedding clothes skips the wedding and later observing merriment at the house thinks his bride is involved.

Consequently, he comes and attacks her with an ax in the bedroom as she rested, stating that, “it was too much. I could not see them celebrate on me.” He was captured in a barn and taken to Neillsville on the noon train.

120 years ago September 13, 1902 Stanley’s Candidate for Member of Assembly, First District, Chippewa County.

Patrick J. Cosgrove A man of the people who has achieved success by hard work and never betrayed a trust, public or private. It nominated and elected, he will vote for a Primary Law, for Tax Reform, and for John C. Spooner.

ASSIGN THE PASTORS. Bishop Goodsell Reads List of Appointments to the West Wisconsin Conference.

Adjournment is then taken.

Ashland District.

Cadotte—J. T. Bryant Stanley—A. B. Soule Glen Flora—Howard Miller Rib Lake-W. H. Cheynoweth.

Chetek, Cartwright, Chelli and Lindsey-to be supplied.

THE FAIR’S GREAT DAY Spectacular Combat Be- tween Locomotives Proved Sufficiently Exciting.

Collision Drew the Crowds.

Between 50,000 and 55,000 Persons on the Grounds—Ticket Takers Swamped State day, with a locomotive collision as a spectacular feature, was a record breaker in point of attendance at the State Fair, between 50,000 and 55,000 persons being present Wednesday. While neither engine attained advertised speed prior to the crash and neither was reduced to scrap, the collision was suf- ficiently exciting to satisfy everyone. It was all over in a moment and the locomotive was locked in a death embrace, partially enveloped in clouds of escaping steam. Their fronts stove 1 and tenders off the track…“The collision demonstrated one thing., and that is that we can get the people to the fair if we offer at least one novel attraction beyond giving a first-class agricultural show,” said President McKerrow last evening. “I believe now that there were fully 50,000 people here today, and I also believe that the crowd was largely the result of the ‘novelty’ of a railway collision. It has strongly suggested that something out of the ordinary must be arranged for to get the people from the state to come here in very great numbers. as such, this feature was an unqualified success.” Opinions among the people were divided as to the sensation, many thinking a reserve clause must have been put into the agreement somewhere, but this is declared by both sides to the agreement to be ridiculous, as the unforeseen and unexpected happened in the slipping of one machine by being too suddenly thrown wide open that reduced its speed.