
Posted 5/31/22

A LOOK Back FROM THE FILES OF THE STANLEY REPUBLICAN COMPILED BY JOSEPH BACK 30 years ago May 28, 1992 Memories powered by Wisconsin Badgerlink and local digitization euorts. Five contestants Vie for …

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30 years ago May 28, 1992

Memories powered by Wisconsin Badgerlink and local digitization euorts.

Five contestants Vie for Miss Boyd Five girls will seek the title of Miss Boyd 1992, as the annual Ringelspiel Days celebra- tion kicks ou this weekend in Boyd.

Contestants for the crown this year are Nicole Dorn, Cathy Kulberg, Tanya Lorenz, Marie Meadows, and Tera Spaeth.

Bloodmobile Visit Scheduled Wed., June 10th At Holy Family Summertime is here once again and along with summer comes work, vacation, outdoor activities, and the Red Cross Bloodmobile.

Most people become busy with summer activities and sometimes forget, or don’t have time to give blood (although the Chippewa Valley Donation Center now ouers free Netflix and other media during donation time for those in its platelets program, if you miss the local blood drive June 2).

Make time because you are needed to give blood on Wednesday, June 10th from 1 to 6 p.m. at Holy Family Hall.

The S-B Top Ten of 1992 Inga Abrahamson, Matt Christianson, Jewel Turenne, Ron Selzler, Ryan Allen Winkler, Jessica Lynn Lato, Laurie Anderson, Todd Rowekamp, Sarah Pozdell, Stephen Schemenauer 36 years ago August 28, 1986 Janet Mickelson Joins Stau At Stanley-Boyd High School There’s only one new teacher in the Stanley-Boyd School District.

Janet Mickelson, an Elk Mound native, is the new vocal music instructor. She succeeds Sandy Williamson.

Mickelson comes here from the Adams-Friendship School District, where she taught for three years.

She was graduated from UW-Eau Claire with a degree in music education, with a piano emphasis. She was graduated from Elk Mound High School.

Her new assignment includes instructing vocal and general music classes in the high school and middle school. She will also be the Oriolettes Pom-Pom squad advisor.

She enjoys the theater in her spare time.

40 years ago May 20, 1982 Dedication Set For Sunday At Faith Evangelical Free Church Pastor Gene Carlson and the congregation of Faith Evangelical Free Church, 705 Madison Street, will be dedicating their new sanctuary and learning center Sunday, May 23 at 3 p.m.

The guest speaker will be Dr. Arnold T. Olson, president emeritus of the Evangelical Free Church of America. Former pastor, Rev. Robert Christiansen will also be in attendance. A luncheon will follow the service.

50 years ago May 25, 1972 124 Students to Receive Diplomas Tonight at S-B Commencement Top Ten: Debra Lynn Anderson, Sharen Etten, Carl Horban, Betty Hudak, Martha Laskar, Deborah Michalak, Linda Mohr, Penny Schultze, Carol Sorenson, Joy Thorpe Before Graduation: John William Almberg and James Lawrence Duss drown while on the senior class picnic at Irvine Park. Almberg is buried in the Yellow River Cemetery after services at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, while Duss is buried at St. Joseph’s Cemetery in Boyd, following a funeral at Holy Family.

60 years ago May 24, 1962 91 Seniors to get diplomas tonight The Class of 1962: Douglas Wasileski, Joyce M. Lane, Patricia Nerdrum, Elizabeth Mech, Nancy Stelter, Deanne Schneider, Victoria Szczech, Diane Gutowski, Robert Brandt, Kathleen McQuillan, Jan O’Hara, Marilee Hanson, Lucy Shakal, Dennis Thuecks, Douglas Wagner, Roger Olson, Carl Edwardson, Patricia Jakubowicz, Joyce Mohr, Lucille Mason, Barbara Endvick, Elizabeth Trubac, Richard Schara, Stanley Milas, Gorden Lodahl, Janet Ziegler, Sharon Simon, Richard Korn, Janice Romanowski, Judith Geist, Carol Schultze, Kathryn Vitort, Margaret Logan, Nancy Willger, Mary Kay Savina, Barbara Derks, Dianne An- ders, Donna Ruu, Rosemary Tryboski, Eileen Ritter, Carole Cance, Mary Lou Mahr, Stephen Hahn, Glen Vircks, Ronald Zais, Diann Kosakoski, Sharon Langel, Donna Peterson, Rita Brandvold, Carole Meznarich, Barbara Weissenberg, Christine Vinger, Sharon Colburn, Ellyn Gardner, Jean Geist, Jean Reith, Janet Zimmerman, Lucile Greene, Lorarine Kyle, Beverly Duss, Betty Miller, Judith Haas, Lois Schesel, Stanley Rygiel, Ralph Schneider, Joseph Rygiel, James Miland, Martin Ciolkosz, Tom Heian, David Oemig, Dale Perdelwitz, Roydean Samplawski, Dale Lussendon, Eugene Swiontek, Joseph Koutney, Earl Wildenberg, Robert Johnson, Roger Mathison, Stephen Stangret, Kathleen Moore, Sandra Fandry, Dale Olson, John Mathwig, Barry Snyder, John Detrick, Robert Kluck, Dennis Schneider, Tom Seidl, Jerome Van Domelen, Susan Licht, Ronald Ponick.

May 17, 1962

Property Owners Protest Sidewalk Two owners of property on First Avenue, along which the city proposed to build a new sidewalk leading to the high school, protested to the Stanley city council at their meeting Tuesday evening.

The residents appeared at the meeting to tell the council they considered the sidewalk quite an expensive project for the few children who walk to school on First Avenue.

May 10, 1962

Students Get Warning to Stay Ou Tracks High School students who use Soo Line railroad tracks as a walkway to town are the subject of concern among local and railroad ovcials.

A Soo Line special investigator was in Stanley Friday conferring with police and school ovcials in an euort to end the practice.

“If it seems necessary to arrest students for trespass, to protect student lives, then this will be done,” Soo Line investigator R. G. Menge of Chippewa Falls said.

School ovcials, Stanley police and the Soo Line are requesting the cooperation of students in eliminating the hazard.

70 years ago May 22, 1952

Clark County Has Record 4-H enrollment A record high number, 895 boys and girls, are enrolled in 4-H club work in Clark County. They are in 45 clubs located in almost every township. This is a 124 increase in number over 1951 when 771 were enrolled.

80 years ago May 8, 1942 The War, at home and abroad At Home: Air Plane Pilots to Search For Scrap To Fly Over Wisconsin During the Month in Quest of Much Needed Material Immediately after Governor Heil’s proclamation of MacArthur Week”, in Wisconsin, James B. King, Wisconsin wing commander of the Civil Air Patrol, swung into action with an all-out “Scrap for MacArthur Mission”—a statewide aerial salvage hunt for metal scrap on farms or in junk yards, wherever it may be.

Public Notice: Seven applications for a Class B liquor license in Stanley along with notice of a pharmacist’s permit to sell “intoxicating liquor” at 125 North Broadway. Notice given by Mary H. Lien, City Clerk Abroad: Pacific Theater: Japan takes Corregidor Island in Manila Bay.

Europe: France is Lining Up with the Nazi Army French People Believed Opposed to Laval Policy. Big Drive Planned from Australia The historians of the future will write in full details the long and involved story this government's euort to keep the Vichy* government from complete ‘collaboration’ with Hitler. At present time, it is suvcient to say that we did all we could, and that we failed through no fault of our own… (The late journalist William Shirer wrote extensively on the European war theater in two books, “The Collapse of the Third Republic” on France’s collapse in 1940, and “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich,” published just after the war. Also “The Nightmare Years," about Nazi rule. He lived through and reported on it for CBS, being from Iowa originally).

Stanley Boys in Australia Chas. Oas received notice this week from the War Department (now the Department of Defense as of 1948 onwards) that the 94th Coastal Artillery, of which his son, Elmer Oas is a member, has arrived safely in Australia. In this command also, is Leonard Wold, another Stanley boy. They sailed from a port on the Atlantic coast on February 14. During this time Mr. and Mrs. Oas have received one letter from their son.

90 years ago May 27, 1932 Washington News: Old Pork Barrel Comes to Surface Despite Depression Many Advocates of Economy Vote for Worst Steals in Their Own States, Says Frear Back home: Lost Child Creates Excitement on Sunday The four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith of Eidsvold, wandered into the woods to pick flowers near the Harley Copenhaver home in Worden, Sunday afternoon, where the Smiths were visiting on Sunday. She did not return and after several hours search a call for help was sent to the local cavalry troop the members of which promptly responded but before they got action the little Miss was discovered walking along the highway about three miles from the Copenhaver home.

Mrs. Henry C. Stair Dies At Home in Cambridge Wife of Former Superintendent of Schools called by death following operation Mrs. Stair’s death resulted form an operation for appendicitis at a Madison hospital. Her maiden name was Elizabeth Hoyt and she was born in Lake Mills not far from Cambridge, where she died. She was graduated from Whitewater Normal School in 1896 and was a teacher at Waukesha and Lake Mills previous to her marriage.

(Note: A “Sara Hoyt Stair” married to one Henry C. Stair is buried at Lake Ripley Cemetery in Cambridge at Find A Grave, Memorial ID 42782768. Mr. Stair survived to 1952 and is buried with his wife. Mrs. Stair’s tombstone quotes Philippians, while Mr. Stair’s tombstone quotes Second Corinthians. Their apparent child, Ruth Alice Stair McSparran, is buried in California).

100 years ago June 2, 1922 Stanley Faculty P. A. Ringsmith, Manual Training Marietta Hulbert, Mathematician Laura Olson English, Music, and Declamatory Helen Johnson, History and English L. W. Kenny, Principal Gertrude Oppelt, Latin! J. M. Bolon, Agriculture C. W. Dodge, Superintendent The Stanley High Class of 1921: Haakon Folien, Byron F. Grogan, Milton Hodge, Eleanor Luebstrou, Leonary Hedberg, Theodore S. Heian, Oliver Larson, Henry V. Soli, John I. Toft, Jenry A. Bujalski, Ole Gisvold, Alma Aarness, Helen L. Borczynski, Hazel V. Bingham, Myrtle Elton, Clara Elton, Pearl M. Foster, Olga M. Fossum, Mary G. Gallager, Rena Grubb, Ella M. Heiting, Annette G. Hoidahl, Mamie P. Henderson, Lily C. Kolstad, Catherine B. Knar, Gertrude M. Lawless, Alice Larson, Zeona A. Myers, Irene M. Polivka, Margaret M. Schiesl, Faye M. Titus, Valborg O. Soli, Helen M. Van Zutphen, Selma E. Haugen Former pastor of Synod church, T. S. Reishus, “called suddenly” at Cornell, with funeral conducted at Norwegian Lutheran Church. Reishus first became a Stanley resident in 1905 and had traveled with others to Cornell to celebrate the golden anniversary of M. and Mrs. Odlaug. Having extended formal congratulations and spoken but a few words, “he was suddenly stricken.” Brought to the open air he failed to obtain relief and died before a physician was able to arrive, a doctor being immediately summoned. “His (Reishus’) death brought to a sad ending the festivities of the day and cause a feeling of sadness to pervade the entire city.”

Born in 1847 and the first Lutheran pastor at Minot, T. S. Reishus is buried at Evergreen Cemetery with Memorial ID 180297223 at Find A Grave.

110 years ago June 1, 1912 The Class Play The usual capacity audience greet the class play Monday evening at the Opera House. “The Rescue of Prince Hal.” The young ladies in the cast were charming and while no pretense to dramatic achievement is essayed in these class plays, the young people present well their respective parts and the audience was pleased.

120 years ago May 31, 1902 Editorial comments: Patriotism is again beginning to well up in the bosoms of certain of our tradesmen and a desire to celebrate the nation’s birth is being manifest.

It’s only the people whose consciences trouble them who are seeing volcanoes on every hill top since the seismic disturbances in the tropical regions began (One “Professor Hill” made front page news for fleeing Mount Pelee near Mart inique in relation to this).

The sporting gentlemen who trifled with our simple and confiding nature to the extent of getting a free slug head write up for an imaginary wrestling match last week will hereafter pay space rates for what they get in that line.

If an editor were to snap at all the inducements held out to him he would soon be a millionaire. If he ran a paper in accord with the popular notion he would soon be in the almshouse. If he published half the items sent him he would be in jail one-half of the time and in the hospital the other half.

Elsewhere: Police in Louisville Kentucky succeed in dispersing mob come to lynch a murderer, of which all (murdered, murderer, and lynch mob) belong to the same community.