
Posted 5/10/22

A LOOK Back FROM THE FILES OF THE STANLEY REPUBLICAN COMPILED BY JOSEPH BACK 10 years ago April 19, 2012 Jankoski looks back on years as mayor Mayor David Jankoski presided over his final City of …

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10 years ago April 19, 2012

Jankoski looks back on years as mayor Mayor David Jankoski presided over his final City of Stanley Common Council meeting Monday night, after 14 years on the job.

He decided against seeking re-election.

We asked him to look back on his years of service.

(More down at Badgerlink. Choose “custom date range” in the Archive of Wisconsin Newspapers, then ’04-19– 2012' for the 'from' and 'to' dates, and finally limited to “Stanley Republican” in the list of publications available.

Bernier listens to constituent concerns in visit to Stanley By Jeanne Gates State Representative Kathy Bernier, R – Lake Hallie, who represents the 68th Assembly District communities of Chip- pewa and Eau Claire Coun ties, listened to concerns and answered questions on current state legislative issues with voters in Stanley, Thorp and Withee last Wednesday, after making stops in Greenwood, Osseo, Augusta and Fairchild earlier in the week.

Stanley area questions included an inquiry from Stanley City Council about the possibility of future changes in Act 90, passed in 2009 and euective June 2011 known as the “puppy mill law” which changed how dog sellers and dog facility operators including municipalities handle animals.

Stanley currently uses a city truck to carry strays down to the Neillsville humane society facility, sometimes paying a volunteer $25 and otherwise using a city employee for the two-and-a-half hour run, ac- cording to Alderman Jeanne Gates. Previous to the law tak- ing euect, Gates said that a lo cal vet was able to hold stray dogs and the owner or a new home was found in a short period of time, but the added reg- ulations and paperwork of Act 90 ended that arrangement.

Representative Bernier said she understands that the legislation that passed before she was elected in 2010 has had “unintended consequences” for small municipalities like Stanley and that legislators could discuss exemptions for “emergency sheltering of lost or abandoned pets temporarily.”

Chippewa County Sheriu Jim Kowalczyk talked with Rep. Bernier about issues on cell phone use while driving and the advantages of collect- ing DNA as part of felony ar rest procedures.

The sheriu pointed out that "DNA someday could clear you” of a crime you have been wrongly accused of committing and Bernier agreed. “They’ve solved crimes with DNA but have also cleared crimes.”

He added that it would also help in identifying runaways and solve crimes on bodies found many years after death. Fingerprinting is no longer depended on to the extent it once was.

The controversy over sand mining and future reclamation sites also came up during the Stanley session and Rep. Bernier pointed out that the state has had a good reclamation law for many years that covers both metallic and non-metallic mining. She added that Black River Falls had an iron mine that today is a beautiful, deep lake and also that excellent reclamation work was done in Ladysmith after the Flambeau Copper Mine was closed.

Those attending the Bernier meeting were given on a state map and 2011- 2012 Wiscon sin Blue Book and urged by Rep. Bernier to contact her by email at…(now retiring from the Senate) or by phone…with questions about existing, pending, and desired legislation.

20 years ago April 11, 2002 Boyd Woman and Child Saved by Stanley Residents, Others Gay Little of Boyd, along with her two-year-old daughter Cassandra, were involved in a car accident that resulted in her 1991 Ford Escort resting up side down in a creek.

Little was driving home on April 1 on County Highway D northeast of Fall Creek when here car slid ou the road, down an embankment, and into Beaver Creek.

Ginger Tinsman of Stanley was driving behind Little and pulled over. Seeing the vehicle in the creek, Tinsman sent her 10-year-old daughter, Shawnee Baker, for help while Tins- man and her 12-year-old son, Dustin Baker, flagged down passing cars.

Scott Anderson of Eau Claire and Stacy Fausett of Greenwood stopped and went to the Little Vehicle to rescue the two.

Boat Safety Classes to be Held In May Boat Safety Classes (DNR) for ages 10 and older will be held on May 21 – 23, from 6-9 p.m., at the Lafayette Town Hall, 5765 197th St.

Class size is limited, so pre-registration is required. There is a $10 fee for the course, payable to the Chippe- wa County Sheriu's Depart ment.

Contact Deputy T. Chausee, recreation division, for further information.

Two S-BHS Students Ex –

pelled for march 22 Bomb Threat The Stanley -Boyd Board of Education voted unanimously to expel two 15-year-old students, a male and female, in a special meeting on April 4.

Both students have been charged by the Stanley Police Department for the March 22 bomb threat at the high school.

A note was found in a high school girls bathroom. (Readmittance after minimum of 1 1/2 years "if certain conditions are met.”)

30 years ago April 16, 1992

Obey Opposes Petition To Kill Goya Cheese Tariu Lifting the 25% tariu on Goya cheese from Hungary clearly would hurt dairy farmers in Wisconsin who already are struggling to survive, Wisconsin Congressman Dave Obey says recently.

“If the Hungarian petition is approved, imported Goya may undercut the market for domestic Parmesan and Romano cheeses, much of which is produced in Wisconsin, and it might also undermine prices for domestic cheddar,” Obey told the House Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy and Poultry.

“Dairy prices fell again last month and Wisconsin dairy economists recently predicted that under current federal dairy policies, 10,000 to 12,000 of Wisconsin’s 30,000 dairy farmers might go out of business in the next few years.”

Obey said the Bush Ad ministration should not even be considering the petition be- cause it was rejected last May and there is supposed to be a three-year waiting period for reconsideration.

"And it appears that the principal beneficiary will be Argentina, the world's larg est producer of Goya cheese, not Hungary,” Obey said. “It would be much more euective if the U. S. shifted some of its imported cheese quota from Western Europe to Eastern Eu ropean countries.”

40 years ago April 29, 1982

Cong. Obey Blasts President’s Decision On Casein Imports Congressman Dave Obey, recently called the President’s decision to continue unrestricted imports on casein “another nail in the covn of the Ameri can dairy farmer.”

Obey reacted to the report revealed today that President Reagan has decided against imposing quotas on imports of casein, a milk product widely used to produce imitation cheeses, nondairy creamers and toppings, and other fake dairy products.

"At a time when we need to do everything possible to reduce the domestic milk surplus, cut the costs of the dairy program, and increase consumption of real dairy products, this decision makes it more divcult to accomplish those goals,” Obey said.

The Wisconsin Congressman pointed out that casein imports displaced over 330 million pounds of non-fat dry milk in 1980 and increased the cost of the dairy price support program by $300 million, ac- cording to an Agriculture De partment study issued last year.

“If that doesn’t show interference with the domestic dairy program, and meet the test necessary for the President to limit casein imports, I don’t know what does,” Obey declared. “How can we persuade dairy farmers in this country to sacrifice when they see de cisions like this one, which in euect, puts the interests of for eign producers, imitation cheesemakers, and import dealers ahead of theirs.”

50 years ago May 4, 1972 By the Way By Rev. Cecil Ward April 18 I suppose it is to make life more excited, we have another major strike in operation. This time, it is the turn of the railways. Those chaps have decided not to accept the arbitrator’s decision, so chaos rules. The train drivers are working to rule and over-time work is forbidden. Many – many thou sand of commuters cannot go to their jobs, nor can they get back home again.

One train driver refused to take his evening train to the London suburbs, – with its hundreds of white collar workers wanting to return to their homes because his first aid box contained one sticking plaster short.

The general public – the travelers – are very mad with these railmen and some drivers have been assaulted by rolled up umbrellas, in the hands of the businessmen. Yet the gap in wages ouered and refused is only marginal.

If the strike continues, this government could resign – go to the country and vote as to who shall govern – parliament or the trade unions.

Railways are a nationally controlled auair and the gov ernment is trying to stop the increase in the costs of living, by holding money and wages down to an operative level.

Enough of this…

60 years ago April 19, 1962

Veeser Remains As Rod & Gun Club President Lee Veeser of Stanley was reelected to his second term as president of the Stanley- Boyd-Cadott-Thorp Rod and Gun Club at the club’s annual meeting Saturday evening.

Ed Fandry was elected to the vice presidency, succeed- ing Balzer Capaul. And Robert Heiting and John Slowinski were named to another term as secretary and treasurer, respectively.

The meeting was held at the Stanley city auditorium, with about 200 members in atten dance.

Fort Lewis Notes… By S/Sgt. Wenzel Zais Battery A Gets new Self-Propelled Gun It’s raining in Washington tonight and you might have guessed it. The men of Bat- tery A are out on a maneuver that requires them to spend the night outside. Our unit is in direct support of the 1st Battle Group of the 128th Infantry and they are involved in a night problem. Unconfirmed reports are they will be called upon at 0530 tomorrow morning to fire a mission at sunrise.

Yours truly along with several other personnel did not make the night out as we are involved in last minutes preparations that must be handled pri- or to Monday night as Tuesday morning at 0700 we leave by convoy for the Yakima maneuver. Sgt. Weggen who has been Battery clerk is leaving for the school center where he will be enrolled in a chemical, biological, and radiological warfare course. Gerald Colburn, who is what you might call a Jack of all trades, will take over the Clerk position. Edwin Wegner, who is the regular clerk, is at- tending a class on ovce proce dure that is being conducted on the main post.

History was made once again in the 32nd as the Di vision received two self-propelled howitzers and Battery A will receive one of them. A self-propelled howitzer can be compared to a tank in many respects but I think it is far more streamlined in looks and I know everyone in the unit will be very much interested in it.

Ward Resigns Parish; Going Back to England The Rev. Cecil A. Ward, pastor of the Stanley and Thorp Methodist churches, has re signed from the local parishes and plans to return to his native England Although his resignation does not ovcially take euect until May 31, the end of the Methodist church year, Rev. Ward told The Republican that Sunday, May 20 will be his last day in the pulpit here.

He and Mrs. Ward are plan – ning to leave for England on the liner Mauretania on May 26, to return to their home in Kingston on Thames, Surrey— a suburb of London. Rev. Ward came to Stanley in January, 1954 to serve the three churches which then composed the parish—Stanley, Withee and Thorp. He has been reappointed to this parish each year since.

70 years ago May 1, 1952 Orange and Black A weekly column written and edited by high school students for high school student, parents, and interested citizens.

Thank you! We wish to thank Mr. Brov ald for the time he spent in helping us compile the Orange and Black column. We appreciate the visits he made to our meetings to give suggestions and ideas or articles. We wish him the best of luck and success in his new job at radio sta- tion WEAU.

Junior Prom As everyone knows, Friday night was the big night – yes the junior prom had arrived at last. Today, looking back on that night, everyone knows that it was a success. Comments were overheard which indicated that some people believe it is one of the most beautifully decorated proms they have ever seen. The theme, “Deep Purple,” was carried out with orchid streamers, starting in the center of the ceiling, ending in deep purple ones at the side. Orchid and white orchids were pinned up on the streamers. On the south side of the gym a space was decorated for the orchestra; above this space large silver letters spelled out the words Deep Purple. The grand march started at 11:20 p.m. with George Thierl and Shirley Soper leading it. The orchestra providing the music for the evening was the Downtown Five from Rice Lake—Betty 80 years ago April 17, 1942 Wayside Whisperings by Geo. Follien George Goes to War George, the editor of this column, has been called to the service of his country. The rest of the Republican family which have grown up with him here in the Republican ovce will feel severely the loss of his services and genial companionship. We will try to keep alive his column as a memo- rial to his evcient service, till he returns. We will devote the column to news about Stanley men in the service and George has promised to send us an oc- casional contribution. All other Stanley boys, most of whom receive the Republican are urged to contribute with news for their activities and information which they may have about any of the Stanley boys.

W. H. Bridgman Rose Now Isolates the Paralysis Germ Concern Profits 4,280 per – cent on Money borrowed from government Dr. W. C. Rose now of the Mayo Foundation claims to have isolated the germ of Infantile Paralysis which has hitherto evaded the scientists and he claims to be able to kill the germ with hypodermic (“Under the skin”) injections.

Paul McDougal, a totally blind man, heard the scream of a little girl who fell into the bay at Anacortes, Washington. Guided by her cries, he leaped into the bay and rescued her.

120 years ago March 29, 1902 Not so bad to hit a woman as a man.

Madison Judge Takes Vig – orous Exception to Strange Plea of Wife Beater.

Madison, Wis., March 25- [Special.]—Charles Burnham, who after beating his wife last week but his own throat but failed to kill himself, was sent to jail for four months without fine today.

The charge was wife-beating and the only defense offered by his attorney was that it was not so serious an ouense to hit a woman as it was to strike a man. Judge Donovan took vigorous exception to this and in passing sentence said that a man who would hit a woman was a brute and deserved to be tied to a post and given a dose of his own medicine.

Takes all the Blame. Tramp Goes to Prison So that His Companions May be Spared Punishment.

Steven's Point, Wis., March 25.-[Special.]-John Gentry, a tramp, today pleaded guilty to stealing a watch at Junction city and was sentenced by Judge Webb to two years in state prison. Three other tramps were also implicated, but Gentry shouldered the crime.

Ed Wolf, a well-known lo cal character, was given six months in jail for stealing $75 from a saloon till.

A railroad arrives!

140 years ago THE PIERCE COUNTY PLAINDEALER April 7, 1882 Chapter 135 AN ACT to amend chapter 261, laws of 1880, entitled an act in relation to the swamp land in the counties of Mara thon, Clark, Chippewa, Shawano, and Oconto.

The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows: Section 1. Section 1 of Chapter 261, of the laws of Wisconsin for the year 1880 is hereby amended by adding the following: provided further, that said coutnies may dispose of and convey said lands to any railroad corporation which shall construct a railroad from the city of Oconto through said counties; also that the counties of Marathon, Clark and Chip pewa may dispose and convey all such lands within their respective borders to any railroad corporation which shall hereafter construct, equip and operate a railroad from the county seat of said counties to the border thereof.

Section 2. This act shall take euect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

Approved March 17,1882.

Published March 28, 1882.