
Posted 3/15/22

A LOOK Back FROM THE FILES OF THE STANLEY REPUBLICAN COMPILED BY JOSEPH BACK 10 years ago March 1, 2012 Counselor Corner by Stanley-Boyd High School Guidance Counselor Katie Logan It’s already that …

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10 years ago March 1, 2012

Counselor Corner by Stanley-Boyd High School Guidance Counselor Katie Logan It’s already that time of year for eighth graders to start thinking about high school! Stanley-Boyd High School's counseling department will be holding two programs on Tuesday, February 28th and Thursday, March 1st. Stu dents and their parents must attend one of these sessions from 4:30-7:00 p.m. in the high school library. We are asking that all students whose last name begins with A-K plan to attend on Tuesday evening, and all student’s whose last names begin with L-Z plan to attend on Thursday night. If you have a con- flict on the evening you have been assigned, please plan on attending the other evening.

20 years ago February 28, 2002 Historical Society Needs Area Farm Information The Stanley Area His – torical Society will soon be publishing a book about local historical farms. Much of the material obtained in 1998 for the Heritage Farms program that was presented together with the Stanley Boyd Jay cees will be used in this book.

These were Century Farms (100 years in the same family) or farms that had been farmed by three generations of the same family.

The book will also have material on any farm that appears to be in some way a historical farm.

Please call Connie at 644**** or Bev at 644-**** for more information.

30 years ago March 5, 1992

School news: Bomb threat called in from local phone number, suspect in view as receptionist gives good description of caller’s voice and phone company identifies likely source Brenner Places Second at State, the best finish to date by a Stanley-Boyd wrestler.

Aldermen Urge Constituents To Complete & Return Survey Council Passes Revised Trailer Park Ordinance Mon day Night Jaycees Seek "Pride in the Farm” Nominees An added feature of the 1992 Outstanding Young Farmer Banquet will be the 1st Annual “Pride in the Farm” Award. Farmers of all ages in the Stanley-Boyd area with exceptionally well-maintained yards and buildings would be excellent nominees for this award.

40 years ago March 4, 1982

Boyd Area News The Boyd Boy Scouts had a very interesting and exciting month of February. During the month five new scouts were introduced to the troop: Pat Chirhart, Tim Roshell, Brad Vircks, Todd Gustafson and Travis Supple.

February 2 – The scouts had a meeting. They learned how to make rope and worked on their handbooks.

February 6 – The scouts practiced for the Sunday Mass they were going to lead. They also put up a window display at the Boyd Mercantile.

February 7 – The scouts lead the 10 a.m. Mass. Read ings were done by Jeff Van Domelen, Mike Ruff, Dennis Goetz and Doug Herrick. Offertory gifts were brought up by Wade Eslinger, Brian Crotty and Daryl Eslinger. Flag bearers were Jim Seichter and Dan Gilles. Also Sunday night the scouts held a “Parents Night Banquet.”

February 18 – The scouts had a meeting. They had uniform inspection, worked on their compass and map work, and learned a new knot, the I-Splice. The new scouts were also introduced to their requirements.

February 19 – The scouts had an outing at a hill north of Boyd. They hiked out, cooked twist bread and hot dogs over the fire they built, enjoyed themselves, and hiked back.

February 22 – The scouts went swimming at the Chip- pewa Falls Middle School.

Also during the month, Dan Gilles earned Environ- ment Skill Award and Den nis Goetz was elected Patrol Leaders.

Dan Gilles, Scribe

50 years ago March 2, 1972

Lions Club Plans Investi- gation Into Railroad Safety Arms The need of a new hospital in Chippewa Falls was discussed at the regular Lion‘s meeting held on Wednesday evening at Harmony House. The club voted to sponsor a program highlighting this need sometime in March.

Lion Flaten reported on information he has received regarding the railroad signals on Broadway in the city, a serious matter in that there have been so many accidents there. He stated that at Thorp had installed “arms” at a cost of $8,000 and that such safety feature costs are shared by the city, county, and railroad company. The matter will be in charge of the safety committee with the next step to be to contact the Public Service Commission.

News of Our Servicemen Dennis D. Naiberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Naiberg, Boyd, has enlisted in the U.S. Air Force.

60 years ago March 8, 1962

Farmers Seek Fire Protec tion From City Eleven nearby farmers have signed agreements with the Stanley Fire Department for fire protection, and a num ber of others have expressed interest in such an arrange- ment, the Stanley city council learned Tuesday evening.

As a result, the council is exploring the possibility of adding a water tank truck to the department’s equipment to be better able to serve these farms when an emergency arises.

This action may herald the start of an improvement in the rural fire protection pic ture. At the present time, the Stanley department cannot answer rural calls, with the exception of those few farms which come within their area or which have signed agreements to guarantee payment for fire calls.

All other farms in the area—even some which are just outside the city limits— must call either the Thorp or Boyd fire departments, be –

cause of township fire protec tion agreements.

70 years ago February 28, 1952

Traffic Violators Get 117 Tickets Since September 28 One hundred and seventeen tickets have been issued by the Stanley police depart – ment to traffic violators since passage of city legislation providing for the payment of nominal fines directly to the city clerk, late in September of last year.

Previous to that time, traf- fic violators had to appear in police court.

The first ticket under the new system was issued on September 28, and since that time over a hundred other motorists have found red tags on their cars for a variety of traf- fic law infractions. Plan Services for World Day of Prayer Here Friday Stanley Protestant church es will join in observing locally the World Day of Prayer, an annual religious event in which Protestant churches throughout the world take part, tomorrow in services at the Our Savior's Lutheran church here at 2:30 p.m.

Theme of the local program, which has been arranged under the general chairmanship of Mrs. Victor Vinger, will be “Christ Our Victory” 80 years ago March 6, 1942 HOME FOLKS CAN HELP WIN THE WAR Small Savings Contribute to an Enormous Total. Advise Saving of Refuse.

The impact of war on the cities and small towns in Wis- consin and Upper Michigan is just as much as in more vulnerable coastal areas—gets heavier as we realize victory depends on total adaptation to war. The process of giving up the things of peace so we may have the weapons of war has scarcely begun. In the end it may require more sacrifice than we can now imagine.

Immunize youth against disease County Nurse Advises That All Children Be Vacci- nated For Diphtheria, Small Pox Death, weak hearts, blind- ness and even disfigurement are high prices to pay for carelessness and procrastina- tion. In the United States of America of 1942, people still insist on exposing themselves and others to the risk of smallpox and diphtheria.

Every parent, because of his love for his child and his desire to keep the nation healthy, should immediately have his child vaccinated against smallpox and immunized against diphtheria, if this protection has not already been attended to.

It is highly desirable that immunization against these diseases take place before nine months of age and not later than his first birthday.

90 years ago February 26, 1932

Country Correspondence BLACK CREEK Gus Western acted as shipping manager at the stock- yards on Monday for the Farmers’ Union.

Geo. Weissenberg, who has been confined to his bed with the grippe, is able to be up a few hours or so each day.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van Domelin, John Ryba and Pete DeBruin were among those who motored to Kaukauna on Monday to attend the funeral of the late Geo. Ryba, who was instantly killed while at work in the paper mill there. They returned on Friday. Alice Herself There really was an Alice for whom the Rev. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, using the pen name “Lewis Carrol,” wrote “Alice in Wonderland” seventy years ago. She be – came Mrs. Hargreaves and is still living.

Fate in Stars, but Dollars in the Bank Fortunes are not so much indicated in cards, stars or palms as in one’s ability to save in all thing, especially a reasonable part of earnings… Financial freedom becomes real in a shot time when one determines to regularly save even a dollar at a time…We pay interest on savings Farmers and Merchant's State Bank 100 years ago March 10, 1922 PUBLIC LIBRARY HERE GROWS IN POPU LARITY February the Greatest Month in Its History and Last Saturday Largest Number of Patrons The Moon Memorial Public Library loaned 2,796 books and periodicals during the month of February, notwithstanding that February is a short month. And last Sat urday 227 loans of books and periodicals were made to patrons making this the largest day and the largest month in the library’s history.

This is evidence of the well-known fact that the library does not come into the full measure of its usefulness and appreciation till a generation of people have grown up in the companionship of its books and magazines. There is never any question about the utility of the public library after that. The taste for books acquired in youth, remains throughout life and is one of the greatest blessings which can come to any individual.

The librarian, Miss Sadie Cole, announces the gift of a year’s subscription of the Gospel Messenger, the week ly magazine of the Brethren Church to the library. It was donated by the local church society.

110 years ago February 24, 1912 Correspondence THORP Charles B., living about a mile east of town was declared insane last week by the proper authorities and on Saturday was taken to Osh – kosh for safe keeping. Mr. B. is one of the oldest settlers in this part of Clark County.

120 years ago February 15, 1902 OPEN UP VALUABLE LAND Milwaukee Road Planning New Route to Lake Superior Chippewa Falls, Feb. 13.-[Special]-It is report ed on what seems to be good authority that the Milwaukee road has purchased from Cornell university the Bruno Falls and nearly 3000 acres of land adjacent, on the Chippewa river, and that the company intends to extend its line from this city along the west side of the Chippewa river. The company has made several surveys to Lake Superior, but this route, it is believed, will be more important on account of it passing through an immense tract of hardwood timber and along some excellent waterpower on the river.