Board tables drainage as work done prior to meeting


The village of Boyd will not be contributing to storm drain extension off Clark Street, as the work was done prior to board consideration at the March meeting.
“Nothing to talk about anymore,” village president Bob Geist said of the agenda item for March on whether the village would contribute to cost of extending a storm drain off Clark Street.
“We didn’t even approve it and he went ahead and did it,” trustee Sarah McQuillan said.
Brought to their attention in February, the work had already been done by the resident in question, the issue not decided on last month as it was not on board agenda.
“He’s got it looking pretty nice,” village streets and utilities head Bob LaMarche said of the work off Clark Street, a sentiment agreed upon by trustee Michael Eslinger.
“He’s put a lot of work into it,” Eslinger said.
Sometimes, it pays to wait.