Booth and Beyond

Posted 6/21/22

FROM THE CORNER It was another busy Rodeo Day’s weekend in Stanley. Both rodeo performances were well attended, the weather couldn’t have been better, and the music both Friday and Saturday …

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Booth and Beyond



It was another busy Rodeo Day’s weekend in Stanley. Both rodeo performances were well attended, the weather couldn’t have been better, and the music both Friday and Saturday evenings was well received. I know I saw lots of happy smiles coming from the kids at the rodeo. And when it comes to fun, most of the kids participatingintheshoeracehadaball. However,thisyearthere was no mud to get dirty in! So, two successive weekends of great crowds a Chapman Park. I guess the inflationary increases in the cost of living haven’t hit us yet! *** Incaseyoumisseditandyouneedtoknow! KwikTriphas announced that it is going to be installing Bitcoin ATM’s in its 800 stores across Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois and Iowa. *** Facebook Posting: Isn’t it strange how mental illness hardly massacres anyone in Canada, Australia, or the United Kingdom? *** Did you know? The world’s first social network was the penny postcard. Between 1900 and 1920, 200 billion postcards circulated, sending messages between people. As a longtime collector of Wisconsin postcards, it is interesting the very simple messages that were sent. For instance, a good number in my collection simply state messages like, “Arriving in Stanley on Friday on the 9 am train. Or, “Thank you for a wonderful vacation. Arrived home safe.” +++ Travel in the early 1900’s included considerable planning and going any long distance was done by passenger train. Included in a person’s visit was often the purchase of a souvenir to commemorate the trip. Thus, high schools, court houses, or churches, were painted on plates or vases in Germany from postcard pictures. They were then shipped to America in barrels of sawdust and sold as souvenirs that were purchased by visitors to take home. Flash ruby and custard pieces often carried simple message such as, “Souvenir of Stanley, Wisconsin..” And why wouldn’t you take a souvenir home if you traveled a great distance and wanted a special memory to go with your trip? And then too, it looked nice in your china cabinet! ***.

Stanley native, Jen (Haas) Barney, is again back in the news. This time in a different role – political advertising for Governor TonyEvers. JenwasarecipientofoneofGovernorTonyEvers small business expansion grants, which has allowed her to expand her Meringue Bakery from 3 to 18 employees. Her business specializes in elegant wedding cakes — one of a kind cakes that featureseasonalandlocallysourcedingredients. Youmayrecall she holds two Food Network Baking Championship titles. I certainly look forward to a return visit to her Cafe/Bakery at 313 Main Street, in downtown La Crosse. Her open hours are Tuesday through Saturday from 7:30 am to 6 pm. Her cafe menu also uses locally sourced ingredients. And don’t forget to try one of her delicious and unique baked desserts while there, or take it home. *** As July approaches and your looking for something different to do, why not consider attending the 50th Anniversary of the Iola Car Show and Swap Meet, held this year July 7-9. Iola is about two hours from Stanley. This is one of America’s largest auto events, is internationally known, and attracts people from around the world. The show draws 100,000 plus attendees, there are 4,000 swap spaces and 2,500 show cars. If you want to make a vacation of it there are 1,600 campsites and special guests or music provided each day. You can check more out at iolacarshow. com 2022.

*** Good news for Western Wisconsin! The Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA) has agreed to a five year contract with the UW- La Crosse to host the state track and field championships in La Crosse through 2026. This event takes place at the UW-La Crosse campus. It is especially nice for athletes, their friends and families, in this part of the state as it cuts the driving time to attend by at least an hour and its an easy drive all the way. No Interstate 94 traffic! The event has been hosted by UW-LaCrosseforthepast32years –sowhywouldtheywant to change? *** Each year I read with interest about the graduations ceremonies held in area schools. Here are the number of graduates from those schools for 2022. Abbotsford 49, Augusta 34, Cadott 54, Cornell 15, Colby 73, Fall Creek 51, Gilman 26, Granton 11, Lake Holcombe 26, Loyal 39, Mondovi 64, Neillsville 69, New Auburn 23, Osseo-Fairchild 71, Stanley-Boyd 66 and Thorp 46. *** Here is a little inspiration attributed to Marianne Williamson, an American author, political activist, and spiritual leader: “Hate has talked so loudly for so long. Greed has talked so loudly for so long. Liars have talked so loudly for so long; Love has got to stop whispering!” *** Like any proud grandpa, Bob Valk was popping buttons when the news reached Stanley that his grandson, Connor Miller, had been appointed to head the Eau Claire Regis Catholic School’s boys basketball program. The Stanley native is an alumnus of Regis, having graduated in 2011, after an illustrious performance on Regis basketball teams. He is credited with having lead Regis to two state championships and he was named Northwest Player of the Year in 2011. *** Tornado update -During the week of June 6 – 11, a number of tornado damaged properties had stories related to them written. On June 7, the extensively damaged home just east of Kwik Trip was totally removed and grass planted. The former Gayle Bivans garage and the current Wundrow Garage was totally removed on June 8, making it ready for a replacement structure. On June 8, Kelley’s Place had their new front put on the building. Homes throughout that were in the tornado path are still having new siding, roofs, windows, shingles, replaced as needs dictate. *** Smile time. The Sunday school lesson for the day was about Noah’s Ark, so the teacher decided to get her small pupils involved by playing a game in which they identified animals. “I’m going to describe something to you. Let’s see if you can guess what it is. First, I’m furry with a bushy tail and I like to climb trees.” The children looked at her blankly. “I also like to eat nuts, especially acorns..” No response. This was not going well at all! Finally, a kid volunteered: “Well I know the answer has to be Jesus … but it sure sounds like a squirrel to me!” +++ A passenger in a taxi leaned over to ask the driver a question and tapped him on theshoulder. Thedriverscreamed,lostcontrolofthevehicle, nearly hit a bus, drove over the curb, and stopped just inches from a large plate glass window. The frightened passenger apologized to the driver and said he didn’t realize a mere tap on the shoulder could frighten him so much. The driver replied, “No, no I’m sorry, it entirely my fault. Today is my first day driving a taxi. I’ve been driving a hearse for the last 25 years.”