Booth and Beyond

Posted 4/12/22

FROM THE CORNER Have you heard about one of the newest crazies to be taken up by many seniors? It’s called pickleball. Although there is no age limit, many folks over 55 have discovered the sport. …

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Booth and Beyond



Have you heard about one of the newest crazies to be taken up by many seniors? It’s called pickleball. Although there is no age limit, many folks over 55 have discovered the sport. This sport, invented in 1965, is a mixture of tennis, badminton and pingpong. Today, roughly 60 percent of regular players are 55 or older and according to the Sports and Fitness Industry Association, there are 4.2 million U. S. players that compete on nearly 35,000 courts, with 67 new locations opening each month. It is reportedly the fastest growing sport in the United States. It was not to long ago, that it was reported in this newspapers’, “Bits and Pieces” column” that the Holcombe School District was putting in a pickleball court at its school and making it available to local residents. According to my discovery, four pickleball courts can fit on a standard tennis court, the game is played with a paddle that is about three times larger than a ping-pong paddle, and pickleballs have between 26 and 40 holes (the fewer and bigger the holes, the slower the play). I think this is something that needs to be added to the activities available at Chapman Park. Anyone out there who plays pickleball and could help lead the project? *** Did you know? Astates gas tax is a hidden tax. It is built into the price you pay for each gallon of gas you purchase. Wisconsin’s gas tax is 33¢ a gallon. Add to that, the 18.4¢ federal excise tax, that all drivers pay, and we in Wisconsin are paying 51.4¢ for state and federal gas taxes. The five states with the highest gas tax are California 67¢, Illinois 65¢, Pennsylvania 59¢, Indiana 52¢, and Nevada 50¢. Wisconsin has the 12th highest spot for state and federal gas taxes added together. +++ Speaking of taxes, Alabama, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Mississippi, Oklahoma and South Dakota each have a full sales tax on groceries. Some however do have provisions for rebates and credits to low-income, disabled and older residents. +++ According to the 2021 AAA “Your Driving Cost” study, the average annual cost of owning a new car is $9,666 or $805.50 per month. The biggest cost is depreciation, which accounts for 40% of all ownership expenses. Other costs would be fuel, maintenance, repair, tires, insurance, taxes and finance charges. *** It has been announced that about 100,000 Ukrainian refugees couldbecomingtotheUnitedStates. Whateverhappenedto the nearly 13,000 Afghan refugees who went through Fort Mc-Coy,locatednearSparta? FortMcCoywasoneofeightmilitary installations that processed refugees before they were handed off to organizations that helped them resettle throughout the United States. In the Midwest, Illinois resettled the most Afghans, about 1,900. In Wisconsin, about 850 Afghans were resettled, mostly in larger Wisconsin cities. 400 were resettled in the Milwaukee area, 200 in Appleton, 125 in Green Bay, 75 in Wausau and 50 in Madison. *** With the snow nearly gone, it is time to move into full Spring mode! The robins are already mating and soon will be building their nests. It's time to clean the birdhouses. Trees that flower will soon be in full splendor and foliage will soon be covering naked trees. It’s time to shake off any remnants of winter and get ready for more sunlight hours and warmer temperatures. It’s time to get ready to spend more time outdoors. It’s time to get the bikes down and checked for whatever needs to be done to get them in tip top shape. Time to get walking shoes replaced if need be. So get ready! Welcome Spring. Enjoy! *** Easter is Sunday! Remember that Easter is the most important feast day in the Christian church, as it celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Easter egg is a universal symbol of new life, rebirth and fertility. For many Christians, the egg symbolizes the tomb out of which Christ emerged to the new life of his Resurrection. Perhaps the most popular Easter symbol is the lamb. The lamb symbolizes Jesus, as it embodies purity and goodness, but also represents sacrifice. Jesus is referred to as the "Lamb of God” and the “Passover Lamb” in the bible. For Christians, the resurrected Christ is called the "Bread of life." One final Easter symbols the Easter lily, symbolizing life, purity, innocence, joy and peace. Happy Easter. Enjoy the day. *** For those who may not know Holy Family Church in Stanley is temporarily closed for renovation – new flooring and light ing. As a result, Easter services are scheduled at follows: Easter Vigil at Boyd St Joseph’s on Saturday, April 16 at 8 pm., Easter Sunday at Cadott St. Rose at 8:30 am and 10:30 am at Boyd St Joseph’s. Holy Thursday will be celebrated at Boyd St. Joseph’s at 7 pm, and Good Friday will also be at Boyd at 1 pm. *** Why are small businesses known as the “backbone of the economy? It’s because they create 67% of new jobs, deliver 43% of the Gross National Product, 16% of new patents, and 68% of every dollar spent with them is funneled back to the community. Supporting small businesses needs to be more often than one Saturday in December. *** Imagine how surprised I was to be notified of my anniversary of the Board of Review for earning the Eagle Scout Award, in April 1960 – a mere 62 years ago. The notice came from the National Eagle Scout Association and of course they were looking for a membership in the Association. It was a nice gesture, but certainly not a time in my life that I am looking for another membership in anything. *** Smile time. Quips to be enjoyed! We should get rid of our vacuum cleaner. It’s just gathering dust. +++ I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me. +++ I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down. +++ I used to be a banker but I lost interest. +++ My friend’s bakery burned down last night. Now his business is toast. +++ Police were called to a daycare where a three-year old was resisting a rest. +++ Need an ark to save two of every animal? I noah guy. +++ I was going to look for my missing watch, but I could never find the time. +++ I've learned two important lessons in my life. I don't remember the first one, but the second one is to write everything down. +++ The easiest way to organize your stuff is to get rid of most of it. +++ Love is grand; divorce is a hundred grand. +++ I am in shape. Round is a shape. +++ Time may be a great healer, but it’s also a lousy beautician. +++ Anything free is worth what you pay for it. +++ Never heard in church: Pastor, we want to send you to a Bible seminar in the Bahamas. * Forget the denominational minimum salary. Let’s pay our pastor so he can live like we do.* Personally, I find witnessing much more enjoyable than golf.