Boyd Lions hold meeting

Posted 10/25/22

The monthly meeting of the Boyd Lions Club was held October 12 where many items were discussed. Lion Deb reported that the Charcoal Chicken dinner held October 2 was successful. The Treasurer’s …

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Boyd Lions hold meeting


The monthly meeting of the Boyd Lions Club was held October 12 where many items were discussed. Lion Deb reported that the Charcoal Chicken dinner held October 2 was successful. The Treasurer’s report was given by Lion Laurie and approved.

Halloween was discussed and the club agreed to have a Lions stand to distribute Halloween Treats for the children. Hot Chocolate, cookies and a warming fire will be provided. Hours are 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on October 31 and will be located between Tolley’s Bowl and Bar and Red Wing Cabinets (main street of Boyd).

The Winter Meat Raffle was discussed, and the club agreed to hold the raffle again this year. Tickets will be available soon from members and local businesses. Tickets prices are $2.00 each or three for $5.00. Meat bundles prizes will be First – $500.00, Second – $250.00, Third $150.00 and Fourth $100.00. The drawing will be held the afternoon of April 23, 2023, at Tolley’s Bowl and Bar.

The Scotch Doubles Tournament was discussed. Decision was made to hold the event. Dates are set as April 14, 15, and 16, and April 21, 22 and 23, 2023.

The Boyd Lions Club had representatives at the Holcombe Lions 50th Anniversary and the Cadott Lions 75th Anniversary. Congratulations to both clubs for the many years of service to their communities.

The Boyd Lions will have Christmas Fruit Baskets again this year for local shut-ins. Baskets will be prepared at the December meeting.

The last matter of business was reviewing proceeds raised from events the Club sponsored. A motion was made, seconded and passed to donate $1000 to the Boyd-Edson- Delmar Fire Department and $1000 to the Boyd-Edson-Delmar Ambulance Service. Another donation was approved for the vic- tims of a recent house fire. The next Lions meeting will be held December 14 at 6:30 p.m. at the Boyd Legion Hall. Anyone interested in joining the Boyd Lions Club is welcome. Please feel free to attend meetings, or you can call Denny/Judy at 715-667-3007, or Jeff/Deb at 715-667-3354.