The Tournament Champion Pirates: Shown above (back row, from left) are Coach Brad Benson, Delton Kenealy, Coach Ryan Benson, Joe Benson, Kendall Sikora, Anthony Haas, Coach Kyle Hera, and Coach Dan Kroeplin (middle row) Isabella Benson, Tina Benson, Jacob Haas, Timothy Kenealy, Ty Sikora, Kylee Kroeplin, Peyton Kroeplin, Micah Krajacic, and Drew Sikora (front row) Brantley Benson.
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Team Packers: Shown above (back row, from left) are Coach Chelsey Wilichowski, Brantley Moore, Megan Pilgrim, Ryleigh Breuch, Dylan Robinson, Keatton Breuch, and Coach Tom Breuch (front row) Emmett Breuch, Bentley Wilichowski, and Neil Pilgrim. Not pictured: Avery Gerrits, Chase Walters and Coach Josh Walters.
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Team Cubs: Shown above (back row, from left) are Coach Andy Dahm, Coach Hunter Kodl, Coach Matt Gindt, Vaida Chwala, Griffin Dahm, Tucker Gindt, Coach Stephanie Gindt, and Coach Alexa Gindt (middle row) Trevor Kodl, Natilynn Johnson, Will Chwala, Stella Chwala, Ella Dahm, Sydney Yates, and Amari’ella Witt (front row) Greyson Dahm and Bronson Wiese.
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Team Bucks: Shown above (back row, from left) are Coach Tony Peterson, Coach Jayden Pennella, Mason Carmeans, Koraline Pennella, Madison Carmeans, Ava Demske, Josiah Demske, Dylan Boos, Coach Wayne Gadke and Coach Eli Haller (front row) Lydia Peterson, Emmett Sikora, Aaron Peterson, Porter Boos and Isaac Peterson. Not pictured- Caitlyn Collins.
Photo by Danielle Boos
Team Cardinals: The Cardinals Team was comprised of Coaches Mike Geist, Roger Weltzin and Greg Sowieja. The players were Peyton Zygarlicke, Sawyer Laager, Austin Rosseter, Abby Weltzin, Rylan Weathers, Kennedy Witt, Tyler Weltzin, Harley Geist, Evan Sowieja, Brad Flashinski, Mike Wells, and Clay Flashinski.
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Team Giants.: The players for the Giants were Brooke Wilichowski, Annelysse Kramschuster, Claire Wilichowski, Mason Vait, Aiden Kaiser, Mitchell Milas, Dayne Hazelton, Emilee Kramschuster, Rylan Jessick, Brennan Prahl, April Tiegs, and Henry Elmhorst with Coaches Sam Kramschuster, Travis Kramschuster, and Gabrielle Wilichowski.
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Team Brewers: Shown above (back row, from left) are Coach Kelly Pruss, Anna Pruss, Jocelyn Hager, Emily Pruss, Jameson Gindt, and Coach Dale Sayles (front row) Zander Kelly, Bryce Schuebel, Lance Kelly, Rudy Hager, Treyton Christoph, and Trace Christoph. Not pictured: Toby Badzinski.
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Team Braves: The Braves Team consisted of Coaches Anthony Candela and James Bates with players Reagan Bates, Parker Bates, Jaelyn Parker, Austin Acker, Sydney Haas, Jaella Schesel, Finnegan Cody, Westley Haas, Michael Mikey, Brantley Haas, Jayce Schesel, and Grant McQuillan.
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Photo: yankees2.jpg
Team Yankees: The Yankees players were Brantley Dorn, Reid Krizan, Adalynn Krizan, Sadie Seidling, Porter Goettl, Gavin Potaczek, Bryson Laflex, Kylie Laflex, Baylor Goettl, Payton Laflex, Tinley, and Wyatt with Coach Casey Dorn and Coach Krizan.
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Team Panthers: Shown above (back row, from left) are Janelle Schesel, Coach Sarah McQuillan, and Coach Ryan McQuillan (middle row) Zane Ramsiecer, Chase Boie, Liam McQuillan, Jake Schesel, Rowan Dusek, and Jayse Schuebel (front row) Brooks Dusek, Jason Schesel, Gracie Meyer, Harper Wiese, and Klaye Schuebel Not pictured-Coach Breckin Burzynski.
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Team Lions: Shown above (back row, from left) are Coach Keri Gully, Bennett Rucker, Keyaan’Dre Witt, Riley Haas, Oaklynn Kragness, Cohen Boos, and Coach Mariah Elwood (front row) Cashton Justus and Paisley Haas. Not pictured: Cooper Halterman and Raylee Wampole.
Photo by Danielle Boos
Team Jaguars: The Jaguars Team consisted of Reece Licht, Charlie Poehls, Landon Lawcewicz, Addalyn Lemon, Wesley Affolter, Connor Reid, Colt Kroeplin, Addie Kroeplin, Cannon Kramschuster, and Cooper Kramschuster with Coaches Jolene Lokrantz and Kihley Schreurs.
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Team Cougars: The Cougars consisted of Coach Travis Pickering and team players- Chelsea Sonnentag, Hudson Hodowanic, Mila Baker, Lane Baker, Lucas Flashinski, Noah Tiegs, Ben Rozadowski, Regan Hodowanic, Emily Sonnentag, Marea Pickering, Liam Sikora, and Cashton Potaczek.
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Team Bears: The team players included Easton Ebert, Emilee Hakes, Graham Miller, Zander Johnson, Lane Koschak, Lillyann Baxter, Amy Burgon, Elliot Burgon, Gunner, and Colt Walters.
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Team Badgers: The Badgers Team Coaches were Jay Howell and Erin. The team players were Eva Schesel, Carter Samplawski, Calvin Schmitt, Naomi Vircks, Jameson Anderson, Braxton Nelson, Jax Howell, Jonathan Derks, Ezra Peterson, and Jaxson Anderson.
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