Boyd T-Ball to debut Thursday night at Lotz Park starting at 5:30 p.m.

Posted 7/20/22

By Joseph Back The Boyd Village Board decided at its July meeting to re – view the ordinances. Among them, were those for containers. "Luckily, we haven't had much for containers or …

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Boyd T-Ball to debut Thursday night at Lotz Park starting at 5:30 p.m.


By Joseph Back

The Boyd Village Board decided at its July meeting to re – view the ordinances. Among them, were those for containers. "Luckily, we haven't had much for containers or trailers," Boyd trustee Dale Isaacs said from the village board meeting Monday June 11.

"But watch, it won't be long," trustee Sarah McQuillan said in reply.

"I think that's part of what Alan Harvey does," village clerk Sandi Isaacs rejoined of the village attorney. "See what's com –

ing." Discussing the village ordinances at the regular June meet – ing following an earlier a discussion by the Plan Commission, the Village of Boyd as represented in its board moved to send on a list of rules to Alan Harvey for review. Listed among them was a container limit of 90 days, the exception being for construction. Also listed among them were put the village lawn mowing and snow removal fees in line with Stanley on account of shared police service, and moving dierent village positions from a one-year term to "the pleasure of the board." Included in the latter was the weed commissioner, or person tasked with making sure noxious weeds are destroyed. In the meantime operators licenses are due to rise to $40 every two years from $20, though nothing has been ocially approved and still requires review.

"These aren't approved yet," clerk Sandi Isaacs said of the rate changes by phone Monday from the village hall.

In happier village news, the new T-Ball field is due to see its first ocial action this Thursday July 21, with play starting at 5:30 and three games planned. The field comes as the result of organizational cooperation and donations by many dierent community organizations.

Meanwhile, the Boyd Corn Feed is still to come, with full details in a later issue of the Stanley Republican. For the present, there's Little League, running through the first week of August and now with T-Ball!

Welcoming teamsThursday July 21, theT-Ball field replaces tennis courts once on site. Photo by Joseph Back.