Chapman Lake Fish Stocking

Posted 8/30/22

At its August meeting, the Stanley Sportsman’s Club voted to appropriate $4,000 to stock 2,000 jumbo perch in Chapman Lake this fall. According to local DNR fish biologist, Joe Ger byshak, perch …

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Chapman Lake Fish Stocking


At its August meeting, the Stanley Sportsman’s Club voted to appropriate $4,000 to stock 2,000 jumbo perch in Chapman Lake this fall. According to local DNR fish biologist, Joe Ger byshak, perch appear to do well in Chapman Lake and recommended approval of the project.

In a past Tracks and Trails article, I indicated due to a genetic disease disorder detected in the DNR’s northern pike rearing pond, there will be no stocking of northern in Chapman Lake this year.

Gerbyshak also noted that the Eau Claire DNR fisheries team has decided to do a fish population survey on Chapman Lake next spring following their comprehensive survey on Otter Lake.