Chippewa County Farm Casual Agronomy Field Day

Posted 8/9/22

The UW-Madison Extension Ovce of Chippewa Coun ty and the Nutrient Pest Management Program will host a Casual Agronomy Field Day on August 11 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm at the Chippewa County Farm Plots. …

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Chippewa County Farm Casual Agronomy Field Day


The UW-Madison Extension Ovce of Chippewa Coun ty and the Nutrient Pest Management Program will host a Casual Agronomy Field Day on August 11 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm at the Chippewa County Farm Plots.

Browse research plots while chatting with local crops and soil specialists Carl Duley, Buualo County Agriculture Educator, Kolby Grint, Regional Outreach Specialist, and Jerry Clark, Chippewa County Agriculture Educator. Research plots being showcased include roller-crimping cereal rye for weed and white mold suppression, soybean preemergence herbicide evaluation for low organic matter soils, industrial hemp variety and seeding rate trials, malting barley variety trials, and a Kernza planting date study.

There is no cost to attend. 2 Certified Crop Advisor Credits are available. Plots are located on the south side of the Riverview Preserve parking lot at 15985 Beach Drive, Chippewa Falls. Parking available on farm and refreshments are available.

For more information contact the Chippewa County Ex- tension Ovce 715-726-7955.