City approves contract assessment for water treatment plan

Posted 10/18/22

Draft plans, recommendations tentatively due in Spring 2023 The City of Stanley recently approved a contract for $46,900 in water treatment plan services from Ayres Associates and Applied …

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City approves contract assessment for water treatment plan


Draft plans, recommendations tentatively due in Spring 2023

The City of Stanley recently approved a contract for $46,900 in water treatment plan services from Ayres Associates and Applied Technologies, of Eau Claire and Brook field respectively.

The contract approved Oct. 6 with motion from Holly Kitchell seconded by Jerry Allen, calls for a draft water plan tentatively ready by March 2023, to help the city plan future water use. The City currently has eight wells with a pumping capacity of 550,000, which wells serve a population of 3,800 including the prison.

Whether that will hold for the future or not, is part of the evaluation. Taking into account the 2020-2040 Comprehensive Plan along with Public Service Commission (PSC) Re- ports and DNR materials, the water treatment plan by Ayres Associates and Applied Technologies will seek to look 20 years into the future, for what the City will need in years to come.

Included in the contract are visits to all city water system facilities, interviewing of city staff, population and water demand projections based on city and other dates, along with surplus/deficiency analysis of the water supply, along with treatment and storage facilities. Also included are an estimate of capital costs for recommended improvements along with a priority listing of each, plus analysis of impact on water rates for the recommended plan. Following the draft plan for city review the firms would then meet with the city and incorpo rate its comments into the water plan.