City looks to self-publish own ordinances, save time and money

Posted 6/28/22

Voting Monday June 20 in regular session, the Stanley Common Council opted to do its own ordinance writing, with motion made by Laurie Foster and seconded by Mark Fitzsimmons in the move that would …

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City looks to self-publish own ordinances, save time and money


Voting Monday June 20 in regular session, the Stanley Common Council opted to do its own ordinance writing, with motion made by Laurie Foster and seconded by Mark Fitzsimmons in the move that would sideline ordinance writing assistance from Alan Harvey.

“They take our current ordinances we have now, and turn them online,” city clerk-treasurer Nicole Thiel said of the service by Civic Plus Municode that would see city statutes posted online. The self-publishing option will cost $1,700 per year, but is considered less expensive than hiring someone to do them, as well as saving time. SELF PUBLISH

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“Going this route I think would actually save us money,” Mayor Haas said of the measure. The firm to post ordinances online has over 70 years of experience, with Municode “the oldest and most trusted codifier in the nation,” per a letter by Civic Plus Municode national legal sales director James Bonneville to the City. Under the agreement ordinances can be exported into computer files if the service is dropped. “We write them and they double check everything,” city clerk Nicole Thiel said of the shift to the online self-publishing option for the City. And with that, it was into adjournment. “That brings us to number 16, the one we’ve all been waiting for,” Mayor Haas said, accepting the motion by Foster seconded by Kevin Hendrickson to adjourn.