Council approves lift station upgrades in city

Posted 10/11/22

Seven of eight pumps to be upgraded as wastewater to be brought into 21st century The City of Stanley will be seeing lift station upgrades soon, after the common council voted in regular session Oct. …

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Council approves lift station upgrades in city


Seven of eight pumps to be upgraded as wastewater to be brought into 21st century

The City of Stanley will be seeing lift station upgrades soon, after the common council voted in regular session Oct. 3 to approve the measure. Motion was made by Jacob Huff and seconded by Holly Kitchell for the upgrades to include all but the lift station outside the Community Center, which is new and thus not in need of upgrades. Bringing the other seven lift stations in town up to date is estimated at $532,735 in total, with upgrades working in the updates made recently allowing for more timely (wireless) warning of potential issues with regard to sewage backup.

As to details of what the upgrades to come might look like, those came courtesy of Nick Martin and Dean Schneider. Appearing before the Committee as a Whole prior to the regular meeting Oct. 3, Martin and Schneider shared their take on things.

“What drew our attention was not so much the scope of work as what it excludes,” Martin said of comparing bids and then following up individually to see what the price would be with a more integrated work approach and no middleman. Several of the initial bids had included substantial subcontracted work, resulting in sticker shock. Competing bids were received from both Energenics and Crane, with a third "city option" cost winning out in the end, as having city employees oversee upgrades is projected to lead to substantial cost savings. The parts themselves will be sourced from outside the city.

Included in the one by one lift station upgrades overseen by city staff is software for settings and data on a flash drive, meaning the city would own rather than pay a software fee for the important sewer system upgrades, in case something unexpectedly goes wrong and time is of the essence. And the pumps themselves, as approved at Council?

Four-inch submersible pumps of Flygt Model 3102.070, with metal of a character to resist corrosion and a two -year clog warranty, to supplement a five-year overall warranty.

"We kind of bring our lift stations into the 21st Century as fare as equipment is concerned," Martin said of the coming upgrades. Installation is due to begin in late April or May, after the ground thaws.