Council hears comment on zoning matter

Posted 6/28/22

If you, or someone you know, can definitively show, that a certain piece of property near Stockyard Road on Maple Street was zoned commercial over 40 years ago, Jody Halterman might want to hear from …

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Council hears comment on zoning matter


If you, or someone you know, can definitively show, that a certain piece of property near Stockyard Road on Maple Street was zoned commercial over 40 years ago, Jody Halterman might want to hear from you.

Halterman appeared before the regular Stanley Common Council meeting Monday June 20 to remonstrate over the zoning of a parcel of land belonging to his parent’s estate. Being able to show that said property was in fact zoned commercial, could have a big impact on sale price.

“This is going to be a big factor in the sale price,” Halterman said of the property on the west side. Wtih no evidence found by the city that the parcel had once been zoned as such, there was at least hearsay evidence of such, as it was asserted by some on the council that notation couldn’t be found or it had never gone through.

“That is incorrect,” Halterman said of the assertion made, “because I just talked with Mr. Larry Norrell, who…voted on it.”

That said, the city could not furnish documentation of same, leaving Badgerlink as one possible venue to search for potential written evidence in meeting minutes.

“The nearest we can tell is that it was 1979 or 1980,” Halterman said in giving a general time frame for the zoning matter in dispute.