Council votes for library to have separate card at Jan. 16 meeting

Posted 1/24/23

Credit cards didn’t exist when D.R. Moon was alive, back in the 1800s. Nor did the U.S. Federal Reserve, to name just one finance tool now taken for granted. At any rate, and in the interest of …

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Council votes for library to have separate card at Jan. 16 meeting


Credit cards didn’t exist when D.R. Moon was alive, back in the 1800s.

Nor did the U.S. Federal Reserve, to name just one finance tool now taken for granted.

At any rate, and in the interest of making things easier, library director Elizabeth Miniatt appeared before the Stanley City Council, seeking a separate credit card specifically for library use. The library did have a card in the former director’s name, Miniatt said.

“It’s still in the name of the directory before me, City of Stanley,” she said.

The issue, first brought up by Miniatt when Cynthia Bergman was clerk/ treasurer, isn’t just limited to the library though. Presently the city has just one card for all purchases, and department heads have to make the trip to city hall just to get the plastic rectangle. Expanding this to multiple cards, would involve and potentially impact city employee’s credit, as the person(s) responsible for said card would in turn have a connection to city finances.

Following assurances that Miniatt understood what it entailed, the Council approved her request for the library to have its own credit card.

“I’ll make a motion that we approve credit card for the library director as requested by the library board,” Ward 1 alderman Jerry Allen said.

“I’ll second it,” Holly Kitchell voiced. With a following vote approving the new card.