December Lions Moment

Posted 12/27/22

WITH STANLEY LIONS PRESIDENT DAVID JANKOSKI December is a time with family, friends and contributing to others in need. It is a traditional time of sharing of our time, talent and treasure. …

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December Lions Moment



December is a time with family, friends and contributing to others in need. It is a traditional time of sharing of our time, talent and treasure. Hopefully, it is also a time that readers might consider becoming a member of a local organization dedicated to serving others – the Stanley Lions Club. We need new members, with new ideas and a willingness to serve others. This brings me to share a 1949 article by Robert Elkins, the editor of the Thorp Courier, which is a powerful invitation to become a community servant: “There are two kinds of men/woman in every community, the men/ woman who help and the men/woman who do not. Every man/woman belongs to one or the other of these two classes. They either helps buildup a town or drag it down. To which class do you belong? The man/woman who …. takes an active part in the work of uplifting, is a helper. Or the man/woman who stays at home, refuses to subscribe to public enterprise and grumbles and quibbles about everything the helpers do, is dead weight upon a community and they ought to get into the game. If you can’t be a helper…. emigrate to some community where you can join an Old Foggy Club and live a life of discontent, knocking and hear others knock. The world loves a man/woman who does things. It respects a man/woman who helps others to accomplish