Enrollment and budget numbers given at August Board meeting

Posted 9/6/22

Social media post deemed ‘not a serious threat’ after threat assessment completed by district and police department by Joseph Back Parents from the area may have gotten a scare recently from …

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Enrollment and budget numbers given at August Board meeting


Social media post deemed ‘not a serious threat’ after threat assessment completed by district and police department

by Joseph Back

Parents from the area may have gotten a scare recently from reports that a threatening social media post had been circulating online. Following district evaluation, the post in question was deemed as ‘not a serious threat,’ with district staff reviewing the threat with the Stanley Police Department. Superintendent Jeff Koenig sent the following message to district families on the matter last week, not otherwise elaborating on the alleged threat’s nature or content.

“Dear Families,” he began. “The Stanley-Boyd Area School District was made aware of a troubling post that was originally posted this morning but is recirculating this evening on social media. The post may be interpreted by some as a threat to school safety.

The message was reviewed this morning with the assistance of the Stanley Police Department,” Koenig went on. After an investigation, the post was deemed not a serious threat. As with the normal start to the school year, the Stanley Police Department has had an increased presence at the school and will continue to in the near future.

We appreciate the students who brought the post to the attention of the administration immediately. If you or your child becomes aware of any potential threat posted to social media or anywhere else, please notify a school staff member or trusted adult right away,” Koenig wrote.

Closing with a nod to the district’s partnership with parents, Koenig thanked readers for their support “as we work to ensure a safe, secure, and positive learning environment for our students.”

Questioned on just how and why the district determined the threat in question ‘not serious,’ Koenig extended an invitation.

“You would have to sit down and do an actual interview to see the process,” he told paper staff by email. As such, an appointment has been made to get buzzed in the school building, and we will report next week on the process of threat assessment by the district.

At the August board meeting, meanwhile, Koenig reported on enrollment and budget numbers.

“First we had the fund balance numbers from last year,” Koenig told the board of the financial update. With a transfer to Fund 46 giving the district almost $7 million to use towards capital improvement, the board opted to go with option two prioritizing the bus loop and a middle school remodel, along with security doors in a separate bid. Such doors would be activated with a panic button thereby partitioning the school in an emergency. As to lunch reimbursement, meanwhile, federal reimbursement had been higher than what the district had been charging for lunch—but that was over, it was made known.

“That’s ending,” Koenig said of the difference in federal reimbursement to lunch charges that had seen a surplus in the district lunch account.

As to the budget more generally, the numbers ending the current fiscal year saw $2,580,369.38 in the General Fund (aka “Fund 10”), $421,668.35 in the Special Revenue Trust (Fund 21), $6,936,520.58 in Long Term Capital Improvement (Fund 46), $213,594.43 in Food Service (Fund 50), $44,766.69 in Community Service (Fund 80), and $1,376,040.54 in the Trust Fund (Fund 73).

The board had also talked of placing some building funds in a higher interest bearing account while it waits on the elementary portion of the remodel. The numbers as shown were calculated prior to any such transfer.

As to enrollment and the reimbursement it heralds (approximately $10,00 per student), officially numbers await the third Friday in September, while the unofficial September head count stood at 1,090 students, the highest within the current three year rolling average. Finally, there was the board policy review of SL 7 Financial Administration.

“I also want to specifically note that we were notified as soon as it occurred and we understand why it occurred,” school board member Chad Verbeten said of district superintendent Koenig approving a $34,000 contract with ServPro for water mitigation in the high school library, after heavy rains had brought damage but before the board had met to give its approval. “Not that we ever want it to happen again.” The usual limit for entering contracts prior to board review is $20,000.

Finding the district in compliance with exceptions with SL 7 Financial Administration, the board then moved into audited budget numbers, as shared previously.