‘Friendly Town’ resident gets letter on pets

Posted 9/20/22

Board restates ordinance limit of five total for large animals by Joseph Back “I feel safe in Boyd,” the resident said when appearing before the Board during public comment at the regular August …

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‘Friendly Town’ resident gets letter on pets


Board restates ordinance limit of five total for large animals

by Joseph Back

“I feel safe in Boyd,” the resident said when appearing before the Board during public comment at the regular August board meeting.

Asking for consideration after a domestic incident and police response had resulted in the village learning the resident had violated its five pet limit , the village board promised to look into the matter, later sending a letter in which it restated the ordinance, but without opting to invoke a fine or grant variance.

“It has come to the Village of Boyd Board of Trustees (further to be referred as the Board) attention that you are not in compliance with the following Village of Boyd Ordinance,” the letter begins to the east side resident, with ordinances listed in full under the government tab at boydwi.gov.

As to the letter, it references Title 7 – 1- 19 of village ordinance, “Limitation on Dogs and Cats,” in which “no more than three (3) dogs or five (5) cats, or a total of five (5) dogs and cats,” are allowed in any residence unit.


from page 8

“This has been communicated to the Board by a report from the Stanley Police Department and a discussion with you at the Board’s August 8, 2022 Public Comment portion of the Board meeting,” the letter states regarding the notice of said resident being in violation of village pet limits.

“The purpose of this letter is to inform you that if you are found to be noncompliant in the future, you will receive a citation for $169.00 First Offense and $200.50 Second Offense, from the Stanley Police Department. A copy of this letter will be forwarded to the Stanley Police Department Chief of Police.”

Signed in turn by village president Bob Geist, the letter was mailed following an August 23 special board meeting, at which in part the village discussed its thoughts on the matter.

“A lot of people couldn’t take care of more than that,” Dale Isaacs had said August 8 as the general reason behind the village ordinance. Discussion was also had on whether exceptions had been made in the past, and by extension the impact of granting an exception on future requests, which in turn would need to be treated equitably with regard to all residents, to avoid the prospect of the board showing favoritism.

“They gave me a reason to get up in the morning,” the noticed resident said of keeping animals on the east side, not having children and recently having gone through a divorce.