FROM THE CORNER Booth and Beyond

Posted 1/10/23

Before I continue with another report on the Stanley Correctional Institution’s 2022 Annual Report, it should be noted that the State Building Commission has approved $252 million for projects …

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FROM THE CORNER Booth and Beyond


Before I continue with another report on the Stanley Correctional Institution’s 2022 Annual Report, it should be noted that the State Building Commission has approved $252 million for projects across the state including $16.5 million for a health building at the Stanley Correctional Institution. The new facility will provide health services, psychological services, dental services, therapeutic services, and lab services. Plans for the new health services building has been in the works for years. The project was actually approved in 2019, but has had to wait three years for funding to be approved. The new building will replace an inadequate 6,000 square foot health services unit. Construction is budgeted at $11.9 million, design costs is $1.2 million, $1.8 million is set aside for contingency costs, and $1 million will be for equipment. *** I did not have the space last week to include who are housed in 5th Unit at the Stanley Correctional Institution. Unit 5 serves as a general population unit. Those training dogs in the Can Do Canines live on this unit. Currently, 38 inmates are involved in training 16 dogs. Each dog has a team of two handlers and there are two dog sitters on the wing to assist the handlers with a variety of needs. Inmates spend approximately three hours a day training with the dogs on obedience and other skills, which will assist individuals who will be receiving the dogs in the future. This Unit also houses veterans with a variety of outside programs available to them. AMVETS, State VA Reps, and Federal VA representatives provide services to meet their needs. Veterans on this Unit conduct institution fundraisers and have donated to various causes, including $3,500 that was donated to the Stanley Tornado Relief Fund. That fund paid for insurance policy deductibles for all applicants who applied for assistance. *** Handling Institution Complaints: Inmate complaints and grievances are investigated in a formal and confidential manner. The SCI Complaint Department processed 1,566 complaints during the 2022 Fiscal Year. 1,025 complaints were accepted and 538 were returned based on Department policy. Summary of Complaints – Affirmed 77; Dismissed 735; Rejected 217; Referred Out 26; Referred In 13. *** Management Services. Management Services facilitates the security of the institution, such as financial operations, food service, laundry, physical plant operations and maintenance and warehouse/canteen. The Maintenance Department conducts routine and preventative maintenance to effectively manage the institution assets. Food Service operates 14 hours a day, 7 days a week. SCI operates a full scratch bakery and seasonal garden with garden produce helping to reduce meal costs. The Business Office staff facilitates procurement and payment of all supplies and services and coordinates with departments to ensure responsible use of funds for institution needs. Business office staff receipt and distribute inmate funds. They also coordinate pizza sales, fundraisers and holiday food packages. The Warehouse is the entry point for outside goods arriving at the institution an average stock inventory valued at $425,000. The warehouse handles all shipments of food, clothing, office supplies, maintenance tools and repair parts and cleaning supplies. On a weekly basis, they process orders for delivery throughout the institution. Laundry services for the SCI continue to be provided through a contract with a laundry facility operated at Oshkosh Correctional Institution. Inmate tailors at SCI provide all tailoring, alterations and mending. Canteen services at SCI are contracted with Union Supply Group. Inmates can order via the phone system and the orders are filled weekly. Ordering of food, personal hygiene items, over the counter medications and skin care items are among things that can be ordered. Commission from the sales are used to purchase supplies and equipment for recreation, visitor and religious programs. *** Many departments at SCI provide programming that contribute to the body and soul of inmates. SCOPES (Stanley Correctional Outreach Program Equals Success) is SCI’s community service program. SCOPES volunteer inmates turn raw materials into sewed, quilted, painted and bead items. On average 85-100 community organizations benefit from the donations from the SCOPES Program. Recreation leaders schedule and monitor many institution activities. Among them are weight lifting, basketball, handball, pickleball and volleyball. Intramural activities provide competition between living units. Indoor and outdoor activities are held winter and summer. *** The approximate 170 volunteers are important to SCI. They lead services, facilitate classes, study groups and pastoral visits. Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous groups share their experience, strength and hope with inmates. Umbrella Religious Groups including Catholic, Eastern Religions, Humanist/Atheist/ Agnostic, Islam, Jewish, Native American Pagan and Protestant are recognized and supported in the Institution. Among the services held are provided by the following: Abundant Life Church, Catholic Mass by Fr. William Felix, Chapel Worship, Chippewa Valley Bible Church, Eastern Religion, Jewish Service, Jumah Prayer, Mennonite Church, Pagan Circle, Spooner Baptist Church, and Sweat Lodge (Native American). The Salvation Army and American Rehabilitation Ministries donate greeting cards and inmates are allowed to receive two per month for their use. The chapel and the services provided through religious ministries helps maintain a stable facility climate. *** Education increases an inmates chance at success when they are released. With Adult Basic Education classes a GED Diploma can be obtained. Vocational Programs offered are Microsoft Office Associate, Welding, Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) Operator, and a Certified Production Technician courses. All these programs are certified by the Chippewa Valley Technical College. Some College Transfer and Correspondence Courses are offered. Veterans Educational Assistance is offered to start various Bachelors programs. One SCI inmate transferred to Waupun to gain a degree from Trinity University in Theological Studies. Seven other students have been accepted and five have transferred in order to participate. *** Smile time. If you want to know how old a woman is, ask her sister-in-law. +++ Old age comes at a bad time. +++ Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened. +++ Old age is like a plane flying through a storm. Once you are aboard there is nothing you can do about it. +++ “The older I get, the more clearly I remember things that never happened.” Mark Twain. +++ “I’m at an age where my back goes out more than I do.” Phyllis Diller. +++ “Nice to be here? At my age it is nice to be anywhere.” George Burns. +++ Old people shouldn’t eat health foods. They need all the preservatives they can get. +++ The older I get the better I used to be. +++ “At my age flowers scare me.” George Burns +++ The age between 60 and 70 are the hardest. You are always being asked to do things, and yet you are not decrepit enough to turn them down. +++ At age 20, we worry what others think of us. At age 40 we don’t care what they think of us. At age 60, we discover they haven’t been thinking of us at all. “ Ann Landers +++ When I was young, I was called a rugged individualist. When I was in my fifties, I was considered eccentric. Here I am doing and saying the same things I did then, and I’m labeled senile. +++We don’t grow older, we grow riper.