FROM THE CORNER Booth and Beyond

Posted 9/20/22

Just a quick reminder for anyone interested in attending Cher – yl Kern-Simirenko's Celebration of Life, it will be held at the Stanley Area Historical Society, 228 Helgerson Street on …

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FROM THE CORNER Booth and Beyond


Just a quick reminder for anyone interested in attending Cher – yl Kern-Simirenko's Celebration of Life, it will be held at the Stanley Area Historical Society, 228 Helgerson Street on Satur – day, September 24, at 1 pm. The museum will open at 12 noon for early arrivals. *** You might recall I mentioned several weeks back that this year is the 150th anniversary of the establishment of Wisconsin's first public library in Black River Falls. Recently, I was won – dering when the Moon Memorial Public Library was established in relation to the 1872 Black River Falls Library. According to an article in the Stanley Centennial History Book, "Stanley Our Town 1881-1981," "On March 20, 1900, the city council passed a resolution establishing a free public library, and carrying with it an appropriation of two hundred dollars." Thus, Stanley's library was established 28 years after the first library in Wisconsin and is in its 122th year of operation. Wouldn't it be nice to dedicate a library addition at a 125th anniversary celebration. *** As an annual donor to the Salvation Army's Red Kettle Cam –

paign, we receive their Wisconsin and Upper Michigan Newslet –

ter entitled "Because of You." There was a nice surprise in see – ing Trisha, Lukas and Dave Milas featured on the front page of the most recent newsletter. It was the Milas' story of their devas – tation after the tornado destroyed their Stanley home and the role the Salvation Army played in helping them following that fateful Wednesday, December 15, 2021. Trisha pointed out that the most important provision from the Salvation Army was the unlimited resources of love and hope. The Milas home is currently being rebuilt. They hope to be in their new home for the holidays. *** Did you know? Chippewa County has two Memory Cafes to help support those with early to moderate memory loss and their care partners. It's not a support group … but it's a group that makes you feel supported. Memory Cafes help participants stay socially connected to people, having fun with others and taking a break from the challenges that come with memory loss. The Chippewa Falls Memory Cafe is held the first Tuesday of each month at Central Lutheran Church, 28 E. Columbia Street 10 am – 11:30 am. The Cornell/Lake Holcombe Memory Cafe is held the fourth Tuesday of each month at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, 201 S. 6th Street in Cornell, 10 am-11:30 am. There is no charge to attend these Cafes. *** If you don't realize it, Stanley is in the midst of a building boom. The Northside Elevator Project in the Westside Indus –

trial Park is partially visible from Highway 29. The area clos – est to Highway 29 will be a Phase 1 warehouse. The site is large enough for two additional warehouses in the future. The Northside Elevator Fertilizer Plant being built in the NW corner of the site is not visible at this point, but it too is a large facility that should be visible as the building progresses. Currently, a lot of concrete is being poured. It will be serviced with three railroad sidings initially, with three more in the future. In and out scales and a storm water retention pond are to be constructed at the main entrance and both are to be located along 345th Street. At least six other components to the overall plant site are projected to be built in the future. Moving east near ABE Concrete, a solar field will be placed south of ABE by Chippewa Valley Electric Cooperative. Larry Romanowski is putting finishing touches on his large new farm shop that he constructed near his corn dry – ing plant. Also, look for future infrastructure placement in the Westside Industrial Park, making it more shovel ready for de – velopment – reportedly a critical criteria for business/industrial development.+++ Moving to the Eastside Industrial Park, two of the three Swiderski Apartment Buildings are completed and mostly occupied. The third unit still has some remaining work to be completed. KS Performance & Repair is constructing a repair shop along Junction Avenue and Pine Street is being extended eastward to accommodate a distribution company. In town, on Maple Street, Wundrow Auto Repairs new building looks to be about twice as big as their building that was destroyed in the tornado. And out on Industrial Park Road, Chwala Construction is building back its second building that was destroyed by the tor –

nado. So there is lots of building going on in the city limits, in – cluding 60 plus apartment units spread throughout the city. Plus, lots of houses still being repaired because of tornado damage. *** The Stanley-Boyd Alumni Association is seeking some new members for their Board of Directors. Several long-time board members have retired or passed, after serving extended terms. The job description includes attending only four meetings a year, and one of them is immediately following the annual reunion to assess that year's reunion. The other three meetings are held in April, July and in November. The Board recently passed a motion to move the meetings to early evening, in order to allow board members to not need to take vacation time to serve. The real need is for Board Members who can help by using the tools of the day – Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, the Internet and Facebook. If you can help, or are interested in learning more you can contact me at 715-644-5880 and I will connect you to a per – son who can provide more information and help you become a Board Member. Please consider helping keep the SBAA vibrant and doing the good work it has established as its record. ***. For some it's an annual pilgrimage, for me it's something to be avoided. What is it? September 23-25 are the dates of this year's Warrens Cranberry Festival. Started in 1973, Warrens population 400, swells to 145,000 visitors, including visitors from around the world. That crowd size just doesn't do anything for this old guy. I can't imagine walking among that many peo –


*** Smile time. Sometimes all you need is a swing, peace and quiet and a little house in the country. +++ My husband cooks for me like I'm a God! He puts burnt offering before me every night. +++ A nurse notices a golfer pacing up and down the hallway outside an operating room where another golfer, who had a golf ball lodged in his throat was being treated. "Is he your relative?" the nurse asked. "No," said the golfer. "It's my ball." +++ Be – ing understood is better than being praised. +++ Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.+++ My life is a song that I know only a few of the lyrics to, so I sing those parts loudly and mumble the rest. +++ He's like a shiver waiting for a spine. +++ A guy was water-skiing when he fell in to the river. As the boat circled to pick him up, he noticed a hunter sitting in a duck boat in the reeds. The guy puts his hands in the air and joked. "Don't shoot!" The hunter responded. "Don't quack." +++