FROM THE CORNER Booth and Beyond

Posted 7/12/22

Have you heard? There is a 91 year old youngster in Stanley who has a bucket list of things she still hopes to accomplish before she leaves this earth! That list included parachuting from an …

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FROM THE CORNER Booth and Beyond


Have you heard? There is a 91 year old youngster in Stanley who has a bucket list of things she still hopes to accomplish before she leaves this earth! That list included parachuting from an airplane. That youngster, Ina Peterson, got that ou her bucket list on Sunday, July 3, when she made the jump at Indianhead Sport Parachute Club near Bateman. So, if you makeup your mind to do something there is always time left if you make it a priority. Back to Sunday – the folks at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church were quite concerned as Ina, a regular, didn’t show for Sunday services. I guess you can’t be in two places at once! It was a beautiful day Sunday and Ina thought it was time and she did it. She now holds the record for being the oldest person making a parachute jump at the Indianhead Parachute Club. Way to go Ina. And don’t be surprised if you hear she has done it again. *** I hope Stanley water users read the letter, related to PFAS in Drinking Water, that came with their most recent water bills. The long and short is that Stanley water has been tested and the results “… show that PFAS compounds were NOT detected in our water samples.” If you pay attention to the news you know both Eau Claire and La Crosse have had issues with PFAS. Eau Claire was able to isolate the issue and have dealt with it. In the La Crosse area it has been a very big problem in the Town of Campbell, which is adjacent to the airport, where allegedly the PFAS got into private wells from foam spayed on the runways over the years. So good news for Stanley water users. *** The word around town is that the committee that put together the July 2 Community Celebration, at the Stanley Community Building, were pleased with the results being this was the maiden voyage. Besides free hot dogs, there were other food items for sale including the famous Rodeo Cheese Curds. Ice cream was served by Debbie’s on Broadway for a donation. The kids games were great too. And there was a large crowd at the fireworks and it was rated by some attendees as the area’s best. Perhaps a new 4th of July tradition has been started in Stanley? In Stanley’s earlier years there were always big celebrations held over the 4th of July and if my history memory is correct, they were sponsored by the American Legion. *** A thank you goes out to Bruce Wozniak and Marthamae Kottschade who placed flags in all the flower pots from Stanley’s exit north. And also to whomever hung the larger flags, below some of the banners, on Broadway Street. Several additional small touches to a nice 4th of July in Stanley. *** There is welcome news regarding increased broadband funding for many rural Wisconsinites. In early June, Governor Tony Evers and the chairperson of the Public Service Commission Rebecca Cameron Valcq, announced that there would be additional funding available for the current round of broadband expansion grants. The funding available is increasing by $25 million, to $125 million, and will be used to expand high-speed broadband internet to unserved or under served areas of the state. Little by little fiber is being laid all over rural Wisconsin. It’s just a question of when all residents in the state will have access to high speed internet – a necessity in most peoples’ minds these days. I would favor our legislators considering use of some of the gigantic Wisconsin tax surplus to fund such a project. This is certainly not, or should not be a partisan issue. *** Here is an interesting read! The Colby School Board has voted a one time stipend/bonus to all stau members in the district that will be returning for the 2022-23 school year and stau that retired this past spring. The bonus was issued in recognition that the district did not ouer a full Consumer Price Index pay increase for stau this past year. The bonus also recognizes the need to pay stau well. Being one time also recognizes the need to not commit funds to future budgets. The bonuses were based on a tiered service list. The stipends/bonuses will overall cost $177,250 and are being taken out of the $1.8 million ESSER III (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief) fund that the district has access to as part of the state and federal governments’ response to the COVID 19 pandemic. It was noted these funds could be spent on stau and recognizes what the stau has done the past two and a half, three years.. *** Have you ever heard of ATM “jackpotting”? Well, I hadn’t and was surprised when I read recently that thieves have figured out how to rob ATM Machines. Jackpotting is relatively new scheme where criminals install malicious software and/or hardware in automatic teller machines that forces the machine to spit out large amounts of cash on demand. Jackpotting often occurs in large big-box retailers, gas stations and convenience stores where stand alone ATM’s are often placed. Criminals often target multiple ATMs in the span of a couple of days and then flee the area, making it divcult to identify or respond to an attack on a machine. What next?? *** If you didn’t read your last Xcel Energy bill closely, you likely missed that they have applied for a retail electric rate increase of $29.4 million to recover deficiencies between actual fuel costs and the authorized fuel costs. A typical residential electric custom using 650 kWh per month will see a rate increase of 2.8% or $5.96 per month. *** Smile time. I almost had an “I need a man” moment … But then I was able to get the brandy bottle opened myself! +++ Brains are awesome. I wish everybody had one. +++ Everyone says you should follow your dreams … so I’m going back to bed. +++ I’ve just burned 3,000 calories …. I forgot to take the pizza out of the oven. +++ Does everybody else have a plastic bag full of plastic bags somewhere in the house? +++ I’ve reached the age when my train of thought often leaves the station without me. +++ Sometimes I wish I was an octopus so I could slap 8 people at once. +++I figure a jelly doughnut has fruit in it and that makes it healthy. +++ They say you need to listen to what your body is telling you … but mine just points and laughs. +++ My body is just a filter. Couee goes in … Sarcasm comes out. +++ How do you prevent sagging? Just eat till the wrinkles fill you out! +++ Some people are like plants. They take forever to grow up. +++ My doctor asked if I’ve ever had a stress test. Sure … it’s called LIFE. +++ My day starts backward. I wake up tired and go to bed wide awake! +++ I now know how it will all end! One of my kids will unplug the life support to charge their phone.