Hagenson seeks to be full time fire chief at Stanley

Posted 7/19/22

Compiled by Joseph Back Now part-time, Korey Hagenson would like to be the full time fire chief for Stanley and its service area. With Hagenson planning to seek community support for a full-time …

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Hagenson seeks to be full time fire chief at Stanley


Compiled by Joseph Back

Now part-time, Korey Hagenson would like to be the full time fire chief for Stanley and its service area. With Hagenson planning to seek community support for a full-time posting, we posed sev –

eral questions to him, and received the following answers. All re –

sponses are Hagenson.

Why full time Fire Chief?

"I have many reasons that I could bring up but the biggest one is to better serve the area that we cover. Being full time would allow me to be in the city for more medical calls and have a way fast re – sponse time. I currently work full time in Thorp 7 miles away. The Stanley Fire and EMS only has 5 EMR's and on most days it's only one in town. Being full time would also mean fast response time to fires. Getting the needed resources that may be needed coming

See FULL TIME, page 11

Stanley Fire Chief Korey Hagenson at the Independence Day Celbration July 2. FULL TIME

From Page 3

faster, being mutual aid with other departments, gas company, power company and so on."

What’s in it for the residents?

"Stanley EMR's just updated our operational plan for medical calls. We now can give Narcan, epinephrine, Advanced airways, spine boards, and blood glucose monitoring. This has takin me around 7 months to get updated since I only have 1 day a week in my oce to make phone calls and send out emails with the right documents attached that are under lock and key in the Chief's oce. This will allow us to better serve not just our coverage area but again mutual aid into other areas. I would also be more available to the people we service when they have questions or need a permit. Right now it can be a week before I may be able to get back to people."

What goes into be Fire Chief?

"Most people think that it's like the T.V. show. Go put the fire out or go to the car accident and get back to the station have a joke or two and then head to the bar for a good time. Not true. Being a Fire Chief has a lot going with it. After a fire there most likely will need to be an investigation and that alone can be months if not years. Keeping all the department up to date on never ending trainings and updates to protocols. I currently do all the NIFIRS reports that get enter into the state web site. All the WARD re –

ports that also get entered into the state web site. All mainte – nance on not just truck but most of the equipment. The stu that I legally can not do the maintenance on I have to be available for the companies to come do the required maintenance. There is a lot more that I could list on what goes into a Fire Chief." What area does the Stanley Fire Department serve?

"We currently serve all of Stanley half of the Wilson township and quarter of the township of Colburn. We do run mutual aid a lot into Clark county also." Anything else?

"Times are changing. The city needs to see this. It is not like it was 5-10 years ago. There is a lot of work that goes into keeping not just a fire department up and running but an EMS service on top of it. I don't mark a lot of my time down that I work in my oce or at home emailing or making phone calls. I am not out to make my life easier by being full time. I am out trying to make the people that we service feel better." "Just being on scene as they watch their loved ones in pain or pass away for that fight they have been living with. Getting on scene and starting CPR and watching that patient coming that much closer back to his or her family. I do this for the LOVE OF HELPING PEOPLE not for the money. I have been on Stanley Fire since 2007 and been doing EMR since 2009. I have seen a lot and done a lot but I want to do more to make our area even better."