
Posted 5/31/22

HOMEPLACE Over the memorial weekend or residents finished our Poppy flower crafts and we handed them out to our residents along with a canvas painted flag for our veterans who served In World War II, …

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Over the memorial weekend or residents finished our Poppy flower crafts and we handed them out to our residents along with a canvas painted flag for our veterans who served In World War II, each one of our residents got a Poppy in memory of a fallen soldier and also a lilac to smell they all enjoed smelling them and talked about the bushes they once had. Memorial weekend is the unovcial start to summer so that means we needed to get our sunflowers planted outside and our flowers pots around the grounds of the homeplace planted .Monica and myself went to sunrise greenhouse we bought an assortment of an- nual flowers for our planters. Our residents are very eager to get outside and help plant our flowers if not just to get outside for fresh air and feel the sun on their faces.We had a small good bye party for a resident who moved we celebrated with cupcakes and punch, good luck on your new adventures Jules. We also celebrated a birthday this week with a cake and ice cream. Happy Birthday Denny!