
Posted 5/17/22

HOMEPLACE Happenings In honor of National Apple Pie Day some of our residents made apple pie’s for everyone at the Homeplace to enjoy. Our RCAC ladies like making things from scratch our crusts …

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HOMEPLACE Happenings

In honor of National Apple Pie Day some of our residents made apple pie’s for everyone at the Homeplace to enjoy. Our RCAC ladies like making things from scratch our crusts were made with love and lard of course, after rolling out the dough we mixed the apples with flour, sugar and cinnamon then filling their pie crust with the mixture and topped it with another pie crust, the pies look wonderful can’t wait to have a piece!

We are busy with art projects making sock animals, painting wood figures, butter fly sun catchers and song birds of many colors and designs, our residents really enjoy all of the art projects we have planned but it still does not compare to how much they love bingo, this week we had a good turnout for bingo the crazy lucky ladies keep on winning Joann won three, June 1, Rita 1 and Barb won 2, with each win they get tickets that can be redeemed at our general store that is opened twice a week for personal items, ovce supplies, candy, greeting card, gift bags, everything is $1.50 each, most residents use their bingo tickets they won to purchase their items.