
Posted 8/24/21

HOMEPLACE Happenings Monday morning we started the day off with opening the general store up. Several residents got enjoyment from rummaging through ev – erything from snacks to knick-knacks …

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HOMEPLACE Happenings

Monday morning we started the day off with

opening the general store up. Several residents

got enjoyment from rummaging through ev –

erything from snacks to knick-knacks and dish

soaps to boxes of envelopes.

Groceries were bought and delivered to ev-

ery tenant and resident who needed them on

Tuesday . Dorothy arranged several beautiful

vases of flowers for everyone on 3rd floor to


On Thursday, Anna, Lilly, Alice, and Bunny received manicures that made them feel beau tiful. Earl and Anna worked through sticker books and read through magazines after supper. Jules worked on a puzzle. Friday morning, Pastor Ken from Our Sav ior’s Lutheran Church held a service for fol-

lowers. Monica, Esther, Sandi, Ed, John, Bet ty, Dorothy and Kathy all attended the worship hour. After lunch, Fred, Sandi, Joann, June and Rita witnessed a simple presentation on how to draw cartoon characters. Many were adamant that they couldn’t draw. In a short while, they

learned a simple process that led them to suc cess. They were all artists by the end of the day. Great job!