HomePlace Happenings

Posted 8/30/22

This week our RCAR ladies crafted butterfly's with the many toilet paper rolls we have The ladies make it fun to do all projects we do, they cut out 2 heart shapes for the wings, cut strips of …

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HomePlace Happenings


This week our RCAR ladies crafted butterfly's with the many toilet paper rolls we have The ladies make it fun to do all projects we do, they cut out 2 heart shapes for the wings, cut strips of paper for the body, pick out the size eyes they want for their bug and what color pipe cleaner they want for the antennas, we use a stapler to assemble, it's much easier than glue for our residents. June commented that she never thought that she would have a collection of bugs in her apartment as we all laughed, their bug collections are adorable.

Our residents that play bingo are much happier playing two times a week, I'm the caller now so Monica can play and have a chance to win candy, popcorn or tickets to spend at our general store, she is a great help, she now sits by John to help him with his bingo card to give him a better chance to win, which he did. He won Nes – tle Crunch bars and Kit Kat bars, enjoying his candy. Our residents now pick from a basket of candy and chips, it puts a smile on their face by just looking at all the can –

dy and chips.