Le Leage g ee f Ag

Posted 7/12/22

TBa ed a ge dg ed ece By Joseph Back is still out, with grass becoming established and Sarah McQuillan the park head. In the meantime, there’s Little League at the other field, with skies …

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Le Leage g ee f Ag


TBa ed a ge dg ed ece

By Joseph Back is still out, with grass becoming established and Sarah McQuillan the park head. In the meantime, there’s Little League at the other field, with skies brightening up after game night Thursday July 7, courtesy of the League and Boyd Chamber. With Little League running through July and a tournament in August, expect the T-Ball field to be ready some time later this year.

As to the meeting of the village board Monday, it was presided over by President Pro Temp Gwen Krizan, with Bob Geist attending via smartphone link from another location. Among the items the board touched on, was the question of what to do for rundown properties, with at least one in the village at the present time. Long-serving village clerk Sandi Isaacs ouered one option.

“The Board itself can do a repair/raze order on it,” she said of how to deal with such properties generally, stating she would email the board members.

Police head Casey Dorn, meanwhile, stated that the board needed to both respect and establish conditions on the matter, speaking of which, there could be fee hikes pending further review.

Looking to standardize fees in light of service by Stanley, the Boyd Village Board looked to move the process fee from $50 to $100 and set lawn and snow removal standards in line with its eastern neighbor, given that ovcers from the department are servicing both communities. Having uniform fee schedule and other standards, makes things easier than switching between the two, with nothing finalized until after a review by Alan Harvey. Nonetheless, there were some things in which the village’s hands, remain tied.

“That’s why we can’t change it,” President Geist said via phone link of a speed limit issue between Marshall and Turzneck on the village’s west side. The legal fetters on speed limit come from the fact that the county jurisdiction takes over on County D as being over 35 miles per hour, the road between Marahall and Turzneck-00though witihin city limits– a 45-mile-per-hour road and thus in County as opposed to village jurisdiction. Trustee Sarah Mc-Quillan sought to clarify the broader ATV question at hand.

“So then if I wanted to get out and take D out to Backhaus’, I could?” she asked of Clerk Isaacs.

“You could, but if you get caught, you’re illegal,” Isaacs said of the rules surrounding ATV and exiting the village limits on County D.