Lions install new 2022-2023 officers

Posted 6/14/22

The Stanley Lions held their annual steak fry, with an installation of ovcers on Monday, June 13, at the new Stanley Community Building located in Chapman Park. Lions President Jim Jones welcomed …

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Lions install new 2022-2023 officers


The Stanley Lions held their annual steak fry, with an installation of ovcers on Monday, June 13, at the new Stanley Community Building located in Chapman Park. Lions President Jim Jones welcomed everyone and then introduced new member Rob Holcomb, Chief Adminis- trative Ovcer of the Aspirus Stanley Hospital. Jones drew attention to the bench the Stanley Loins received for recycling 500 lbs. of plastic and stated the Club will need to decide where it will be placed in the community. He then introduced Past District Governor Larry Bradley and his wife Doris, both members of the Jim Falls Lions Club. After dinner, the 2022-2023 ovcers installed by P.D.G. Bradley were: Presi – dent Dave Jankoski: 1st Vice-President Julianna Lahner; Secretary Lorena McLoone; Treasurer Jerry Dirkes; Tail Twister Pat Jankoski; Lion Tamer Mary Jo Winkler; Immediate Past President Jim Jones; and the Board of Directors consisting of Larry Ciokiewicz, Carl Edwardson, Gary Krueger and Dave Winkler.

After being installed, President Jankoski noted the Activity Chairs’ List he had distributed for the year and asked those appointed to schedule their assignments on their calendars in order that they be able to carry them out. He noted the presence of special guests Joyce Boie, Lucille Granros, Shirley Holverson, and Betty Nenzel, spouses of deceased Lions. Betty Nenzel thanked the Lions for the invitation.

The July Lions meeting will be July 11, 6 p. m. at Debbie’s on Broadway.