Lions prepare for participation Fall Festival on September 24-25

Posted 9/13/22

Meeting on Monday, September12, the local Lions made plans for operating the cheese curd stand at the new Stanley Fall Festival, to be held on September 24-25. After secretary and treasurer reports, …

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Lions prepare for participation Fall Festival on September 24-25


Meeting on Monday, September12, the local Lions made plans for operating the cheese curd stand at the new Stanley Fall Festival, to be held on September 24-25. After secretary and treasurer reports, plans were made for the set-up and operation of the cheese curd stand. Lions Kevin Hendrick son and Dave Zschernitz will make it operational and Lion Jim Jones is scheduling the workforce. Anyone who has not signed up to work should contact Lion Jones, if you can help.

President Dave Jankoski called the meeting to order, the first announcement was that Douglas Dahl has become a member of the local organization. He is the new owner/ operator of the Curve Inn. Lions Jerry Dirkes and Lorena McLoone provided a report on the Officer Training that they recently attended at Chetek, along with Lion Julianne Lahner. The feeling was that their attendance was valuable, as it focused on the job duties and responsibilities related to their elected positions in the local club.

In old business, Treasurer Jerry Dirkes reported on the Cheese Curd Sale held during the Citywide Thrift Sales on Thursday, August 11 and Friday, August 12. Despite a rainy Friday, profits were only slightly less than last year. Lion Patricia Jankoski reported on the Lions Eye Screenings held on August 26. There were 399 students screened and 43 referrals for further testing. Lion Zschernitz reported that an AED Grant, that he prepared, had been funded and will cover about 20 per- cent of the AED’s cost.. The device has been ordered and upon arrival it will be placed in the new Stanley Communi- ty Building. The Lions will be working with the city Public Works Department to get it installed. Lion Jones provided an update on the plastic collection that the Lions have been doing for the past year. He offered suggestions for future consideration and suggested a list of needs in order for the project to continue. The number one need is for a secure dry storage area. The Lions who worked at the fundraiser, the community service events and those who supported the fundraisers were thanked for their support and their service.

In new business, Lion Gary Krueger announced that the fall Highway 29 roadside cleanup will be held on Sunday, September 18, at 3 pm. Troop 50 Boy Scouts, and Li ons helping, will meet at the city shop for staging. Lion Krueger called for 6-8 Lions to assist. In other business Lions Jerry Dirkes and Dave Jankoski reported on the Zone Meeting held on Wednesday, August 31. Lion Jones also provided an update on the Community Bike Trail Project. Current ly there is a pause for a more in-depth study being done that will hopefully enhance the chance for a large school safety grant. Looking ahead, plans were made for the Annual Sun- set Homes Brat Feed that is scheduled to be held on Monday, October 17 at 5 pm. Anyone able to help with the Fall Festival Cheese Curd stand should contact Jim Jones to schedule their working hours. Lion John Pozdell announced that the Halloween Trunk or Treat event will be held at Courtesy Ford on October 29. It was announced that the next regular meeting of the Stanley Lions Club will be held at Debbie’s On Broadway on Monday, October 10. Lion Chuck Poulter was the winner of the attendance drawing and was not present to collect his winnings.