Lions will purchase an AED for the Stanley Community Center

Posted 7/19/22

Final plans set for Watermelon Festival The Stanley Lions held their monthly meeting on July 11, at Debbie's on Broad – way. The highlight of the meeting was the decision to purchase an …

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Lions will purchase an AED for the Stanley Community Center


Final plans set for Watermelon Festival

The Stanley Lions held their monthly meeting on July 11, at Debbie's on Broad – way. The highlight of the meeting was the decision to purchase an Automated Exter – nal Defibrillator (AED) for placement at the Stanley Community Center. Funding will come from a number of gifts received from area Lions Clubs related to tornado relief. These gifts were received after the Community Funds were distributed and with notes their use was at the club's dis – cretion. President Dave Jankoski stated that a discussion with Mayor Al Haas in – dicated the need existed for an AED at the Community Center, which is the designat –

ed safe place for campers during threaten – ing storms. In other new business, Lion Jim Jones noted that the collection of 500 lbs. of plastic had resulted in receipt of the first bench. The bench will be raed o at the forthcoming Watermelon Festival with receipts going towards community betterment. Plastic collection continues in hopes of securing a second bench. Under old business, Lion Treasurer Jerry Dirkes reported on the Brat/Pork Chop Fundraiser held at IGA on June 10. Hansen's IGA, those who worked, and the public's support was acknowledged and appreciation of the support received was expressed. Next on the agenda, the chairs of each activity at the upcoming Water –

melon Festival on Sunday, July 31 report – ed on their needs for any assistance, It was noted that the Kids' Games this year will have the return of the Seed Spitting Contest. Lions Kevin Hendricksen and Jim Jones are heading up the Cheese Curd Stand during the Citywide Thrift Sales on August 11 and 12. The stand will again be located at Soo Park. Any Lions who were not in attendance who could help at this event are asked to contact Lion Jones who is scheduling workers for both days. Under new business, President Jan – koski noted his Monthly Lions Moment that will be appearing in The Stanley Re – publican. The goal is to inform the public of the work of the Lions and their impact locally, in the state and at the internation – al level. Lion Dan Plombon volunteered exploring the AED purchase, obtaining one and getting it installed at the Stanley Community Building. The Lions next meeting will be held on August 8 at the Stanley Community Center, with non-Lions who helped at the Watermelon Festival being invited guests. Before adjourning, Lion Dan Plombon's name was drawn as the winner of the at –

tendance drawing.