Local bodybuilder Courtney Spaeth to represent Team USA at World Championship in Tokyo

By Danielle Boos
Posted 9/10/24

With a remarkable blend of strength, dedication, and passion, Courtney Spaeth has emerged as a powerful figure athlete in the sport of bodybuilding. For Spaeth bodybuilding is more than a hobby and …

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Local bodybuilder Courtney Spaeth to represent Team USA at World Championship in Tokyo


With a remarkable blend of strength, dedication, and passion, Courtney Spaeth has emerged as a powerful figure athlete in the sport of bodybuilding. For Spaeth bodybuilding is more than a hobby and her career showcases her determination to break barriers and redefine the limits of what is possible. Spaeth’s introduction to bodybuilding and training began after knee surgery when she was in her thirties. “I’ve always been an athlete, and after I had knee reconstruction surgery in 2015, I knew I needed to find something to get me back on track.” After her knee healed, she decided to make a change in her health and physical fitness. “So, I started my first competition prep spring of 2017 as a guinea pig for my friend who was kick starting her personal training business. June 2017 was my first ever show, competing in the Figure division, and I was hooked!” she remarked.
The first big milestone in Spaeth’s bodybuilding career was winning the Figure Natural Pro card in 2018 and since then she has won twenty-six pro titles competing over the years in natural federations. After taking a year and a half off, her biggest season was 2023 when she came back and won several shows including a show that is not tested, which means she is potentially competing against those that are enhanced with steroids and stimulants, whereas Spaeth is a natural athlete.
“So that season I decided to take it to that National NPC stage, stepping on an advanced bodybuilding stage as a natural athlete, this was a huge one! I took second by one point out of eight different height classes of figure athletes, close to one hundred and twenty competitors! Winning my IFBB Pro Card. That was huge!” She went on that year to win the iconic Mr (Ms) America, the Pro Figure Open and the Masters. While most would be content, Spaeth was not about to slow down and in the mix of all of this she purchased Fitness Freedom gym in downtown Eau Claire in October 2022.
“I always thought that retirement would be the time I lose track of what day it is. Nope! Now is that time, I enjoy what I do every day so much, I never know what day it is. I work a lot of hours, but it doesn’t feel like “work” most days.”
Her most recent accomplishment was her season winning at Natural IFBB Elite competition which solidified her place at the World Championship in Tokyo Japan this coming December where she will represent the Boyd community and Team USA against 204 other countries!
Spaeth who grew up in Westby, Wisconsin moved to Boyd in 2006 after meeting her husband, Tony Spaeth. The close-knit community and small town feel of Boyd reminds her of her own hometown. For many years, Spaeth leveraged her athleticism to assist in coaching the Stanley-Boyd track team, with a particular focus on pole vaulting. “Those are very fun memories taking those kids to state for several consecutive years!” she reminisced.
Spaeth’s biggest influence has been her husband, Tony. “He has been my biggest cheerleader, he cooks all my food, and always pushes me to go for the things I think are scary. He has pushed me to keep growing competing and business, so I feel I wouldn’t be excelling and doing what I do without his support.” She adds that because of him, she made the initial leap to purchase Fitness Freedom gym, a decision that turned out to be a big blessing. She is grateful to him for his direction and support. “Having a supportive spouse like mine is a huge help! So many don’t have that, so I am super thankful for Tony and his support in all of this.” Spaeth notes that bodybuilding can be a “selfish sport” with all the time and effort required for water intake, lifting, cardio, etc., and her husband keeps her grounded. “I wouldn’t be where I am without him, that’s for sure. His sacrifices and selflessness for what I do do not go unnoticed!”
Spaeth confides that her biggest challenge in her bodybuilding career is actually navigating hate. “It’s amazing how many people will look at you and start spouting hate, fake natural, she uses drugs, etc. I am tested on a regular basis for any performance enhancing drugs, polygraphs etc. but nothing is ever good enough and people try to slander your name because you “grew fast”,” says Spaeth. She adds, “I work damn hard, I eat right and consistently. In and out of prep. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I take care of my body. You do that, feed it properly, and lift hella heavy you will grow. I’m even now registered like an Olympic level athlete on the Wada list for random testing with my recent win.” Spaeth has learned that while others may not support her plans, it’s crucial to stay focused on what works for her, and their opinions are not a reflection of her potential. She deals with the negativity by focusing on her own goals.
“People don’t always understand, and they don’t need to. I do these things for me and no one else. I know what I need for structure to keep myself eating right and working out to stay strong fit all the long-term benefits. I’d rather spend my extra time and energy in those things. And others prefer to spending their time on other things that I don’t understand. So, it’s okay, to each their own,” she concludes.
She mentions that balancing bodybuilding and life things is a struggle for most people, but by making sacrifices it can be done. “The bar scene is something I gave up. I can still go; I just choose water and diet soda. Every now and again I’ll have a cocktail depending on where I am with competitor,” she says adding that the offseason is much more relaxed. Going out to eat and traveling requires good choices, prepping beforehand, asking the right questions, and portion control. “It’s the oils and portions that you have to ask about and get them to control on your dish.” She explains that she doesn’t restrict food but eats a variety of flavorful foods. “That’s where many go wrong, in any weight loss or fitness journey, they get too restrictive and blah with foods. It’s the most rewarding thing feeling in control, strong, confident, and healthy!” she adds.
While fairness and justice in women’s bodybuilding is a slow process, Spaeth is beginning to see an even balance. “Some of the trends with Women’s bodybuilding I have seen over the years is more equal payouts. For the Pros, the payouts for winning used to be waited heavier for the men because they in general have a larger grouping of athletes at shows. But women are making their way to being more dominant in numbers for sure.”
For women interested in starting the bodybuilding journey, Spaeth offers her advice. “If you are thinking about bodybuilding have a good stern talk with yourself. It takes commitment, consistency, and some damn strong will power. But remember, it is worth it!! What this teaches you is something that you can carry over into so many things in life, that self-control and confidence helps in so many areas. And when you prep in a healthy balanced way like I do, you can carry it over into a healthy long term life balance.”
Spaeth has a busy year planned with upcoming shows including a championship qualifier in Texas on Sept. 13 which will earn her qualification and free entry into the Summer Shredding Championship in November. From there she continues to The Mr (Mrs) America in October where she will defend her Figure Open and Master’s Pro Title and then finishing at the World Championship in Tokyo Japan in December.
As Spaeth continues to push through barriers in the bodybuilding community, her story is a testament to the power of perseverance and hard work. Consistently pushing the boundaries of her capabilities, her incredible achievements only hint at her greatness still to come. Spaeth continues to be an inspiration, especially to young women, as she proves that her path to success is far from over.
Anyone interested in learning more about bodybuilding and competition prep or to get started with Spaeth can book a free 30-minute consultation at FreedomFitt.com or follow her on Instagram @courtneyspaeth and @fitnessfreedomwi.