Museum to undertake floor renewal project

Posted 8/2/22

The Stanley Area Histor – ical Society held their Quar terly Meeting on July 25. The meeting began with the sad an nouncement that Board Member, Cheryl Kern-Simirenko is gravely ill with a …

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Museum to undertake floor renewal project


The Stanley Area Histor –

ical Society held their Quar terly Meeting on July 25. The meeting began with the sad an nouncement that Board Member, Cheryl Kern-Simirenko is gravely ill with a terminal illness and a moment of si – lent prayer followed. Connie Pozdell, served as Acting Sec- retary for the meeting. Trea surer Jim Ericksen, presented financial reports covering the time period to June 30, 2022. Ericksen's report was approved as presented. Related to financ- es, there was a discussion and a decision to go ahead with planning for three major ex- penditures. The forthcoming newsletter will solicit funds to help cover the cost of renewing the floors in the 2002 building, purchasing two new high rise toilets for installation in the original building and a replace – ment of an outdated laptop computer if and when needed.

In total, funding in the amount of $12,000 will be needed to cover these expenditures. Connie Pozdell provided a digitization report covering the work of Sharon Wundrow, Melanie Schmidt, the UW-Eau Caire intern working this sum – mer and herself. Schmidt has assisted in keeping newly ar –

riving artifacts recorded appro – priately in all recorded records and has created a new "filing system" … on the cloud. This will insure safe preservation and accessibility to future cu – rators, volunteers, and interns.

With summer, regular volun – teers have spend less time at the museum. It was noted that this fall there will be a need for more volunteers to assist with digitization euorts and fill the void of four regulars, who have been lost to the euort. Student intern, Melanie Schmidt, was in attendance and received multiple acco – lades for her all around work at the museum. Her past expe- riences and adeptness in using computer technology has as – sisted in her being a valuable resource to volunteers, espe cially related to how to "fix" computer issues that are trou –

blesome and her research ef – forts in answering inquires for information. Schmidt, in turn, shared her perspectives on the museum's euorts and ouered a few suggestions for technology to advance the museum’s work and also shared ideas for work – ing with younger individuals to create an interest in local his – tory. Her comments lead to a discussion related to the long term viability of the museum, as some key positions are held by people with advancing age and health issues.

In a Building and Grounds Report, it was reported that lawn mowing, weed and insect control have been ongoing.

Jordan Donnerbauer's Stanley-Boyd High School Land- scaping Class did sprucing up of the landscaping around the buildings and flag pole and planted new plantings where needed.

President Dave Jankoski reported on the SAHS exhibit at Farm Technology Days, held near Loyal on July 12-14. Fea- tured were two tables of Big Pictures of Stanley in 1912, Stump Removal and Farming in Western Clark County in the 1930's. He also reported on the successful program on Rocks and Fossils put on by Richard Cance on July16. There were 40+ attendees, most with a definite interest in the topics presented. Attendees were able to view a huge display of rocks and fossils collected by Rich – ard and his wife, Jean and he identified rocks brought in by a few of those in attendance.

Betty Plombon reported that she will be doing a presenta – tion on the “Operation of the Ku Klux Klan in Stanley," on Saturday, September 17. This will prove to be an interesting topic, as little is known about this group and its operation. If you have stories on the Stanley KKK that have been handed down, or whispered in your family circles, please bring them to share at this presenta –


Plombon reported on the June Newsletter that has been delayed by her late return from wintering in the south and some needed medical surgery.

It should be forthcoming in the next few weeks and she assures members that it will be worth the wait!!

Jankoski reported on the meeting of the Clark County Historical Society that he and his wife attended on June 4 at Neillsville. He noted that the Jail Museum, located in Neills- ville, has moved a major part of their operations to a down –

town location due to the histor ic jail building being in need of some major repairs and the uncertainty of how those needs will be met. He also reported on a recent visit to the Civil ian Conservation Corps (CCC) Museum, located at Pioneer Park in Rhinelander, and noted the availability of “Request for

Enrollment Records" forms available at the local muse –

um, that will assist in gain –

ing records of family mem – bers who worked at one of the 42 CCC camps located across Wisconsin.

The next meeting of the local historical society is scheduled for Monday, October 24, at 7 pm. Presi- dent Jankoski thanked those in attendance and all who participated in the potluck meal that preceded the busi –

ness meeting.

Melanie Schmidt, UW- Eau Claire Public History Student Intern sharing her observations and perspectives at the Stanley Area Historical Society Quarterly Meeting on July 25. Melanie will be working at the museum through September. She is available for tours on Saturdays and Sundays 1-4 pm and is looking forward to meeting anyone interested in learning more about local history. Submitted photo.