Open enrollment seats projected for special education

Posted 1/31/23

Application period starts Feb. 6, more information on state DPI website Hey there. Do you or does someone you know happen to live nearby but not in the Stanley-Boyd School District? Are you (or they) …

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Open enrollment seats projected for special education


Application period starts Feb. 6, more information on state DPI website

Hey there. Do you or does someone you know happen to live nearby but not in the Stanley-Boyd School District? Are you (or they) looking for special education opportunities for a child?

If so, there’s good news: open enrollments starts in February, and Stanley-Boyd could have openings.

Made known at the January school board meeting, the district is projected to have two open seats for open enrollment in middle school, with three projected openings for special education in high school. A total of three to four openings are projected for 4K Early Childhood Special Education, while the elementary is at capacity. Pupil Services Director Krystle Bacha shared the details.

“February is when the open enrollment window opens,” she said, “when non-resident students can apply to attend Stanley-Boyd.”

Looking at students in special education across the district, a weighted score is given to each based on individual needs, the determination then made of whether the district can take on students from outside. Bacha said the district had also worked with students in private school and at home.

“We also take into consideration for next fall what we have for private school students and students who are receiving services in their home or virtual.” Included in this were St. Joseph’s in Boyd and the Eternity Learning Center in Stanley.

Taking into account the number of paraprofessionals the district had as well, the district having two full-time speech and language pathologists and a part-time occupational therapist.

Taking everything projections were then made on what the district could handle for open enrollment from outside, with the news that openings are projected next fall for middle school, high school, and 4K Early Childhood Special Education.

More information on enrolling is available at the state Department of Public Instruction website on its Application Information page. The Open Enrollment application period runs from Feb. 6 through April 28 at 4 p.m.