Owners of Thorp SuperValu retire

Posted 1/24/23

BITS & PIECES NEWS OF NOTE FROM OUR NEIGHBORS The Thorp Courier Doug and Cheryl Niemuth’s final day at their beloved Thorp SuperValu was January 10, 2023. When asked why they sold now Cheryl …

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Owners of Thorp SuperValu retire




The Thorp Courier

Doug and Cheryl Niemuth’s final day at their beloved Thorp SuperValu was January 10, 2023. When asked why they sold now Cheryl said, “Not everything in grocery is as fun as you think it is, we have decided to spend more time with our grandchildren because they are hilarious.” First on the Niemuth’s agenda is a cruise to Spain. Once back from a needed vacation, they plan to sell their home and move closer to family. Thorp SuperValu is now owned by Hometown Grocers Inc. Lars Batzel who is Senior Director of Operations reports that customers can expect the same shopping experience they have been accustomed to. Scott Barth has been named store manager. +++ On Wednesday, January 11, Thorp Family Chiropractic held a ribbon cutting ceremony to cerebrate the businesses expansion and renovation. Local native, Dr. Ashley Fazendin has joined Dr. Jesse Rohde at the Chiropractic office. The clinicians are assisted by Shell Sallis a chiropractic assistant. +++ Interesting facts mentioned by School Board member Jeanette Kodl at the December 21, 2022 School Board Meeting — In 2023, Thorp will be turning 130 years old, the current Thorp High School building will be 60 years old, the Legion will be 90 years old, and the amazing Thorp cows will be 10 years old. She questioned if the school could work on some history displays/information?

Courier Sentinel

Kay Curtin, Water Specialist with the Wisconsin Rural Water Association, attended the January 12 meeting of the Town of Lake Holcombe. She warned the Board that there is an issue with sampling in the sanitary district, which could cause problems down the road. She advised that the DNR has imposed strict phosphorous limits … because the lakes are starting to get green. She advised increased testing of septage from haulers bringing loads into the waste treatment plant. +++ At a January 12 special meeting, the Cadott Board of Education voted 5-2 to move forward with a $9,965,000 referendum on the April ballot. If passed, the district will see tech ed improvementsexpansions and capital maintenance projects in the junior and senior high building. +++ At the January 9 school board meeting, Cornell District Administrator, Paul Schley, expressed concern that many students are reaching, or are beyond, the maximum number of days absent (all or part of five days per semester) before a doctor’s note is required to return. A combination of sickness and weather causing school closings are causal factors. +++ Cornell is planning a town hall meeting on vaping education for parents. The Chippewa County Criminal Division is working with Middle/High School Principal Dave Elliott on planning the event.

Bloomer Advance

The Bloomer Lions Club presented a check for $5,000 to the Bloomer Community Club towards the new cattle barn project/ expansion at the local fair grounds. +++ Bloomer High School celebrated the 50th Anniversary of Title IX, by inviting past female sports coaches to a halftime program where they were honored. The event was held at the Bloomer girls basketball game with McDonnell on February 7. Title IX is credited with providing equal sporting opportunities for girls/ladies at all levels of competition.

O-W Enterprise At their Tuesday, January 10 meeting, the Owen City Council approved spending $2,000 to apply for a Trail Grant for a new surface on the trail between Withee and Meadowview Golf Course. If successful, the grant is an 80/20 reimbursement grant, with the city’s share being 20 percent. Cedar Corp estimates the cost of the resurfacing at $165,000. +++ A meeting of the Owen Planning Commission is needed as there is a need to move some city utilities to make room for an expansion of the Martin Fresh Market. To be decided is who will pay for the work needing to be done. +++ Since its founding last year, the Owen-Withee Area Historical Society has received donations of a good number of artifacts with significant connections to O-W history. Among recent items received were a large framed 1910 era photo of the Owen sawmill and a solid brass stencil from the John S. Owen Lumber Company. The stencil reads, “J.S.O. L. Co.”


For the second year in a row, Colby head football coach Jim Hagen has been awarded “Coach of the Year” honors by Channel 7 (Wausau). The Hornet football team went 10-2 and made it to the third round of the WIAA Division 5 playoffs. +++ The Colby School Board has voted to subcontract their summer janitorial staff through Dashir. The contract is for 1,600 hours. +++Author Kevin Lovegreen, the author of 17 children’s books was at the Colby Library where he spoke to children about his books and taught them how to start writing their own stories, Lovegreen’s books are largely about his adventures in the outdoors with his kids and other family members.

The Sentinel & Rural News

At their January 11 meeting, the Gilman Village Board named Dave Kroeplin to replace long time Director of Public Works Rich Johnson, who is retiring. Rather than the traditional plaque the Board decided to give Johnson VIP tickets to the local theater. +++ The Village of Withee has decided to post their Director of Public Works position to replace Troy Hatlestad who recently passed unexpectedly. Depending on applicant response, they would decide on a possible agreement for a joint Owen and Withee Public Works Director. +++The 2002 Wisconsin Fastpitch Softball Coaches Association Hall of Fame will be held on February 11. Gilman High School softball coach Brian Phelps will be among the four inductees.

Tri-County Area Times

After 12 years as Superintendent of the Fall Creek School District, Joe Samfelippo has announced he will step down at the end of the 2022-2023 school year.+++ Lisa Bee, the Osseo-Fairchild Elementary School music teacher has been awarded a $2,500 prize as the winner of the Arcadia Credit Union “These Are My People” contest. The contest was an opportunity for individuals to share their story and how the money would help them connect with their loved ones.