Paving project on Broadway and Franklin starts August 14


Delays will soon be coming to South Broadway and Franklin Street, in the interest of better road pavement.

Scheduled to start August 14 and last four days (pending the weather), a joint project between Stanley and the Chippewa County Highway Department will see paving to a section of road on South Broadway, as well as mill work on North Franklin from 10th Avenue.

The project, which will be a cost share between the City and County, allows the City to address its road system as the County repairs parts of Highway X and H, running through the city but under county jurisdiction.

As such the county will pay for that portion 22 feet from center, with the city paying for the outside portion .

Prior to the upcoming paving, curbs and aprons were poured near Forward Bank and the east side of Broadway north of the Wolf River bridge. Curbs were covered by the city, while businesses did their own aprons. ABE Concrete and Westaby did much of the prep work, the city approving funds towards the infrastructure project earlier this year.