Police Reports

Posted 6/28/22

STANLEY-BOYD Police Reports May 29 1:42 p.m. Stanley Police were requested to respond to Stanley Correctional for a drug-related incident. Incident under investigation. 2:38 p.m. Stanley Police …

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Police Reports


STANLEY-BOYD Police Reports

May 29 1:42 p.m. Stanley Police were requested to respond to Stanley Correctional for a drug-related incident. Incident under investigation.

2:38 p.m.

Stanley Police conducted a travc stop for non-registration of auto. Driver was issued written warnings for non-registration and no insurance. Driver was advised that he could register the vehicle at the police department and provided 20 days for corrective action.

2:59 p.m. Stanley Police observed a motorcycle with its hazard lights on stopped on the side of the road. Contact was made and the operator stated he stopped to use his phone.

3:26 p.m. Stanley police were requested for a disabled vehicle left in the roadway. Unable to contact owner and vehicle was towed to Corner Auto Body.

4:07 p.m. Stanley Police were requested at a Stanley residence for a stand-by while property was removed. Property removed without incident.

May 30 1:18 p.m. Assistance was provided to the Clark County Sheriu's Department as request ed with a one-vehicle crash on Nyes Road.

4:05 p.m. Ovcer was requested to check on a vehicle near the 600 block of North Rose Street in Boyd that had been parked along the roadside for over an hour. Contact was made with the vehicle owner who was experiencing mechanical issues. Vehicle was towed by a bystander to the residence a short distance away.

4:19 p.m. A travc stop was conducted on a ve hicle for a moving violation. Divya-Teja Telu, age 26, was cited for traveling 90 miles per hour in a 65 mile per hour speed zone.

May 31 3:18 a.m. Ovcer assisted Clark County Deputy on a check person complaint in the City of Thorp, providing assistance until no longer needed.

10:51 a.m. Assistance provided to the Chippewa County Sheriu's Department as request ed with a matter related to a young person. Assistance was provided as needed.

6:18 p.m. Vehicle lockout. Waiver form filled out and the vehicle was unlocked without incident.

9:36 p.m. EMS call for a child having trouble breathing. Stood by until no longer needed.

June 1 4:01 a.m. Check person complaint in Boyd. Upon arrival the caller did not see who was making threats outside his apartment but suspected it was another tenant. Matter deemed unfounded.

10:16 a.m. Stanley Police received a theft company from the 500 block of East Murray Street. Theft documented. Report to follow.

11:22 a.m.

Stanley Police were requested for an erratic vehicle on State Highway 29 eastbound. Vehicle was located and while following the vehicle the driving was OK.

11:39 a.m.

Stanley Police conducted a travc stop. Operator of the vehicle, Stuart Heier, age 56, was cited for passing into oncoming travc and seatbelt violation. Report to follow. 12:13 p.m.

Stanley Police received a travc com plaint of a blue Chevrolet Impala traveling at varying speeds of 60 to 80 miles per hour eastbound on Highway 29. Area was checked and no vehicle matching the description was located. No report.

3:48 p.m. Stanley Police observed a vehicle traveling faster than the posted speed limit of 25 miles per hour. Vehicle was stopped and the operator, Kyra White, age 30, was cited for speed, operating while suspended and no insurance. Report to follow.

4:08 p.m. Stanley Police observed a vehicle being operated by a person known to not have a driver’s license. Vehicle was stopped and the operator, Daniel White, age 32, was cited for operating while suspended and no insurance. 4:12 p.m.

Stanley Police were requested for a civil stand-by while personal property was removed from a residence. Property removed without incident.

10:40 p.m. Police were requested for a barking dog complaint.

June 2 3:19 a.m. Police were requested for a miscellaneous complaint. 3:59 a.m. Police were requested for an EMS call in Boyd. 4:38 a.m.

Police were requested for a barking dog complaint.

8:25 p.m. Stanley Police were requested for a business alarm at Ascension’s hospital. Stau later contacted the Chippewa Coun – ty Sheriu's Ovce and advised the alarm was accidentally pressed. Ovcer arrived on scene, spoke to stau, and determined everything was ok. June 3 12:24 a.m. EMS call for a woman who had fallen and was currently bleeding.

8:04 a.m. Theft complaint. Still gathering. 1:31 p.m. Dog at large complaint. Owner was identified and boarding fee collected.

5:03 p.m. Harassment complaint. Still gathering. 6:59 p.m. Police responded to a complaint of nude swimmers at Chapman Park. Tyler Vinton, age 28, was cited for public indecency.

9:55 p.m.

Police conducted a travc stop for a moving violation. Driver was warned.

11:40 p.m. Police conducted travc stop for a moving violation. The driver, Lindsey R. Jorgensen, age 31, was cited for non-registration of auto and operate motor vehicle without insurance.

June 4 2:05 a.m. Police conducted a travc stop for a moving violation. The driver was warned.

3:17 a.m. Police responded to an anonymous travc complaint. The area was checked thoroughly and no issues were located.

3:59 a.m.

Police responded to a travc complaint on Highway 29 westbound. Unable to locate.

8:11 a.m.

Group Home Client walked away from a home in north Stanley in the early morning hours. A coordinated euort be tween Stanley Fire/First Responders and assisting local area law enforcement began checking the area near the home. The client was located sitting in a grassy area ou the road at 10th Avenue and Broad way Street. The client was taken to Aspirus Hospital for medical evaluation. No foul play contributed to the client leaving the home.

1:28 a.m. Another unfounded complaint of harassment from a Boyd apartment resident. The caller advised that he had heard people talking about him through an open window and how they don’t like him. No threatening language or harassing statements were spoken directly to the complainant.

3:28 p.m.

Minor verbal altercation at Chapman Park Campground. Ovcer spoke to the two adults who advised that their respective children were playing rough with each other which resulted in a parent shouting at the kids and at each other. As a result the children were separated. Both adults counseled on how to address the matter diuerently in the future to avoid any potential disorderly conduct violation. Parties separated as one family left the campground.

9:37 p.m. Police conducted a travc stop for a moving violation. A young person was cited for operating without a valid driver’s license.

June 5 1:09 a.m. Police conducted a travc stop for a moving violation. Kelli A. Shilts, age 20, was arrested and cited for OWI 1st and speeding.

1:23 a.m. Emergency Detention under Chapter 51 of Wisconsin state law. Report to follow.

10:39 a.m.

A woman requested to speak with an ovcer regarding some civil issues concerning property and living arrangements following a breakup. It was also discussed to have an ovcer present while property was removed from a shared residence due to safety concerns. The woman was provided information and some options to safely retrieve property without causing any issues. Follow-up later in the day revealed that the woman was able to safely retrieve her property and law enforcement was no longer needed.

11:51 p.m. Ovcer responded for a vehicle lock out but upon arrival was advised that he was no longer needed.

1:37 p.m. Vehicle lockout requested in the 100 block of Pine Street but no one was home after knocking on the door. Phone call attempted but no answer. 2:44 p.m.

Stanley Police responded to a two-vehicle accident with injury and road blockage at Highway 29 westbound and Coun- ty Highway G. Ovcer assisted as needed until no longer needed. 6:09 p.m.

Police responded to a vehicle lockout request. Vehicle lockout form was completed and the vehicle was opened without issue.