Second layer of asphalt delayed for Second Street

Council appoints new Water Operator in Charge

By Danielle Boos
Posted 6/25/24

After uncooperative weather caused multiple delays, crews were hard at work applying the first layer of asphalt on Second Avenue on June 21st. At the June 17th Stanley City Council meeting, …

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Second layer of asphalt delayed for Second Street

Council appoints new Water Operator in Charge


After uncooperative weather caused multiple delays, crews were hard at work applying the first layer of asphalt on Second Avenue on June 21st. At the June 17th Stanley City Council meeting, Alderperson Mark Fitzsimmons recommended waiting until 2025 for the second mat of asphalt to be installed on Second Avenue to the approval of the council members
“Is there some benefit to waiting?” questioned Alderperson Jason Meyer.
Fitzsimmons answered that generally the past practice is to apply the first layer, go through a frost season and then apply the final top mat. Mayor Mike Henke stated that waiting will not affect the grant for the project. “Hopefully should have got enough moisture, enough rain to settle it this year,” remarked Fitzsimmons.
The council entered into closed session before voting to promote Dan Demske to Water Operator in charge with a one-year probation and quarterly reviews. City employees in the Wastewater, Water and Streets Departments received a wage increase based on experience, position and tenure with some increases being implemented after employees undergo specific training. The council, with Alderperson Jacob Huff absent, unanimously approved the promotion and personnel wage changes.
The council voted to have Water Department personnel finish changing out the water meters for all the remaining water meters other than Ace Ethanol and the Stanley Correctional Institution at a price of $52,670. Henke stated that having the new meters installed will speed up the process of reading the water meters.

In other news
The City of Stanley has entered into an agreement for professional services with Ayres and Associates for the rehabilitation of the Central Water Plant and Well #3.