Stanley Lions welcome new member at Oct. 10 meeting

Posted 10/11/22

Meeting on Monday, October 10, at Debbie’s on Broadway, the Stanley Lions in attendance had a jam packed agenda of items to cover. New Lion Doug Dahl was introduced and it was noted that he was …

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Stanley Lions welcome new member at Oct. 10 meeting


Meeting on Monday, October 10, at Debbie’s on Broadway, the Stanley Lions in attendance had a jam packed agenda of items to cover. New Lion Doug Dahl was introduced and it was noted that he was being sponsored by Lion Dave Winkler. Dahl is the new owner/operator of the Curve Inn Bar and Grill and he was warmly welcomed.

After Lion Secretary Lorena Mc Loone and Treasurer Jerry Dirkes’ reports, old business was reviewed..

Lion Gary Krueger reported that four Lions members, seven Boy Scouts and two Scout Leaders cleaned the Lions two mile segment of Highway 29 east of Stanley, Sunday, September 18. With the good turnout of helpers this community service project was completed with good speed. Lions Jim Jones reported on the Cheese Curd Stand operated on September 24- 25, during the Stanley Fall Festival. Lion Jones was pleased with the response of the volunteers helpers and Lion Dirkes reported that even with the poor weather the project still was a financial suc cess. Lions Jones reported that the Lions continue to collect plastic and that the Lions are well on the way towards having enough for another bench made from recycled plastic. Lion Jones also gave an overview of the work being done on the Stanley Community Bike Path. This fall will see some of the path developed on school property and plans are being developed to submit a grant application for a segment of trail that would help with bike safety to and from school. There have been impediments, but they are being worked on. A report from Lions Zscherntz and Dirkes indicated the AED, that is being purchased by the Lions for placement in the new Stanley Community Building, has been ordered with the expectation it will be delivered soon.

In the category of new businesses, the Sunset Homes Brat Supper and Bingo will be held on October 17, at 5 pm with Lions Norm Christianson and Dirkes providing the leadership. The Trunk or Treat event being held at Courtesy Ford on Saturday, October 29, will be chaired by Lion John Pozdell, who indicated all arrangements are made. Lion Dave Winkler indicated that with the beginning of bow season the Lions collection of deer hides has begun. He recently placed the collection basket near the Car Wash at the Express Mart, 401 S. Broadway. It is hoped that successful hunters will again donate hides to a good cause. Hides collected by Lions Clubs throughout the state of Wisconsin last year yielded over $87,000, which allows people with challenges to attend Lions Camp Rosholt free of charge. Arrangements are being made for the Lions to again participate in the Chapman Park Benefit being held on Saturday, November 12. Several announcements regarding the Lions and this event will be forthcoming.

In other business, tickets for the Lions Annual Christmas Raffle were distributed by Lion Winkler. Only 500 tickets are sold at $10 each, and cash prizes are awarded each day from December 1-24. Lions members have tickets for anyone interested in purchasing one. Lion Christianson announced that Lions are needed to help supervise student workers during the 19th Annual Make-A-Difference-Day being held on Saturday, October 22. Volunteers will be working to help senior citizens with yard work. Leadership of this event is by the Stanley-Boyd School Student Council.

Besides new business, several future service projects were announced. Lion Duane Booth reported that the Spirit of Christmas distribution will take place on Saturday, December 17. Lions will be transporting the gifts from the former Stillson School – Chippewa Falls and distributing them from 10 am to 1 pm at the Stanley Community Building.

This Chippewa County Project was previously voted $400 from the Stanley Lions.

It was announced that President Dave Jankoski and Lion Treasurer Dirkes will be attending a Zone Meeting at Cadott on Tuesday, October 11. Lions Jankoski and Dirkes reported on the 50th Anniversary of the Lake Holcombe Lions Club held on Saturday, October 8. Five Lions and one spouse attended the large gathering. Two Stanley Lions and their spouses will be attending the Cadott Lions 75th Anniversary Celebration on Saturday, October 22.

Before adjourning Lion Christianson was announced as the attendance drawing winner. He was present to collect the winning.

The next meeting will be on November 14 at Debbie’s on Broadway.