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Posted 8/3/22

Name: Daniel R. Marcon Jr Age: 49 Education/Experience: 1990-Birchwood, High School Diploma 1990-1993-US Navy (Desert Storm) 1993-1995-CVTC Associates (Police Studies) 1995-2000-Personal Protective …

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Name: Daniel R. Marcon Jr

Age: 49


1990-Birchwood, High School Diploma 1990-1993-US Navy (Desert Storm) 1993-1995-CVTC Associates (Police Studies) 1995-2000-Personal Protective Security (Bodyguard) 2000-2014-Wisconsin Depart- ment of Corrections 2014-Present-Owner/Operator of Marc-On Shooting Range Why Dan Marcon?

Ovce Sought: Chippewa Coun ty Sheriu I am running to be Chippewa County's first Constitutional Sheriu. I believe in our US and Wisconsin Constitutions and I will uphold the oaths that I have been sworn to de – fend until the day I die. I believe that the Sheriu of any County is the last line of defense against government overreach and is elected to stop any and all trampling of citizens’ God given rights.

At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the government attempt ed to shut my business down and I know if my business were shut down, Marc-On Shooting would not have survived. Many small busi- ness owners in the area were forced to shut down and took a huge per – sonal loss or did not survive at all.

This was a travesty and should have never been allowed to happen and if elected, I will never allow it to hap –

pen again.

The time I spent with the US Navy, Wisconsin Department of Corrections and Personal Protective work prove that I have the experi- ence, knowledge and skills neces – sary to lead the men and women of the Chippewa County Sheriu's Department. The experience I bring to the table from starting a multi-mil- lion dollar business from the ground

up has given me the skillset of man – aging budgets, problem solving and managing employees in a dynamic and changing environment. These are all necessary qualities of a good leader and Sheriu.

The Sheriu of any county is the last line of defense for citizens’ rights. If the federal government were to order a gun confiscation, the Sheriu (under constitutional powers) has the ability to stop the federal agency from doing so. In 2020, we saw our current Sheriu take a neutral stance (his words) and allow the unelected ovcials from the Health Department to shut down business- es. He basically gave his constitu tionally given Sheriu powers to the Health Department and he had no right to do that. I am the only candi – date in this race that is running to be a Constitutional Sheriu, though all Sheriu's should be. If elected, I will work with the County Government to remove all ballot drop boxes left in the county that were deemed illegal in a recent ruling by the Wisconsin Supreme Court. I believe our elections are a sacred right given to all US Citizens and after the 2020 election, even the appearance that the law is not be – ing followed can make citizens lose faith in the election process.

I will also join the call with the Racine County Sheriu and assist in any way possible with an investi gation into the Wisconsin My Vote system. It was recently brought to light that an individual can request another individual’s ballot and have it mailed to a diuerent address without showing ID through the My Vote system. I recognized most Sherius have not been involved in any of the allegations of election fraud, but they should be because it is their constitutional duty to uphold and defend the rights of the citizens of their respective county. Name: Travis C. Hakes Age: 35 Educational Background: Bloomer High School, CVTC As sociate Degree in Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement Academy, at least 24 hours of continuing education every year since 2007 including: New Chief's and Sheriu's training, Certified Crisis Negotiations, Instructor courses, leadership development, trauma informed care, evidence technician, and various other areas of law enforcement.

Other relevant background infor –

mation: See below Ovce Sought: Chippewa County Sheriu Why Travis Hakes? I’m asking for your vote on August 9th be –

cause I care about the public safe ty in your communities. My family has been in Chippewa County since the mid-1800s and we'll be here for many generations to come. I have been a Chief of Police where I bal- anced a budget, hired employees, wrote grants for equipment, and had a wonderful working relationship with the community. I have been in law enforcement in our area since 2006, and on patrol since 2007. My career and law enforcement certifications make me qualified to be your next Sheriu. My various leadership roles outside law enforcement, in clude being the Chapter President for Pheasants Forever, which I was named Conservationist of the Year in 2022. I have always maintained multiple jobs at a time, including in agriculture. My leadership, certified experience, and positive history of hard work will show you that I will be more concerned about the public safety of our community than I am a title and collecting a paycheck. If you trust me with your vote, I will earn it every single day I am in of fice.

Name: Christopher Kowaczyk Age: 53

Educational Background:

Chippewa Valley Technical Col –


Other relevant background information: 34 years of law enforcement experience

Why Chris Kowalczyk?

Ovce Sought: Chippewa County Sheriu As I interact with our commu – nity I am often asked why I should be the candidate elected the next Sheriu of Chippewa County. Ex- perience, training and community trust accelerates me to be the best choice in the November 8th elec- tion. I believe success requires having an open mind, dedication and the right attitude, all of which I bring to the table.

As a Stanley-Boyd graduate, I grew up in a small community and learned early on the values of hon – esty, ethics and hard work. Being the youngest of eight children, I witnessed the struggles and suc – cess of my parents, who are both incredible individuals. I later mar – ried and became a father of two amazing daughters. The balance of family and career is demanding, but the passion for both keeps me energized. This energy should flow from leadership to all employees in our agency and I will strive to make that happen.

As a captain of the 1986 Stanley-Boyd High School state runner-up football team, I was bless- ed to have been coached by two Hall of Fame coaches, Coach Jim Brinker and the late Coach Lee Laflamme, who mentored and in- spired countless young athletes to become leaders for the future.

Team was preached, thus many successful football seasons and later on careers for those athletes came about. I will continue that team approach, which will provide a framework for planning, prob – lem solving and decision making to better serve the citizens of Chip – pewa County.

Two large issues that I believe lead to crime are mental health and drug use. I will coordinate with mental health communities and continue to provide opportuni ties to educate and train our stau to euectively interact with anyone in crisis. I look forward to aiding new strategies to combat drug is – sues, property crimes and other crimes against our community. As those who I have met as victims in criminal investigations would know, my door is open and I wel – come new ideas to help those not only victimized by crime, but also those who want to make our com –

munity safer.