The Candidates Speak! James “Jimmy Boy” Edming

Posted 11/1/22

Name: James “Jimmy Boy” Edming Age: 76 Office Sought: State Representative for the 87th Assembly District Educational Background: Graduate of Flambeau High School in 1964 and Teacher’s …

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The Candidates Speak! James “Jimmy Boy” Edming


Name: James “Jimmy Boy” Edming

Age: 76

Office Sought: State Representative for the 87th Assembly District

Educational Background: Graduate of Flambeau High School in 1964 and Teacher’s Certificate from Taylor County Teacher’s College in 1967.

Other relevant background information: After teaching for five years at Osseo-Fairchild, I became an entrepreneur and the owner of several successful small businesses including Edming Oil in Glen Flora which I still operate with my wife Marty to this day.

Why James Edming for State Assembly District 87?

Since my first election as your Representative, I’ve helped deliver billions in tax relief, defended and expanded 2nd Amendment rights, helped protect the unborn, strengthened laws to hold criminals accountable, empowered parents, stopped Governor Evers’ leftwing agenda and so much more. I want to continue serving you in Madison because I am ready to work with the Republican governor that Wisconsin will hopefully elect this fall to continue our work passing conservative reforms.

Serving the people of the 87th Assembly District is the best job I’ve ever had. I’m running again because my job isn’t done yet. Governor Evers’ veto pen stopped a lot of good policies and reforms the last four years. From nearly two dozen election integrity bills to fix the election issues we found, to the Stronger Workforce package to help address our state’s workforce shortage, to an expansion of our statewide school choice program.

All vetoed by the governor.

Even with these setbacks, I was still able to deliver on important priorities for the people of the 87

th District. When local officials in Rusk County needed help to clean up the hazardous waste left behind by 5R Processors, I worked with Senator Petrowski to pass a law to get it done. When Governor Evers tried to pass a $1 billion in tax increases and automatic increases in the gas tax, my colleagues and I in the Legislature stopped it, and instead delivered over $3 billion in tax relief.

I’ve also had success advocating for our veterans and active-duty service members. Legislation I authored to eliminate the state income tax on active-duty military pay was incorporated into the budget and is now law. I authored another bill that will help ensure active-duty service members and their families aren’t stuck paying out-of-state tuition when they have to relocate outside of Wisconsin due to their military service. I am proud to say that because of my efforts to support our veterans I was named the VFW-Department of Wisconsin’s 2021 Legislator of the Year.

Since- my- first- day- in- officeD- my- top- priority- is- to- bea voice for folks across the 87th District. I have a proven track record for getting things done for the Northwoods and the people I represent. I humbly ask for your vote on November 8th so I can continue working for you.