The Library Director’s Report

Posted 10/18/22

with D. R. Moon Memorial Library Director Elizabeth Miniatt Happy October and welcome back to our monthly library column. The library board meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 5PM in the …

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The Library Director’s Report


with D. R. Moon Memorial Library Director Elizabeth Miniatt

Happy October and welcome back to our monthly library column. The library board meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 5PM in the lower level of the library. The meetings are open to the public and all are welcome to attend. If you’re un- able to make it to the meeting you can find all the latest news and updates that I share with the library board each month here.

I want to start off with a heartfelt thank you to everyone, particularly all our volunteers and donors, who helped make our building fundraiser on the 1st a success. We sold around 60 pizzas as well as many items and baskets in the silent auction, with proceeds totaling just over $2000. The family of Peggy Dalberto, our Friends of the Library, the Stanley Correction Institution, and Ele’s Flowers all contributed towards the silent auction baskets and items and the cost for pizza ingredients was covered through generous donations from Citizen’s State Bank, Forward Bank, and Thrivent. Tables and chairs were lent by Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, and the pizza production was accomplished by Peggy’s daughters, Amanda and Brandy, and their families. Thank you to everyone who contributed their time, funds, and effort to making our Pizza Party for a Cause possible!

The pumpkin painting contest is back by popular demand! Paint a pumpkin to look like your favorite character in a book and bring it to the library before Halloween for a free book and chance to win a prize! Other programs this month include the Creative Writing Guilds for teens and adults on October 25th, Storytime on the 21st, Play & Learn on the 24th, and Girls Who Code club on the 26th. Our book club is currently reading Into the Wild and will meet on November 3rd. It’s National Friends of the Library Week! The library fact for this month is regarding the work our wonderful Friends group has accomplished. Over the past year, the Friends have collectively volunteered an estimated 575 hours to help the library reach the community through events, programs, and more. In that time, they have helped raise thousands of dollars for the library through events, most notably our spring book sale and fall pizza fundraiser. In addition, the Friends group has helped with library upkeep, including cleaning and decorating, which has helped our library look the best year-round! We are so thankful for our dedicated Friends this week and throughout the year. If you are interested in getting involved with the great work done by our Friends group, we are always ready to welcome new friends!

The personal library of Cheryl Kern-Simirenko has been generously donated to the library and we only have space to add a few items to the collection. The rest of the hundreds of books Cheryl collected will be put into an autumn library sale to benefit the building fund. The sale will be here at the library on November 8th-11th from 10AM to 6PM.

The library is open for you Monday through Friday from 10AM-6PM. Come in any time to use the computers, find a book or movie, borrow a Wi-Fi hotspot or iPad, or use our printer to fax, scan, and copy. We are also offering curbside pick-up to those who wish to use that option and home delivery for the elderly and home-bound. See you at Trunk or Treat on the 29th!