Village approves Christmas light purchase


The village of Boyd will soon have more new Christmas lights, the cost split four ways.
With motion by Casey Dorn seconded by Dale Isaacs, the Boyd Village Board approved purchase of 27 new Christmas lights, phrasing out the banners of past years. Approval comes with the understanding that the village will share cost four ways with the Lions, Legion, and Chamber. Still there was one thing lights couldn’t fix, at least this year.
“It would have looked a lot more Christmas-y if it had snowed,” Bob LaMarche said.
With little reported in department reports and spring clean up for Village of Boyd residents the second weekend in May, the fire board was considering a new purchase or two.
“It’s not definite yet, but we’re buying new airpacks,” Bob Geist reported of the fire board. With less snow and heightened fire risk, that might not be a bad idea.