10 Years Ago June 16, ….

Posted 6/16/21

10 Years Ago June 16, 2011 FAITH & SPIRITUALITY Built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the Chief cornerstone Thoughts from a Pastor’s Heart By Pastor …

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10 Years Ago June 16, ….


10 Years Ago June 16, 2011

FAITH & SPIRITUALITY Built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the Chief cornerstone Thoughts from a Pastor’s Heart By Pastor Ruth Tetzlaff, Remnant Church of God Dear Believer, I would like to continue with the subject of truth. A lot of believers are dealing with the question: what exactly is the unpardonable sin? Many believers are afraid that they have committed it. We want to deal with this subject today… ”In Matthew 12:31-32 HE tells us what the unpardonable sin is. “Wherefore I say unto you, all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the HOLY GHOST shall not be forgiven unto men.

And whosoever speaks a word against the son of man shall be forgiven him; but whosoever speaks against the HOLY GHOST, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.” It is the sin against the HOLY SPIRT that is not forgiven…(Note: The Didache, an early manual of Christian teaching and belief from the first century, has

more to say on this subject. Discussing the “Two Ways” along with many other topics, it was originally entitled “The Lord’s Teaching to the Nations Through the Twelve Apostles,” being discovered intact and in manuscript form in Turkey, in the 1800s).

Page 2 Ad: Stanley Rodeo Days June 17-19, 2011 Father’s Day Weekend in Stanley One Day: Adult tickets, $12 ADV – $17 gate; Child Tickets Good For 2 Days; Family Tickets (2 adults, 3 children) $30 ADV – $40 Gate Two Day: Adult Tickets $18 ADV – $24 Gate; Child Tickets $6 ADV – $10 Gate; Family Tickets (2 adults, 3 children) 1-Day Only Advance ticket sales: www. stanleyrodeo.com 20 Years Ago June 14, 2001 Alison Knar Named Miss Stanley 2001 At Steamer Days On Thursday Night (photo with Miss Stanley court) A Hornet In The Bird’s Next By David A. Boyea Wow, what a weekend! Though it did rain once and awhile, good weather prevailed at this year’s Stanley Steamer Days.

Steamer Days was the main event this weekend, but another event also took place. I’m referring to, or so I’ve heard, the first appearance

of Alice in Dairyland in the city of Stanley. She was on hand for the Stanley-Boyd FFA Alumni’s annual dairy promotion. If it is true that this was the first visit by Alice,

then it’s taken about 54 years for her to show up.

I was unable to attend the Friday and Saturday musical performances, but from what I heard many people did attend, and had a really good time, And if you attended Sunday’s festivities, you know that Chapman Park was filled with

people and that parking was scarce.

Saturday saw the return of the rope pull. Quite a few teams got involved, and it could be seen that the participants, along with the crowd, had a great time at the event.

30 Years Ago June 13, 1991 Pregnant and Worried? Nowhere to turn? We care and we are here to help! 715-8345254 (www.applepcc.org).

40 Years Ago June 11, 1981 Marriages Announced: Connie Wagner to Gregory Ryba on May 2nd at Owen; Patricia Hatfield to Keith

Oldham on May 16 at Thorp; Mr. And Mrs. Bruce Valk, write up in June 4 issue; Debra Beighly to Cassie (man’s name) Scheidler on May 23 at Our Savior’s Lutheran.

50 Years Ago June 10, 1971 SCOOTING AROUND STANLEY WITH JOE (Fazendin) Well – I certainly had a short vacation with my column, but this week I find

I have some things I must mention, so I’ll try and put the scooter to rest shortly.

This week I would again like to welcome to our staff of correspondents Mrs. Gilbert Brown, who has taken over the Otter Lake & Brownville News from Mrs. Dale Fredrickson. Mrs. Fredrickson was unable to continue as our correspondent.

Even though it did take me a while, we again have our standby mailbox up. So if you have something that you wish to have put in the paper, and it’s during a time that we are closed, just put it in the mailbox. We much prefer that you use the mailbox rather than slipping it under the door. It’s much safer that way and won’t be accidentally stepped on.

60 Years Ago June 1, 1961 FIREMEN QUENCH BRUSH FIRE Stanley firemen were

called out at three o’clock Friday afternoon to quench a

brush fire which had broken

out on property owned by Jeff Frazee, just east of Chapman lake.

Quick work by the firemen kept the fire confined to an area of about 100 square yards

(about two football fields).

70 Years Ago June 14, 1951

Walter Brovald talks tribute in ‘Your Editor Gets Behind the 8-Ball’: From the Thorp Courier comes this tribute to volunteer fire men

– a tribute which serves as well for Stanley volunteer

firefighters: 'It takes a special

kind of slap-happy individual

to be a volunteer fireman. A fireman ruins bucks worth of

clothing, catching pneumonia and suffers the tortures of the damned, for which he gets a few bucks from the city council, plus a lot of free advice about how he could have put out the fire in half

the time. It doesn’t make much sense. But if it weren’t for the impractical souls who risk their necks and ruin their wardrobes without much reward, cities like ours would have burned to the ground many times.

Members of the local crew are Ira Fisher (chief), Paul Zais, Lars Solie, George Thorpe, Charley Oas, John Baldeschwiler, Fred Zais, Art Jacobson, Art Solie, Lud Berseth, Joe Peterson, and Mel Steivang. The boys get two dollars per drill (once a month) and two dollars for the first hour on a fire call,

one buck per hour after that. They’ve been getting those wages since April 1, when the council granted them a pay raise. Chief Fisher, appearing before the council around that time told of some of the personal property losses and clothing damages suffered by the firemen. The council

suggested the department’s

holding a "fireman's ball" to

provide an insurance fund.

80 Years Ago June 20, 1941

A SILLY UTTERANCE Claude L. Wickard, President Roosevelt’s recently appointed Secretary of Agriculture recently advised the people of the United States to eat less cheese and less of other dairy products so that there might be a greater surplus to ship to England and the other embattled nations.

Mr. Wickard’s utterance shows a surprising lack of understanding of this nation’s resources. The State of Wisconsin, alone, is already producing half the cheese produced in the United States and could easily produce all the cheese that the people of the nation are now using, if a slightly more adequate price could be secured for it. Millions of gallons of Wisconsin milk are being poured down the drainage pipes which might easily be converted to cheese if the price was such as to warrant it. If cheese is all the nations need to keep them from starving, there is nothing to worry about. In this land of lush grasses, abundant herds and pure water with a climate specially adapted to the production of high-grade cheese and butter, there is no need that the people of this country cut down on their daily rations of butter… CCC OFFERS GOOD TRAINING FOR FARM YOUTHS Soil Conservation, Tree Planting and Truck Operation and Maintenance Proves Valuable on Farm.

Opportunity knocks at the door of the farm youth who is eligible for enrollment in the Civilian Conservation Corps as the training program of the Corps includes many phases of training that is of value to an enrollee after he returns to the farm… Elsewhere: The remaining 35 survivors of the wrecked ship Robin Moor, who had been missing since May 21, when the ship was sunk by a German submarine, were picked up by a British ship and brought to Capetown, last Monday. When picked up, they had been adrift 13 days. The rescue of the entire personnel of the crew and passengers, including some women and children, is considered miraculous. The crew of the submarine refused to give them aid after promising to do so. There are indications that this incident may precipitate the smouldering war between Germany and the U.S.

…And from California: A SHOW-DOWN ON STRIKE SITUATION Transportation Facing Its Greatest Responsibility. All Aid Asked.

(By J.E. Jones) WASHINGTON, D. C. June 16—Very likely President Roosevelt has never found anything harder in all of his official career than issuing an

order to the War Department to take over and break up the strike in the North American Aviation Company plant in California. The President, in his statement, referred to the friendly spirit of the administration toward labor unions….Attorney General Jackson accused the leaders of the strike with following “the Communist party line,” which he said “more nearly resembled an insurrection than a labor strike.” The public must not forget, complaining of the CIO, that its National president Phillip Murray and the executive board of the CIO demanded obedience to the President…but a few bad leaders continued to defy the authority of the President, and assured the strikers that they could depend upon the Government to protect their rights…The news from Washington indicates a shortage in the kind of ships that carry oil from the fields

in the Southwest to the East— and other questions relating to transportation over the highways and rails are being carefully studied in connection with the complicated affairs of today…The public always wants what it wants, and the government is not bashful in demanding what it finds necessary for defense

purposes, and that creates a situation where Mr. and Mrs. John Doe American and the Government must get together and reach an understanding. That is today’s technique in our National Capital.

90 Years Ago June 26, 1931 TAXES MAY BE PAID IN INSTALLMENTS AFTER THIS YEAR Progressives Save Small Loans Law. Legislature Wants Versailles Treaty Revised.

(Tiller News Service) MADISON, Wis., June 22—Special—Important changes made in congressional districts under the provisions of a bill submitted to the senate Friday by the joint committee on reapportionment will force a special election between Congressmen James A. Frear, of Hudson, (Tenth district) and Gerald Boileau, Wausau, (Eighth district).

Congressmen Frear and Boileau would be compelled to run for a newly created Ninth district, which is a conglomeration of counties taken from the present Eighth, Ninth and Tenth districts in the plan to eliminate one congressional district in accordance with the last federal census RAIN AND WIND DESTROY TREES AND BUILDINGS, FRIDAY Caswell and Shilts Barns Completely Wrecked. No lack of Moisture For Growing Crops A storm of cyclonic proportions struck this region about 5:30 P.M. last Friday night, coming from the west by northwest direction. The wind was especially violent south and west of here in the vicinity of Eau Claire and did considerable damage in the western part of the Town of Edson. The barn on the Sol Caswell farm was completely wrecked, one cow was killed. Two people in the basement of the barn narrowly escaped injury or death and the other cows were released from the barn wreckage with difficulty,

some of them being injured.

The large dairy barn on the Alvin Shilts farm was badly wrecked, the roof being carried to the highway nearby. Orchards were badly damaged as were buildings of Ibo Reit, Noah Mock, DeGoey, Hamman and Ritter. An aeroplane moored near the Noah Mock place was badly damaged.

The rainfall was very heavy all over this region and has been followed by other rain storms and there is no lack of moisture.

100 Years Ago June 17, 1921 FORD CAR WOULD HAVE CLEAR RIGHT-OFWAY A double collision occurred on Broadway Saturday afternoon in front of the Schultz Millinery store, when a Ford car driven by Dr. C. H. Erdman rammed into a Ford Coupe, owned by Mrs. Sarah Howard of Thorp and threw it half way across the sidewalk and passing on a little further where the rampant Ford struck the E. F. Burns car. Both cars were parked on the street and were unoccupied and as a result no one was hurt. The Doctor’s car suffered considerable damage as did also the Howard car, while the Burns car suffered but slightly. Dr. Erdman was hailed into Justice Court Monday morning and assessed $50 and costs for reckless driving.

110 Years Ago June 17, 1911 Baseball: Where, oh where are the fans. We have had three good games, but there was lots of vacant seats in the bleachers at the games. We note with pleasure though that the girls are coming out, which is about the only encouragement the management has had so far. Certainly the receipts haven’t caused a great amount of joy to Doc and Imbert.

Prominent obituary: John J. Jenkins of the Iron Brigade dead at Chippewa Falls. Born in Weymouth, England on August 20, 1843. Came to America and left home against his parent's wishes to fight

for Union in the Civil War at 17. Begged a portion of his schoolmates’ lunch to carry with him. Fought in Company A of the 6th Wisconsin Infantry. Reenlisted in 1864 at Culpepper, Virginia.

Returned to Baraboo after being discharged in 1865 for disability and appointed to bar, being self-taught in law. Appointed United States Attorney for the Territory of Wyoming by President Grant.

Later elected to Congress. Offered his resignation and services to the president when Spanish-American war began to seem likely. Last resting place at Forest Hill Cemetery in Chippewa Falls.

120 Years Ago June 15, 1901 Summer School The Chippewa County Summer School for 1901 will be held in Chippewa Falls, Wis., beginning Monday, July 1st, and continuing four weeks.

The work in the summer school will be continued by that of the institute. As the county teacher’s examination which is to follow will be largely based upon the work of the summer school and institute they will be of special interest to those who desire to teach in the county…Students are requested to bring their own textbooks. The work will be so arranged that uniformity of textbooks will be unnecessary.

Instructions will be given in all branches required for first, second, and third grade certificates, In addition to the branches now required

by law for certificates, the

last legislature passed a law providing that after July 1, 1902, all applicants for certificates must pass

examinations in the Manual of the Course of Study for Common Schools and in Agriculture. The additional branches of the second-grade certificate are American

literature and English composition. The term of the

certificate is extended from

two years to three years. The additional studies required

for a first grade certificate are

English literature and English

history. The term of first grade certificate is extended from four to five years. If possible, classes will be formed in two or more of the new branches.

Tuition for the term of 4 weeks will be $4.00, payable in advance.

Good board and room may be had at a low rate.

June 8, 1901

City Council Petitions: The following petitions was read and approved.

Stanley, Wis., May 21st, 1901 We, the undersigned, owners of lots on the east side of McKnight street and between First Avenue in the City of Stanley, Wisconsin, do respectfully petition your Honorable body to order the grading of said street for highway and sidewalk and the building of sidewalk according to the ordinances provided in said city along the east side of McKnight Street and between First and Second (Fourth) Avenue; and we do further represent that we are owners of a major part of the frontage of land on the east side of McKnight street and between First and Second (now Fourth) Avenue.

Dr. C. H. Erdman and others SNOWFALL ON LAKE MICHIGAN Boat Reaches Two Rivers with Decks Covered to Depth of an Inch.

Two Rivers, Wis., June 6.—[Special.]—The schooner Bert Barnes came in yesterday with her decks covered with snow to the depth of an inch. This is an unusual spectacle for the time of year in this section of the country.

Compiled by Joseph Back