10 Years Ago June 9, ….

Posted 6/9/21

10 Years Ago June 9, 2011 Badger Basketball Player proud of Stanley Roots By Daniel Williams Badger basketball captivates many around the state of Wisconsin and even around the country. The loyalty …

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10 Years Ago June 9, ….


10 Years Ago June 9, 2011

Badger Basketball Player proud of Stanley Roots By Daniel Williams Badger basketball captivates many around the state of Wisconsin and even around the country. The loyalty to the team, the pride of having a state team going onto the national stage, and having players from the thousands of small towns, all over Wisconsin makes the sport what it is. The small-town pride is evident in Stanley with the presence of Evan Anderson, who is preparing to hit the most important basketball court in the state.

Anderson was raised in Stanley and went through the Stanley-Boyd School District until his transfer to Eau Claire North his sophomore year. The fact that he is from Stanley runs through his veins and he is proud to have Stanley listed as his hometown on the Jumbo-Tron when he hits the court.

The story of Evan Anderson and his trajectory to the renowned basketball team, according to Anderson, starts back when he was in seventh grade. “When I was younger, around seventh grade, I traveled around the country to play basketball,” said Anderson. “That experience opened my eyes to larger cities and grew the love of the sport so much more.”

Anderson gave his intent to play for the Badgers back when he was a junior at North and completed his time at the Eau Claire school district and has just completed his freshman year at UW-Madison. For his first

year on the team, Anderson was redshirted, which means he didn’t play for the entire year and worked on skill and becoming more athletic to prepare for the coming years.

Devote yourself to Jesus most Sacred Heart this month By Daniel Williams June is the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (the “Sacred Heart” is a manifestation of God’s love for humanity). This year, the feast day lands on June 11, but Catholics dedicate the month to Christ’s most Sacred Heart. There are many ways to devote the month and ourselves during the month to the Sacred Heart. One way that I will be devoting my prayers to the Sacred Heart this month is through Adoration.

In my home parish of Thorp, there will be adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Jesus) from Tuesday morning until Thursday morning Mass.

I will be taking the early morning shift on Wednesday for one hour every week this month.

It is important for us to be mindful of Christ’s enduring love for us and let Him provide us with blessing and grace through an hour with him in Adoration. So, this month, find time to go to church

and devote your heart to the Sacred Heart. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us!

Blessed by Jesus Christ, now and forever!

20 Years Ago June 7, 2001 “As I See It” by JOE (Fazendin) Monday was a pretty good day for me as I became a grandpa again. My daughter Stacy and husband Mike Serocki had a baby girl born Monday afternoon at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Chippewa Falls.

Of course, one must see these newborns as soon as possible, so at about 6 p.m. my wife and myself drove to Chippewa Falls to see our new granddaughter.

30 Years Ago June 6, 1991 Ad: Congratulations To The American Dairy Industry For A Job Well Done Editor’s Letter: Farmer not allowed to put up sign addressing religious sentiments on his own land.

"I tried to find a legal way

but I was told I was breaking the law…When election time comes around the Hwy is cluttered with all kinds of signs to elect Obey, Zien, and others. All the signs are on private property and can be read clearly from the highway I don’t see the state rushing over to have those signs removed. But when a sign says ‘prevent truth decay read the Bible’ it is illegal…Our lawmakers sure know how to cover their bases”…why does God have to take a back seat to everyone else?…It seems to me this is not a separation of church and state but a separation of us from God…” Signed, Bill Raffetto 40 Years Ago June 4, 1981 Miss Boyd Candidates, with photos: Cindy Bourget, Karen Chirhart, Margaret Meadows, Jill Scholze, Carlene Willkom 50 Years Ago June 3, 1971 SCOOTING AROUND STANLEY WITH JOE (Fazendin) Well—we here at the Republican office sure have

had a hectic few weeks, with our move, trying to get settled and also this week’s quick issue. But, naturally, we have made it and hope to be completely settled in our new home this weekend.

We would like to welcome to our staff of correspondents, Mrs. Joe Miller, who has taken over the South Worden news from Mrs. Don Miller.

We are still looking for a correspondent in the Maple Hill area, so if you may be interested, please call our office for details.

This summer, as in the past summers, we here at the Republican will again take our annual vacation. We will print our July 8th issue early so we remind everyone that early copy will be needed for that issue and that we will be closed from July 5th to July 10th. Also, keep this in mind when placing your job printing orders.

With this week’s column, I will give my scooter a vacation for the summer and discontinue Scooting Around Stanley until Fall. This will also allow me a vacation for the summer.

60 Years Ago May 25, 1961 (photo) ROBERT BERCHEM, 19, escaped serious injury when his car, shown above, rolled over just east of Boyd early Friday morning. Boyd Bee photo.

Graduation Vocal Solo “Give Me Your Tired….” With Lyle Hakes 70 Years Ago June 7, 1951 Walter Brovald speaks in ‘Your Editor Gets Behind The 8-Ball’ Driving south of the city Tuesday evening, the wife and I saw a scene that’s the best advertisement in the world for Wisconsin — gently sloping green pastured, with twenty, thirty cows grazing peacefully.

Nothing like green fields, blue

skies, bright red barns, and white farm houses to bring contentment scurrying to your side.

80 Years Ago June 13, 1941 PRESIDENT FAVORS WATERWAY PROJECT New Waterway A Big Aid in Defense. Savings to Government would Pay Cost.

(Merlin Hull, M. C.) Washington, June 9—The president in a special message to Congress submitted his proposal for opening the St.

Lawrence waterway as a defense project…He stressed briefly the advantages of

opening new shipyard facilities remote from the dangers of those along the ocean coasts in the event of war, and the development of other national defense industries in the lakes region in view of what may be world conditions for a decade to come.

MINIATURE GOLF COURSE IS POPULAR PLAYGROUND A Tricky Course on Second Avenue Challenges Skill of Youthful Sportsmen One of the new features of amusement recently added to the community is the miniature golf course installed on second avenue.

This course, which was opened last Saturday, is owned by S. A. Christenson.

Mr. Christenson tells us that this course is one of the finest

90 Years Ago June 19, 1931

and in many ways the most

difficult of its kind. Par for

eighteen holes on this course is 39, a rather low par which has not yet been approached.

Although the course has been well patronized, we are informed that the lowest score made thus far is 57.

Mr. Christenson offers one free round to any one making the last hole in two strokes. He hopes to popularize his resort and get the people of the town interested in the game which he says offers recreation to all.

Almost 93 Years Ago September 14, 1928 THE RISE AND FALL OF ZIMMERMAN IS CAUSE OF COMMENT Another Riotous Session of the Legislature is Predicted. Democrats Hope.

By Maurice Coakley Politics is one of the most fascinating and at the same time deceiving games on earth. Wisconsin has recently seen a man rise to giddy heights of power, and for no apparent reason fall almost as quickly as he rose. In 1924 when he was running for Secretary of State, Fred R. Zimmerman polled 509,000 votes, the largest vote ever given to any candidate in the State of Wisconsin. In 1926, Mr. Zimmerman while running for governor received the largest plurality any candidate ever received against opposition. The Governor has been a record breaker, and in 1928 he broke another record—he had the distinction of receiving the smallest vote any candidate for reelection to the governorship ever rolled up.

People are surprised at the poor showing the Governor made. No one had advanced any reason why he should not have been re-elected. None of his opponents had any reasons to offer why he should not be given a second term. People are wondering what the cause of it all can be.

THE WOMANLESS WEDDING TO BE PRESENTED HERE “The Womanless Wedding,” a popular amateur entertainment will be staged here…on September 27 and 28, under the direction of a well-known producing company. It is said that 50 local business men will take parts and contribute to the fun. This particular entertainment has been staged in all parts of the country and has proven very popular.

100 Years Ago June 10, 1921 FORTY-SIX RECEIVED THEIR DIPLOMAS FRIDAY Commencement Week Came to Fitting Close with Graduation Exercises Norma M. Anderson, Ruth H. Anderson, Signe L. Brandsness, Arthur Milner Burgduff Jr., James G. Culbertson, Pauline E. Cummins, L. Elinor Edwardson, Harold B. Ellingson, Ethel Espenson, Florence M. Evison, Frances M. Fainter, Lawrence T. Gaffney, Lila M. Giese, Rhinhart F. Gruber, Content Guyer, Ovid C. Halmstad, Lucile Hanson, August W.

Hedberg, Frieda Higholt, Caroline E. Johnson, Jennie Johnson, Margaret A. Knar, Mabel A. Knutson, Anna L.

LaMarche, Chester W. Long, Madeline M. Manley, Esther L. Nagel, Nora F. Olson, Minnie M. Peterson, Wilfrid C. Pinter, Lenore Sargent, Edith A. Shideler, Martha Shorey, Myrtle J. Simenson, Esther M. Soderberg, Cora M.

Stai, Audrey Anna Salzman, Goldene A. Sterling, Russell R. Sterling, Viola Thorpe, Harold T. Reishus, Agnes A. Vanderloop, Arthur G.

Walsdorf, Henry A. Wang, Stella Warden, Frances Wrzosek, Madge Foster, Post Graduate, Teachers’ Training Department.

Above are the names of 46 young people who received the diploma of graduation from The Stanley High School on Friday evening of last week. The exercises took place as announced in the auditorium of the Norwegian Lutheran Church which by the way makes an ideal room for the purpose…Miss Frieda Higholt, President of the class took charge of the exercises and presenty Miss Edith Shideler, Salutatorian of the class, who discussed “The Progress of The Rural School” as follows: “It is both a pleasure and an honor to bid you welcome to our graduation exercises.

Commencement, as you know, it quite the biggest event that has come into our lives so far. It is the occasion for which we have worked through our four years of high school. It typifies for us the

termination of our lives as high school students and the beginning of whatever careers we may make for ourselves in this world of workers. We realize that your presence here is in the nature of a token of good will and good wishes toward us, and we thank you for them….Not only do we need better rural schools to make better citizens of our rural American children but we need them to Americanize foreign children, and indirectly, the older people. In this state especially, there are many foreign children in the rural districts. In the city, this problem does not rest entirely with the public school as much of this work is done by night schools and by people who work among the foreign population. In the country, the Americanization of both parents and children rests with the school, and how can this be accomplished when the school is a small, poorly kept building, taught by a poorly trained teacher.

The rural school began when the pilgrims settled in New England. They divided their territory into townships and in 1647, passed an ordinance, decreeing that as soon as there should be fifty families in a township,

one of their number should be appointed to teach all children, who should report to him, to read and write.

This was the beginning of the school district and was both the school and governmental unit. The school district, as we have it today, was incorporated in 1789 by Massachusetts… (Continued on page 2).

FATHER BYRNE O B S E R V E S ANNIVERSARY OF ORDINATION DeSales Advices, the St. Francis de Sales Parish Monthly of Hazel Green, edited by Father Felix A.

Byrne pastor of the parish, carries on the cover this month an excellent portrait of Father Byrne and announces the observance of the 25th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. Priestly orders were conferred upon Father Byrne in the chapel of Kenrick Seminary at St.

Louis, June 12, 1896 by Bishop…J. Keane, who once visited Father Byrne when he was pastor of St. Mary’s in this city. Father Byrne celebrated his first mass two days later at

the Church of the Immaculate Conception at Castle Grove, Iowa, Bishop Gorman preaching the sermon. Fifteen years of Father Byrne’s priesthood have been spent as a pastor and ten years as a missionary and he has served in widely different localities from coast to coast.

110 Years Ago June 10, 1911 FIGHT THE WORMS* Progressive League of This City Issues Warning and Instructions to Cucumber Growers ANNUAL MEETING HELD Considerable Interest Manifest at Annual Meeting of the Citizens Boosting Organization.

The annual meeting of the Progressive League of Stanley was held on Monday evening and there was very good attendance considering its more or less inert condition for the past year. All those who paid their subscriptions to the fund for the year after the last meeting were deemed members under provisions of the law governing corporations of this character, so contrary to expectations, many who came looking for trouble, went away satisfied

and happy… *The worms in question were called ‘cutworms’ and caused crop blight.

120 Years Ago June 1, 1901 From our Correspondents SWIM CREEK VALLEY Born to Mr. and Mrs. Nihart Friday the 23rd, a girl.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Mock and Ms. Beidleman spent Sunday at Pleasant Ridge at the home of Shep Green, who is dangerously ill.

Mr. Medland, Mr. Chapman and Mr. Switzer all of Stanley, were in the Valley Thursday, trout fishing. The number of

trout caught is too numerous to mention.

Compiled by Joseph Back